Pretty sure we judge each other worse than the shit in this thred and that a yuge part of this website is built on embracing low brow bullshit. Not a hill I'm going to die on one way or another though.
Not a fan of you creeps judging women. I realize I’m going to come off square commenting on this.
She didn’t ask for this by creating a Twitter and talking UW football. She’s not on there with a bunch of bikini shots.
I agree with you if we* are being serious in the judgements.
I didn’t think anything on this website was serious though. Except for our critiques of everything Husky football of course.
We judged the hell out of the girl Morris kissed... maybe I need to take a walk for some perspective but thought none of this commentary is actually real.
This picture looks nothing like her video to be honest. She’s fucking funny as hell. Besides she wants Jimmy fired yesterday. So yeah she’s MILF and fuck off
Not a fan of you creeps judging women. I realize I’m going to come off square commenting on this.
She didn’t ask for this by creating a Twitter and talking UW football. She’s not on there with a bunch of bikini shots.
I agree with you if we* are being serious in the judgements.
I didn’t think anything on this website was serious though. Except for our critiques of everything Husky football of course.
We judged the hell out of the girl Morris kissed... maybe I need to take a walk for some perspective but thought none of this commentary is actually real.
I avoided that thread. I personally don’t enjoy playing hot or not with a UW Twitter girl that probably checks all of these sites.
I agree that there wasn’t anything offensive and none of this actually offends me. Not much does. I was simply saying that to me, it’s kind of creepy.
Not a fan of you creeps judging women. I realize I’m going to come off square commenting on this.
She didn’t ask for this by creating a Twitter and talking UW football. She’s not on there with a bunch of bikini shots.
I agree with you if we* are being serious in the judgements.
I didn’t think anything on this website was serious though. Except for our critiques of everything Husky football of course.
We judged the hell out of the girl Morris kissed... maybe I need to take a walk for some perspective but thought none of this commentary is actually real.
I avoided that thread. I personally don’t enjoy playing hot or not with a UW Twitter girl that probably checks all of these sites.
Not a fan of you creeps judging women. I realize I’m going to come off square commenting on this.
She didn’t ask for this by creating a Twitter and talking UW football. She’s not on there with a bunch of bikini shots.
she opened herself up for critique by continually posting vids on a public forum. it’s not like she has great insight or wit, she only gets as much traffic because she’s a decent-ish looking lady talking husky football amongst a sea of basement-dwellers.
Not a fan of you creeps judging women. I realize I’m going to come off square commenting on this.
She didn’t ask for this by creating a Twitter and talking UW football. She’s not on there with a bunch of bikini shots.
she opened herself up for critique by continually posting vids on a public forum. it’s not like she has great insight or wit, she only gets as much traffic because she’s a decent-ish looking lady talking husky football amongst a sea of basement-dwellers.
Her material is neither original nor funny so I've never understood why she's retweeted, but I've assumed b/c she was someone's friend or because she's attractive on the Seattle curve. It's an interesting debate tho - does promoting yourself on a public forum justify public critique? It would for most people. Why wouldn't that apply here?
Not a fan of you creeps judging women. I realize I’m going to come off square commenting on this.
She didn’t ask for this by creating a Twitter and talking UW football. She’s not on there with a bunch of bikini shots.
I agree with you if we* are being serious in the judgements.
I didn’t think anything on this website was serious though. Except for our critiques of everything Husky football of course.
We judged the hell out of the girl Morris kissed... maybe I need to take a walk for some perspective but thought none of this commentary is actually real.
I avoided that thread. I personally don’t enjoy playing hot or not with a UW Twitter girl that probably checks all of these sites.
I agree that there wasn’t anything offensive and none of this actually offends me. Not much does. I was simply saying that to me, it’s kind of creepy.
Did your mom ever tell you that you are who you associate with?
You frequent this cesspool you creep. None of this “I’m only a partial piece of shit” whose taking the moral high road to ease your conscious BS.
This picture looks nothing like her video to be honest. She’s fucking funny as hell. Besides she wants Jimmy fired yesterday. So yeah she’s MILF and fuck off
Not a fan of you creeps judging women. I realize I’m going to come off square commenting on this.
She didn’t ask for this by creating a Twitter and talking UW football. She’s not on there with a bunch of bikini shots.
I agree with you if we* are being serious in the judgements.
I didn’t think anything on this website was serious though. Except for our critiques of everything Husky football of course.
We judged the hell out of the girl Morris kissed... maybe I need to take a walk for some perspective but thought none of this commentary is actually real.
I avoided that thread. I personally don’t enjoy playing hot or not with a UW Twitter girl that probably checks all of these sites.
I agree that there wasn’t anything offensive and none of this actually offends me. Not much does. I was simply saying that to me, it’s kind of creepy.
Not a fan of you creeps judging women. I realize I’m going to come off square commenting on this.
She didn’t ask for this by creating a Twitter and talking UW football. She’s not on there with a bunch of bikini shots.
she opened herself up for critique by continually posting vids on a public forum. it’s not like she has great insight or wit, she only gets as much traffic because she’s a decent-ish looking lady talking husky football amongst a sea of basement-dwellers.
Her material is neither original nor funny so I've never understood why she's retweeted, but I've assumed b/c she was someone's friend or because she's attractive on the Seattle curve. It's an interesting debate tho - does promoting yourself on a public forum justify public critique? It would for most people. Why wouldn't that apply here?
You just lost all credibility … she’s pretty popular on the Athletic scene. Here video on the PAC 12 conference meeting had over 4K likes and over 1k retweet’s and still growing. So I would suggest by twitter metrics your statement is pure bullshit
I didn’t think anything on this website was serious though. Except for our critiques of everything Husky football of course.
We judged the hell out of the girl Morris kissed... maybe I need to take a walk for some perspective but thought none of this commentary is actually real.
I agree that there wasn’t anything offensive and none of this actually offends me. Not much does. I was simply saying that to me, it’s kind of creepy.
No hard feelings Leah
Everything is fair game
You frequent this cesspool you creep. None of this “I’m only a partial piece of shit” whose taking the moral high road to ease your conscious BS.
That is this place (not judging, just stating nine years of observation)