Fuck off @TheKobeStopper with your ignorant, fake outrage. And feel free to stop by and talk to my wife about her family's life in the communist country they fled and what child labor really means. No doubt you'll stick to your ideological retardation, but you're clearly not scoring any points here.
No matter how badly you want it to be so, communism’s failure will not save capitalism.
Capitalism isn't failing Kobe, just people like you that can't make it work for themselves. Now about that spoon?
I think it’s fantastic when poor kids have the choice of working or not having clothes to wear.
I started working in my teens Kobe. We were not poor. My parents believed it built character. Yours obviously were not concerned about building any character in you. It shows.
Kobe with the self-own. Your side has handed out cash to keep people on their couches eating Doritos and drinking Mountain Dew.
FF joints are now forced to tap into another labor market. In the communist state of WA you’re not allowed to work until age 16. You think that’s a good thing.
Do you realize there are kids from less fortunate families that want to work and earn money to buy the things their parents can’t afford? Or even help the family finances?
Sometimes the shit you poast makes my brain hurt from the sheer stupidity. But it tells me also that you’re from a privileged place and have no connection to real world realities.
Do us all a favor Kobe, grow up.
Perhaps you forgot about when communist Donald Trump sent everyone checks. They even had his name on them.
Do you realize instead of children being forced to work to help support their families we could just make it so their parents are paid more?
I knew I could get you guys to support child labor, I just didn’t think it would be this easy.
You did not get us to support anything Kobe. We've relayed life experiences that instilled a work ethic. Hey Kobe, do you know why I went to college? So my kids would not have to help support me. Weird concept. Now if someone has to rely on their children to help out, I'm not going to belittle them. But I want to know why they've placed themselves in that situation. My kneejerk reaction isn't "capitalism bad". That's the simpletons way of making themselves feel better. Like you.
Equating part time jobs like working fast food, or for that matter babysitting, lifeguard, etc with 'child labor'. Nice work!
14 year old working at McDonalds isn’t child labor because it’s not a coal mine.
Kobe, is someone forcing them to work? Is McDonald's going into middle schools and rounding kids up to force them in front of a fryer? Sometimes you're just so stupid in you poast I almost wonder if you're trolling or just that childish. Which is it, Kobe?
FF joints are now forced to tap into another labor market. In the communist state of WA you’re not allowed to work until age 16. You think that’s a good thing.
Do you realize there are kids from less fortunate families that want to work and earn money to buy the things their parents can’t afford? Or even help the family finances?
Kobe with the self-own. Your side has handed out cash to keep people on their couches eating Doritos and drinking Mountain Dew.
FF joints are now forced to tap into another labor market. In the communist state of WA you’re not allowed to work until age 16. You think that’s a good thing.
Do you realize there are kids from less fortunate families that want to work and earn money to buy the things their parents can’t afford? Or even help the family finances?
Sometimes the shit you poast makes my brain hurt from the sheer stupidity. But it tells me also that you’re from a privileged place and have no connection to real world realities.
Do us all a favor Kobe, grow up.
As a kid I grew up picking strawberries, beans and cucumbers. All now illegal unless you are illegal.
Kobe with the self-own. Your side has handed out cash to keep people on their couches eating Doritos and drinking Mountain Dew.
FF joints are now forced to tap into another labor market. In the communist state of WA you’re not allowed to work until age 16. You think that’s a good thing.
Do you realize there are kids from less fortunate families that want to work and earn money to buy the things their parents can’t afford? Or even help the family finances?
Sometimes the shit you poast makes my brain hurt from the sheer stupidity. But it tells me also that you’re from a privileged place and have no connection to real world realities.
Do us all a favor Kobe, grow up.
As a kid I grew up picking strawberries, beans and cucumbers. All now illegal unless you are illegal.
I don't know what my mother would have done if it was illegal for me to work in grade school. I paid for my own clothes and running around money. We were expected to make money but only during the Summer. As is usual with the government, another poor overreach on child labor laws. Now we pay adults tons of welfare money and they work the grill at McDonalds and bitch that we aren't paying them enough. Socialism and the ever present safety net paid for by those who were responsible for themselves has created this mess we are in.
Kobe with the self-own. Your side has handed out cash to keep people on their couches eating Doritos and drinking Mountain Dew.
FF joints are now forced to tap into another labor market. In the communist state of WA you’re not allowed to work until age 16. You think that’s a good thing.
Do you realize there are kids from less fortunate families that want to work and earn money to buy the things their parents can’t afford? Or even help the family finances?
Sometimes the shit you poast makes my brain hurt from the sheer stupidity. But it tells me also that you’re from a privileged place and have no connection to real world realities.
Do us all a favor Kobe, grow up.
As a kid I grew up picking strawberries, beans and cucumbers. All now illegal unless you are illegal.
Same here. I've had a job since I was 13 and even before that I had a paper route when I was 10. What's wrong with having a job when you're 14 Kobe?
Kobe with the self-own. Your side has handed out cash to keep people on their couches eating Doritos and drinking Mountain Dew.
FF joints are now forced to tap into another labor market. In the communist state of WA you’re not allowed to work until age 16. You think that’s a good thing.
Do you realize there are kids from less fortunate families that want to work and earn money to buy the things their parents can’t afford? Or even help the family finances?
Sometimes the shit you poast makes my brain hurt from the sheer stupidity. But it tells me also that you’re from a privileged place and have no connection to real world realities.
Do us all a favor Kobe, grow up.
As a kid I grew up picking strawberries, beans and cucumbers. All now illegal unless you are illegal.
Likewise. I was in the bean fields as a grade schooler helping my mother. She came from farm stock and knew that hard work would not cause me great trauma later in life. I didn't realize I was a victim of child labor and the farmer down the road was the corporation abusing me when I was in my early teens. I hated it when I was received my first paycheck for my labor. Probably a dozen years before Kobe, if he's ever received one.
No one is advocating for child labor.
Kobe thinks if you learned the value of hard work at a young age, it was harmful. Imagine being this stupid. I can't. My kids got their work permits the minute they could, they wanted them a year earlier. I was proud of them. Too bad Kobe's parents were not thinking of his future. About that spoon Kobe?
Imagine how horrible Kobe must feel when he pulls into a FF and orders from a 16 y/o being forced in child labor so that he can enjoy some fries and a coke. Imagine how much work it requires to be a dumb as Kobe.
Every person in this thread, except Kobe, understands that in the history of the world Capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than anything tried in Kobe's utopia. Kobe's problem is jealousy and envy. He focuses on the Millionaires and Billionaires rather than himself and where he's at and where he wants to be. I've never given a rats ass about what someone has or how they got it. Doesn't even register on my radar. But I wasn't steeped in a Commie upbringing, apparently.
What’s the record for most posts by a single user on one page? Is it 8?
Spoon stuck in your mouth Kobe. A lot of stupid on your part needed addressing. I’m sure in your daily life your pearls of idiocy are lauded by your equally moronic friends.
Equating part time jobs like working fast food, or for that matter babysitting, lifeguard, etc with 'child labor'. Nice work!
14 year old working at McDonalds isn’t child labor because it’s not a coal mine.
Teenagers work. Been going on forever. All perfectly legal and supervised. I know you're stupid but you keep seeming dumber and I know that should be impossible.
I bought a stereo
Led Zeppelin 3
Keep flailing away commie. Nobody wants your utopia
Imagine how horrible Kobe must feel when he pulls into a FF and orders from a 16 y/o being forced in child labor so that he can enjoy some fries and a coke. Imagine how much work it requires to be a dumb as Kobe.
It’s fucking McDonalds.
If you’re 30 and you work there, I don’t know what to tell you.
I expect America to be capitalist for my entire life and that’s okay. And yes, capitalism is one of the reasons I’m afforded the ability to say that.