You do realize that it's your beloved administration and its policies causing increasing wealth disparity, labor and supply shortages, and inflation, right?
Sounds like Biden really ought to do something about child labor, supply chain problems and the wealth gap. I guess we should add it to border fiasco, runaway inflation, clumsy Afghanistan withdrawal, and all the people he has murdered with Covid as things he seems incapable of not fucking up.
Sounds like you have high standards for the economic system you hate that has provided you the ability to be a lazy dumbfuck, and low standards for what you want to replace it with, that has done nothing good. It's time to put away childish things.
Kobe with the self-own. Your side has handed out cash to keep people on their couches eating Doritos and drinking Mountain Dew.
FF joints are now forced to tap into another labor market. In the communist state of WA you’re not allowed to work until age 16. You think that’s a good thing.
Do you realize there are kids from less fortunate families that want to work and earn money to buy the things their parents can’t afford? Or even help the family finances?
Sometimes the shit you poast makes my brain hurt from the sheer stupidity. But it tells me also that you’re from a privileged place and have no connection to real world realities.
Kobe with the self-own. Your side has handed out cash to keep people on their couches eating Doritos and drinking Mountain Dew.
FF joints are now forced to tap into another labor market. In the communist state of WA you’re not allowed to work until age 16. You think that’s a good thing.
Do you realize there are kids from less fortunate families that want to work and earn money to buy the things their parents can’t afford? Or even help the family finances?
Sometimes the shit you poast makes my brain hurt from the sheer stupidity. But it tells me also that you’re from a privileged place and have no connection to real world realities.
Do us all a favor Kobe, grow up.
As a kid I grew up picking strawberries, beans and cucumbers. All now illegal unless you are illegal.
Kobe with the self-own. Your side has handed out cash to keep people on their couches eating Doritos and drinking Mountain Dew.
FF joints are now forced to tap into another labor market. In the communist state of WA you’re not allowed to work until age 16. You think that’s a good thing.
Do you realize there are kids from less fortunate families that want to work and earn money to buy the things their parents can’t afford? Or even help the family finances?
Sometimes the shit you poast makes my brain hurt from the sheer stupidity. But it tells me also that you’re from a privileged place and have no connection to real world realities.
Do us all a favor Kobe, grow up.
As a kid I grew up picking strawberries, beans and cucumbers. All now illegal unless you are illegal.
I don't know what my mother would have done if it was illegal for me to work in grade school. I paid for my own clothes and running around money. We were expected to make money but only during the Summer. As is usual with the government, another poor overreach on child labor laws. Now we pay adults tons of welfare money and they work the grill at McDonalds and bitch that we aren't paying them enough. Socialism and the ever present safety net paid for by those who were responsible for themselves has created this mess we are in.
Kobe with the self-own. Your side has handed out cash to keep people on their couches eating Doritos and drinking Mountain Dew.
FF joints are now forced to tap into another labor market. In the communist state of WA you’re not allowed to work until age 16. You think that’s a good thing.
Do you realize there are kids from less fortunate families that want to work and earn money to buy the things their parents can’t afford? Or even help the family finances?
Sometimes the shit you poast makes my brain hurt from the sheer stupidity. But it tells me also that you’re from a privileged place and have no connection to real world realities.
Do us all a favor Kobe, grow up.
As a kid I grew up picking strawberries, beans and cucumbers. All now illegal unless you are illegal.
Same here. I've had a job since I was 13 and even before that I had a paper route when I was 10. What's wrong with having a job when you're 14 Kobe?
Kobe with the self-own. Your side has handed out cash to keep people on their couches eating Doritos and drinking Mountain Dew.
FF joints are now forced to tap into another labor market. In the communist state of WA you’re not allowed to work until age 16. You think that’s a good thing.
Do you realize there are kids from less fortunate families that want to work and earn money to buy the things their parents can’t afford? Or even help the family finances?
Sometimes the shit you poast makes my brain hurt from the sheer stupidity. But it tells me also that you’re from a privileged place and have no connection to real world realities.
Do us all a favor Kobe, grow up.
As a kid I grew up picking strawberries, beans and cucumbers. All now illegal unless you are illegal.
Likewise. I was in the bean fields as a grade schooler helping my mother. She came from farm stock and knew that hard work would not cause me great trauma later in life. I didn't realize I was a victim of child labor and the farmer down the road was the corporation abusing me when I was in my early teens. I hated it when I was received my first paycheck for my labor. Probably a dozen years before Kobe, if he's ever received one.
You now how you can tell Kobe has learned nothing in his life? The pic of the empty shelves are an indictment of capitalism to him. Tells me he never saw a Soviet bread line. Of course his Commie "educators" made sure of that. Dumb as F'n dirt.
Kobe with the self-own. Your side has handed out cash to keep people on their couches eating Doritos and drinking Mountain Dew.
FF joints are now forced to tap into another labor market. In the communist state of WA you’re not allowed to work until age 16. You think that’s a good thing.
Do you realize there are kids from less fortunate families that want to work and earn money to buy the things their parents can’t afford? Or even help the family finances?
Sometimes the shit you poast makes my brain hurt from the sheer stupidity. But it tells me also that you’re from a privileged place and have no connection to real world realities.
Do us all a favor Kobe, grow up.
As a kid I grew up picking strawberries, beans and cucumbers. All now illegal unless you are illegal.
Same here. I've had a job since I was 13 and even before that I had a paper route when I was 10. What's wrong with having a job when you're 14 Kobe?
Paper route on the Stingray in the dark of AM. Pouring down NW rain. Those were the days that made you stronger physically and mentally. Not like the soft ass kids of today. Both of my teens could not wait until they were able to work. They're also excellent students. I always tell them, they lazy ass kids of today, don't sweat them, they'll be working for you one day if they're lucky.
Kobe with the self-own. Your side has handed out cash to keep people on their couches eating Doritos and drinking Mountain Dew.
FF joints are now forced to tap into another labor market. In the communist state of WA you’re not allowed to work until age 16. You think that’s a good thing.
Do you realize there are kids from less fortunate families that want to work and earn money to buy the things their parents can’t afford? Or even help the family finances?
Sometimes the shit you poast makes my brain hurt from the sheer stupidity. But it tells me also that you’re from a privileged place and have no connection to real world realities.
Do us all a favor Kobe, grow up.
Perhaps you forgot about when communist Donald Trump sent everyone checks. They even had his name on them.
Do you realize instead of children being forced to work to help support their families we could just make it so their parents are paid more?
I knew I could get you guys to support child labor, I just didn’t think it would be this easy.
Kobe with the self-own. Your side has handed out cash to keep people on their couches eating Doritos and drinking Mountain Dew.
FF joints are now forced to tap into another labor market. In the communist state of WA you’re not allowed to work until age 16. You think that’s a good thing.
Do you realize there are kids from less fortunate families that want to work and earn money to buy the things their parents can’t afford? Or even help the family finances?
Sometimes the shit you poast makes my brain hurt from the sheer stupidity. But it tells me also that you’re from a privileged place and have no connection to real world realities.
Do us all a favor Kobe, grow up.
Perhaps you forgot about when communist Donald Trump sent everyone checks. They even had his name on them.
Do you realize instead of children being forced to work to help support their families we could just make it so their parents are paid more?
I knew I could get you guys to support child labor, I just didn’t think it would be this easy.
God Forbid people get paid what they're worth.
Despite his rhetoric, @TheKobeStopper actually hates equity and fairness.
Capitalism firing on all cylinders.
I'm really glad I didn't vote for this shitshow.
Capitalism doesn't work
Fuck off
FF joints are now forced to tap into another labor market. In the communist state of WA you’re not allowed to work until age 16. You think that’s a good thing.
Do you realize there are kids from less fortunate families that want to work and earn money to buy the things their parents can’t afford? Or even help the family finances?
Sometimes the shit you poast makes my brain hurt from the sheer stupidity. But it tells me also that you’re from a privileged place and have no connection to real world realities.
Do us all a favor Kobe, grow up.
Paper route on the Stingray in the dark of AM. Pouring down NW rain. Those were the days that made you stronger physically and mentally. Not like the soft ass kids of today. Both of my teens could not wait until they were able to work. They're also excellent students. I always tell them, they lazy ass kids of today, don't sweat them, they'll be working for you one day if they're lucky.
Asking for a fren.
Do you realize instead of children being forced to work to help support their families we could just make it so their parents are paid more?
I knew I could get you guys to support child labor, I just didn’t think it would be this easy.
Despite his rhetoric, @TheKobeStopper actually hates equity and fairness.