Hey Kobe, what if all of those HC workers that you think are being rightfully fired, decided they didn't want to treat COVID patients at the height of the pandemic because they didn't yet have a vaccine? Now you think they deserve to be fired and not treated if they're COVID positive in the future. You seem to be under this false assumption that the only people not getting vaxxed are "Trumpers". I'm not surprised, you seem like the perfect good little useful idiot. Prove me wrong.
I support all Trump voters choosing not to get vaccinated. I think you should be fired and not treated at hospitals but I support your right to die to own the libs.
So you want to discriminate against Trump voters that are not vaxxed but give everyone else a pass? And you think this makes you less of a little fascist?
You have highly skilled good people being shown the door because they've chosen to exercise a RIGHT. And the left is fine with it because they live under the false assumption that we're going to VAXX our way out of this. Something that has never been done. Something that actual smart world renown virologists have said from the jump. Yet the weak and simple minded among us only believe what that GD proven lying fool FrAUdCI says. It's sick.
Yup, because it is a easy way to find out who is a conservative and off with the conservatives head
The government can always do what they want at anytime. It’s wildly unfair but not new
Is this really the best you can muster?
Your subject line is What We’re Now Learning
First sentence….” That the gov't can take away your livelihood for the greater good.”
Of course they can
Right here in beautiful N. Idaho…Eminent Domain is coming to CDA. People about to get screwed out of acres of their own land. Horrible. They will fight and lose and get totally screwed.
What part is getting taken up here? And what is their plan for it? If you are talking about the Huetter bypass, it is very desperately needed
I remember when the Vaxx first got rolled out it was all sunshine and roses and nothing would be coercive. Just a "here's a chance to protect yourself use your best judgement" approach. That lasted about a month. And now we have gone from coercion to outright weaponization. I say this all as a vaccinated person. It's utter horseshit.
I support all Trump voters choosing not to get vaccinated. I think you should be fired and not treated at hospitals but I support your right to die to own the libs.
Hey Kobe, what if all of those HC workers that you think are being rightfully fired, decided they didn't want to treat COVID patients at the height of the pandemic because they didn't yet have a vaccine? Now you think they deserve to be fired and not treated if they're COVID positive in the future. You seem to be under this false assumption that the only people not getting vaxxed are "Trumpers". I'm not surprised, you seem like the perfect good little useful idiot. Prove me wrong.
I support all Trump voters choosing not to get vaccinated. I think you should be fired and not treated at hospitals but I support your right to die to own the libs.
So you want to discriminate against Trump voters that are not vaxxed but give everyone else a pass? And you think this makes you less of a little fascist?
Fascism is a far right wing ideology.
No matter how many times you are proved wrong you keep going. Feelings not facts eh? You used to be smart. What happened to you? Show me on the doll....
I support all Trump voters choosing not to get vaccinated. I think you should be fired and not treated at hospitals but I support your right to die to own the libs.
That’s a good little fascist. Who knew Japanese butt plugs were so capable of adopting Germanic national socialism.
I remember when the Vaxx first got rolled out it was all sunshine and roses and nothing would be coercive. Just a "here's a chance to protect yourself use your best judgement" approach. That lasted about a month. And now we have gone from coercion to outright weaponization. I say this all as a vaccinated person. It's utter horseshit.
Perfectly stated. Couldn’t agree more. Well done red savage. You bring honor to @SpiritHorse.
"Is Fascism Right or Left? | PragerU" https://www.prageru.com/video/is-fascism-right-or-left