my guy nevin shapiro got all the inside info on miami
Lol. Kiffen and the City of Miami are a really bad combination. He'll be bangin' co-eds two at a time! It'll make Sark and Joey Kitchen seem like Amish country.
Ole Miss is a great team to watch by the way. Great offense and no defense makes for some barn burners
Yeah, I? don't want that either. Take it to the Big 12!
Seriously Kiffen is not the guy. Good recruiter, good brain for offense but no D (ironic, or not, given that he's Monte's boy). Contrary to the lazy recollection of the half-ass fan, great Miami teams didn't win by outscoring people. Nasty and oppressive defense always led the way.
The game has changed and the game has not changed. Big nasty O line + big nastier D line = winning. The rest, sans maybe a smart (not necessarily big swinging dick great, just smart) QB and you have what you need. Let the Big 12 score 70 pts. per game. Give me those two things and I'll beat you, even if you have great DBs.
But if we? get Kiffin a great DC he'd do great at Miami!!!!!!
Yeah, assuming the great D coordinator maybe. IDK. Some guys just bring their bullshit and it rubs off on the team. Kiffin to me is like a Dennis Erickson character. Good coaches but you're not going to build anything that lasts with them. Then again given the current thesis we both subscribeto, who gives a fuck? Try it and if it doesn't work, fire his ass and try again. I saw Cristoballz saying he was "building this thing to last," and in the old days people would have eaten that up. I read it and thought, "to last for what?" Today you're either winning or you're not. We're just not going to see the long-tenured greats like Dong James anymore. The game and the fanbase aren't built for that - the inevitable two or three down years for whatever the upside year brings (which isn't always going to be a natty btw). So frankly almost anything goes. We? could bring in Stoops and it could go very well or it could be a painful disaster. Or it could be the even more painful slight uptick in quality but never great ... think Spurrier at South Carolina - an upgrade to B+ status and no more. Couldn't bring the Florida magic with him on that trip. Holtz couldn't either, at a school were it should have been easier (in most ways) to do what he did at Notre Dame.
what a goddamn circus.
Coaches are going to have to earn their money now
if he loses to free shoes u pls unlock thread, thx.
my guy nevin shapiro got all the inside info on miami
Seriously Kiffen is not the guy. Good recruiter, good brain for offense but no D (ironic, or not, given that he's Monte's boy). Contrary to the lazy recollection of the half-ass fan, great Miami teams didn't win by outscoring people. Nasty and oppressive defense always led the way.
The game has changed and the game has not changed. Big nasty O line + big nastier D line = winning. The rest, sans maybe a smart (not necessarily big swinging dick great, just smart) QB and you have what you need. Let the Big 12 score 70 pts. per game. Give me those two things and I'll beat you, even if you have great DBs.
Hire and fire baby. That is the only way.
Nevin, not Lane. Though that might work too.
holy shit, ken dorsey? lmao.