Hmmm. I wonder why we "leftists" won't just pay more voluntarily. Eh, Gasbag?
I also wonder why you self-professed undertaxed leftards don't voluntarily pay more tax. You should know better than me since I'm not the phucking hypocrite that you are. So, the top 1% of taxable US income earners pay 40% of the federal income tax. In February 2020 let us know what was wrong with the US economy which was generating the highest increase in US middle income wages in decades. Not enough tax revenue to fund public education which sucks? The actual truth is that the "income" of the wealthy doesn't include increases in their investment portfolio. When they die, this "untaxed" wealth is subject to a 40% federal estate tax rate. For some reason, the ultra red state of California doesn't have an estate tax. You should fix that. You suck at this.
The White House noted that its estimate of the tax rate for the wealthiest households is "much lower" than other groups' estimates of top income tax rates. The administration's takes into account income from unrealized capital gains, which is not typically included in this type of analysis.
A permanent upper class defined by large, lightly taxed inheritances is perfectly fine with Gasbag.
How much of other peoples money are you entitled to there fagbag? What's your estimate?
The dazzler would say a whole bunch of his money but he would only do so at gunpoint. That's the way he rolls.
My effective federal income tax rate is a lot higher than any estimate of the 400 wealthiest families' effective rate. I'm don't think I should subsidize them more than I already do.
Noted. But you know that's not going to change, and Bernie, Elizabeth Warren, and AOC are no different than any of the republicans that you blame for this problem.
It's not going to change as long as lower middle class whites from sparsely populated rural districts vote GOP or Manchin.
And yet the House has a larger majority than the Senate
This is the second time this century the democrats control the government
Obama did NOT get rid of the Bush tax cuts and Biden will NOT get rid of the Trump tax cuts
Not sure why you think anyone still falls for this bullshit
Other than you
No one thinks anything is going to change as things stand. But lying about whether Joe Biden would sign a bill to eliminate the Trump tax cuts insults even Sled's intelligence.
You vote like you want things to get worse. I vote and contribute to candidates who I think would advance the ball.
I voted for Trump who raised taxes on the rich and lowered mine
painfully ignorant
The Trump tax cuts raised taxes on the rich and lowered them on the middle despite the lies of the usual liars. I don't need talking points I have @CirrhosisDawg as a witness
He went into an epic meltdown about losing a lot of his high digit mortgage deduction and a lot of his his state income tax deduction and cried like a little girl about his taxes going up
I pointed out that mine went down
A good attorney lets the witness make the case for him
Guess what Biden and the dems want to do first? Get rid of what raised the taxes of the California and NY rich
As we like to say go fuck yourself
So your local resentments obscure the rest of the forest from your view. Figures.
Now the soundly defeated H enters his gibberish phase of denial and deflection
Fell free to point out what wasn't accurate
@CirrhosisDawg was honest about his non desire to pay higher taxes even though he is proudly rich
Bernie's been talking about 'taxing the rich' long before I was born, but he's done jack shit about it. When he did finally release his plans, the ugly truth is that the only way to truly pay for all these things is to raise payroll taxes on the middle class, by at least 9%. That was from non-partisan analysis. I don't hear anything coming out of Davos or the World Economic Forum about those fucktards paying more in taxes. Start there.
I agree with you that wealth should be taxed more heavily. And not starting at $50 million. I'd say $5 million. I think starting at $1 million (as Piketty proposed) is too aggressive.
So you agree, but still afraid to take off the team jersey?
I said I'm for a wealth tax more robust than Elizabeth Warren's. I'm not clear what team we're talking about.
Maximize your expenses, by maximizing reportable losses
Most rich people make their money through the stock market. The rich can typically hold and defer taxes on the interest. Then quickly sell any losing investments prior to year end, and claim them as losses on that year's taxes. You can also funnel most of your assets into separate entities, and defer any other sources of income into modified deferred pension plans.
Imagine voting for somebody who played the part of the honest tax man, but was in reality a hypocrite. With potentially $500k in back taxes. This same hypocrite is forming a tax plan, that doesn't address anything I've listed above. The only thing that may address a little bit of it, would be a wealth tax, which congress will never pass, because it would mean the members would have to pay as well. Liberals love passing taxes onto other people. But when it comes to their own money, they are just as protective of it as the "evil" conservatives you talk about.
Let the adults speak on these things. This is out of your league.
Spending isn't going to go down. Once you acknowledge obvious truths, you can come to better policy decisions.
Starve the beast
Spending can go down.
Whether it can or not, it won't. It doesn't.
I'm glad you can admit this. H makes the best arguments against the establishment of anyone here.
I was born at night, but not last night. I’ve been telling blob and Race and Gasbag that spending isn’t going to go down for more than 20 years. I’ve been right. I am right.
Spending isn't going to go down. Once you acknowledge obvious truths, you can come to better policy decisions.
Starve the beast
Spending can go down.
Whether it can or not, it won't. It doesn't.
I'm glad you can admit this. H makes the best arguments against the establishment of anyone here.
I was born at night, but not last night. I’ve been telling blob and Race and Gasbag that spending isn’t going to go down for more than 20 years. I’ve been right. I am right.
Once again you're like the political fucking Kreskin Dazzler, spending isn't going to go down and politicians that take positions that a majority their voters oppose should fear being tossed out of office.
Not sure how I've survived all these years without your political insights Dazzler.
I'd settle for slowing the rate of growth, it won't happen because he have an electorate that is fiscally irresponsible and most of them don't pay any income taxes.
Spending isn't going to go down. Once you acknowledge obvious truths, you can come to better policy decisions.
Starve the beast
Spending can go down.
Whether it can or not, it won't. It doesn't.
I'm glad you can admit this. H makes the best arguments against the establishment of anyone here.
I was born at night, but not last night. I’ve been telling blob and Race and Gasbag that spending isn’t going to go down for more than 20 years. I’ve been right. I am right.
Did anyone dispute that government spending has gone up? That doesn't make you 'right'. It's why people are skeptical of raising taxes.
Spending isn't going to go down. Once you acknowledge obvious truths, you can come to better policy decisions.
Starve the beast
Spending can go down.
Whether it can or not, it won't. It doesn't.
I'm glad you can admit this. H makes the best arguments against the establishment of anyone here.
I was born at night, but not last night. I’ve been telling blob and Race and Gasbag that spending isn’t going to go down for more than 20 years. I’ve been right. I am right.
So, the dazzler voted for barry because he was the "more fiscally responsible alternative". Then he thinks that fiscal conservatives, like me, are delusional. Spending won't go down as long as uneducated people like the dazzler vote for higher spending and open borders. He says he is an attorney, has an MBA and voted for Reagan and is a true conservative. Sure. Leftards lie and love to be lied to.
Spending isn't going to go down. Once you acknowledge obvious truths, you can come to better policy decisions.
Starve the beast
Spending can go down.
Whether it can or not, it won't. It doesn't.
I'm glad you can admit this. H makes the best arguments against the establishment of anyone here.
I was born at night, but not last night. I’ve been telling blob and Race and Gasbag that spending isn’t going to go down for more than 20 years. I’ve been right. I am right.
I know you're not so good at the maffs and such but it's % of gdp that matters for CGIX. That has historically gone both up and down.
In anticipation of the demtards raising taxes a significant amount, there are many moving money offshore. A big percentage of the funds moving are dollars that President Donald Trump got moved into the US. Scholars such as HH don't understand that you can't tax money that isn't here.
Spending can go down.
I'm the change you're the problem
Starve the beast
It's really not that hard.
Minimize your income through deferrals
Maximize your expenses, by maximizing reportable losses
Most rich people make their money through the stock market. The rich can typically hold and defer taxes on the interest. Then quickly sell any losing investments prior to year end, and claim them as losses on that year's taxes. You can also funnel most of your assets into separate entities, and defer any other sources of income into modified deferred pension plans.
Imagine voting for somebody who played the part of the honest tax man, but was in reality a hypocrite. With potentially $500k in back taxes. This same hypocrite is forming a tax plan, that doesn't address anything I've listed above. The only thing that may address a little bit of it, would be a wealth tax, which congress will never pass, because it would mean the members would have to pay as well. Liberals love passing taxes onto other people. But when it comes to their own money, they are just as protective of it as the "evil" conservatives you talk about.
Let the adults speak on these things. This is out of your league.
Not sure how I've survived all these years without your political insights Dazzler.
I'd settle for slowing the rate of growth, it won't happen because he have an electorate that is fiscally irresponsible and most of them don't pay any income taxes.
Scholars such as HH don't understand that you can't tax money that isn't here.