Only issue with the U of O was there were a ton of Libs there too
They are everywhere. Every major state institution, even in Texas is now a hot bed of leftardism and wokeness. The issue is can you weave your way through and get a decent education. At the U of O in the 1970s the history department actually taught history and you were required to research topics and then write a literate essay on the subject. Of course actual research and communication of the results has nothing to do with the real world (kidding). Economics was tainted with some Keynes bullsh*t, but on the whole it still boiled down to basic Econ 101 concepts such as supply and demand. The accounting department was solid. Those three were the basics of my undergraduate education. Courses in political science and sociology were pure globalistic communism and were negative education. Today, the weaving would be a lot tougher unless you go accounting or some STEM degree like electrical engineering.
I had some great professors and one I wanted to punch out after 911 lol and I manged to get a good education even with the bias
I had taken AOC seriously as a threat. But maybe she’s just a kid in the whole thing for teh lulz & ‘Gram cred.
I understand that criticism. I would just say, one she’s 31 years old and, two, our last president was Donald Trump. If you’re still knee jerking to “social media doesn’t matter” you are archaic.
Only issue with the U of O was there were a ton of Libs there too
STEM degree like electrical engineering.
Please don't ever think 'U0 and STEM' in the same thought ever again.
U0 is for retarded people to go get libby arts/journalism degrees and then go post in one of their 20 alt jerseys about how awesome they are at selling vacuum cleaners and how superior they are to beavlet. When in fact Beavlet *actually* has STEM.
Only issue with the U of O was there were a ton of Libs there too
STEM degree like electrical engineering.
Please don't ever think 'U0 and STEM' in the same thought ever again.
U0 is for retarded people to go get libby arts/journalism degrees and then go post in one of their 20 alt jerseys about how awesome they are at selling vacuum cleaners and how superior they are to beavlet. When in fact Beavlet *actually* has STEM.
I had taken AOC seriously as a threat. But maybe she’s just a kid in the whole thing for teh lulz & ‘Gram cred.
I understand that criticism. I would just say, one she’s 31 years old and, two, our last president was Donald Trump. If you’re still knee jerking to “social media doesn’t matter” you are archaic.
Only issue with the U of O was there were a ton of Libs there too
STEM degree like electrical engineering.
Please don't ever think 'U0 and STEM' in the same thought ever again.
U0 is for retarded people to go get libby arts/journalism degrees and then go post in one of their 20 alt jerseys about how awesome they are at selling vacuum cleaners and how superior they are to beavlet. When in fact Beavlet *actually* has STEM.
How did I ever get so far into your head?
Ever since Race said I live rent free in your head you're now obsessed with proving who lives rent free in whose head here.
You didn't even post in this thread originally, on this subject.
So I guess the case is closed: Race lives rent free in all y'alls head.
This is pathetic. Wow! Sad!
She needs to STFU and get naked
And U0 is not even top 7 in that state.
Think about that.
U0 is for retarded people to go get libby arts/journalism degrees and then go post in one of their 20 alt jerseys about how awesome they are at selling vacuum cleaners and how superior they are to beavlet. When in fact Beavlet *actually* has STEM.
You didn't even post in this thread originally, on this subject.
So I guess the case is closed: Race lives rent free in all y'alls head.
Same as it ever was.
I wonder what you would have been saying about that in 1973.