Welcome to the Hardcore Husky Forums. Folks who are well-known in Cyberland and not that dumb.
Interesting note I received from a recent donator
"It’s not a lot. I have a love/hate relationship with the site, probably like many others, as my interest waxes and wanes with Jimmy’s staff decisions. And recruiting. Fucking recruiting. But I appreciate the honest, albeit cynical, takes. I still don’t know what the Wam is or what you get when you join. But shit, thanks for working to keep the lights on and let our inner Doog shine."
6 ·
I have donut hole in my 'serviceable in a pinch' doog boner heart because he isn't around.
Take a guess.
Or, I suppose, two guesses to be completely accurate.
Two real and spectacular guesses.
@CFetters_Nacho_Lover will be pissed at me for stealing his thunder.
That name screams two things: medical school or app dev. Your choice
Not gonna vax
Sure as shit not gonna donate