Yes we had a negotiated withdrawal that was conditions based one of those conditions was not doing this crap... zero chance this happens under Trump, zero
Joe Biden is an incompetent fuck up. He has been an incompetent fuck up his entire life. Say what you like about Trump, he didn't spend his entire life being an incompetent fuck up. Dazzler like's incompetent fuck ups as long as they support his team.
In Joe's defense, being an heir to hundreds of millions of dollars isn't that hard.
The rescue troops has now been increased to 6,000.
The POTUS has gone silent.
He is monitoring events from Camp David.
Hopefully all of those troops have received their Critical Race Theory indoctrination right Dazzler? I'd hate to think that we're deploying troops who don't understand that systemic white racism is the greatest threat we face.
Yes we had a negotiated withdrawal that was conditions based one of those conditions was not doing this crap... zero chance this happens under Trump, zero
Joe Biden is an incompetent fuck up. He has been an incompetent fuck up his entire life. Say what you like about Trump, he didn't spend his entire life being an incompetent fuck up. Dazzler like's incompetent fuck ups as long as they support his team.
In Joe's defense, being an heir to hundreds of millions of dollars isn't that hard.
Plenty of people have inherited millions and lost it all. Biden's only accomplishment was turning the death of his wife and daughter in a car crash, a crash he later lied about and claimed the driver of the truck was drunk, into a Senate seat in a solidly blue state. He is an incompetent fuck up that you voted for.
This was Biden’s decision . . , He overruled the advice given to him by our military leadership re: the withdrawal.
But, but, but Trump.
Gawd, you’re stupid.
Are you ever right on anything?
You and Joe have a lot in common.
You're confused again. What else is new?
Joe is mismanaging this retreat and abandonment of Afghanistan.
Daddy only agreed to it.
Trump agreed to a conditions based withdrawal, not an out and out cut and run turbo
As I had to point out to you yesterday, Daddy had reduced our numbers to 2,500 by the time he left to pout in Florida. Neither he nor Biden have held the Taliban to anything. The Taliban noticed.
Read paragraphs 3-5 . . . Then STFU.
This was Biden’s decision . . , He overruled the advice given to him by our military leadership re: the withdrawal.
But, but, but Trump.
Gawd, you’re stupid.
Are you ever right on anything?
You and Joe have a lot in common.
Joe is mismanaging this retreat and abandonment of Afghanistan.
Daddy only agreed to it.
H defending Biden right now.
That you?
Last American killed in Afghanistan: February 2020.
"Just don't shoot at us and we'll get the fuck out! The other promises don't matter."
He was under no obligation to follow the agreement negotiated by the Trump Administration with the Taliban.
Remember Obama’s agreement with Iran? “Nuked” shortly after Trump took office.
Biden could have done the same thing.
Biden needs to put on his big boy pants, come out of hiding and own it.
Perhaps, you could write his speech for him.
Please provide him with some talking points, Counselor.