Why any vaccinated person gives a fuck if someone else is vaccinated is beyond me.
You underestimate the fear and weakness within the herd.
Fear Porn, 101.
TugCons: all rights, no responsibilities
You're used to being cowed and coerced, but not everyone is.
Some of us actually know what "science" is, and how to follow it.
You know how to pretend there is a level of certainty, which coincidentally argues in support of the courses of action you prefer, by selectively picking and choosing from the "facts".
Fact is we don't know how many cases there are because the test was rigged the whole fucking time. Follow the science! Now go ask for your allowance! But I'm sending daddy an email on what a simp you are.
gatewaypundit < facts
Until you find me the "science" that says a diet of burgers, pizza and fish& chips is the secret to a long life, I'm going to decline your medical advice.
So you didn't know they just cancelled the test because of massive positive results that were false. You really are this stupid. Hard to believe you can remember to breathe.
Why any vaccinated person gives a fuck if someone else is vaccinated is beyond me.
You underestimate the fear and weakness within the herd.
Fear Porn, 101.
TugCons: all rights, no responsibilities
Our responsibility is to ensure we have rights.
You want an economy? You want this to go on and on?
It will go on and on. It’s very predictable. You think big pharma is going to just call it a day? They have made enough money?
They will continue to buy politicians, pay off journalists, doctors, etc. “Science” isn’t above corruption. This has gone on long enough. Get vaccinated if you want or don’t. How long can anyone possibly give a shit? Forever?
It’s cute that HHusky thinks if people just obey that it won’t go on an on. Have you heard about the Epsilon variant. Worst one yet.
Why any vaccinated person gives a fuck if someone else is vaccinated is beyond me.
You underestimate the fear and weakness within the herd.
Fear Porn, 101.
TugCons: all rights, no responsibilities
Our responsibility is to ensure we have rights.
You want an economy? You want this to go on and on?
It will go on and on. It’s very predictable. You think big pharma is going to just call it a day? They have made enough money?
They will continue to buy politicians, pay off journalists, doctors, etc. “Science” isn’t above corruption. This has gone on long enough. Get vaccinated if you want or don’t. How long can anyone possibly give a shit? Forever?
It’s cute that HHusky thinks if people just obey that it won’t go on an on. Have you heard about the Epsilon variant. Worst one yet.
Why any vaccinated person gives a fuck if someone else is vaccinated is beyond me.
You underestimate the fear and weakness within the herd.
Fear Porn, 101.
TugCons: all rights, no responsibilities
You're used to being cowed and coerced, but not everyone is.
Some of us actually know what "science" is, and how to follow it.
You know how to pretend there is a level of certainty, which coincidentally argues in support of the courses of action you prefer, by selectively picking and choosing from the "facts".
Fact is we don't know how many cases there are because the test was rigged the whole fucking time. Follow the science! Now go ask for your allowance! But I'm sending daddy an email on what a simp you are.
gatewaypundit < facts
Until you find me the "science" that says a diet of burgers, pizza and fish& chips is the secret to a long life, I'm going to decline your medical advice.
78% of hospitalizations are obese people, and there's been zero PSAs about it on t.v. or social media urging people to lose weight in the last 16 months, it's just another hole or contradiction and another reason people don't take it seriously.
Why any vaccinated person gives a fuck if someone else is vaccinated is beyond me.
You underestimate the fear and weakness within the herd.
Fear Porn, 101.
TugCons: all rights, no responsibilities
You're used to being cowed and coerced, but not everyone is.
Some of us actually know what "science" is, and how to follow it.
You know how to pretend there is a level of certainty, which coincidentally argues in support of the courses of action you prefer, by selectively picking and choosing from the "facts".
Fact is we don't know how many cases there are because the test was rigged the whole fucking time. Follow the science! Now go ask for your allowance! But I'm sending daddy an email on what a simp you are.
gatewaypundit < facts
Until you find me the "science" that says a diet of burgers, pizza and fish& chips is the secret to a long life, I'm going to decline your medical advice.
78% of hospitalizations are obese people, and there's been zero PSAs about it on t.v. or social media urging people to lose weight in the last 16 months, it's just another hole or contradiction and another reason people don't take it seriously.
The lockdowns actually increased the rate of obesity. Pure phucking genius. Close athletic clubs because of SCIENCE.
You'd think the CDC and NIH would focus on the most vulnerable, but I guess it's hate speech and fat shaming to suggest fat people fare worse in viral respiratory pandemics.
In my state. Hospitalizations have doubled in the last 2 weeks. Those in CC more than doubled.
Guess what over 95% of these people have in common?
Fat, diabetic, and over the age of 80.
Hospitalizations and ICU beds have now tripled. They’re as full as they have ever been since the Pandemic started.
Most still have the same thing in common.
Seattle Times article ran that bs headline yesterday. Five paragraphs in to the article the cause of beds filling up was described to be seasonal due to people being active and getting injured. COVID accounted for only 11% of beds occupied.
In my state. Hospitalizations have doubled in the last 2 weeks. Those in CC more than doubled.
Guess what over 95% of these people have in common?
Fat, diabetic, and over the age of 80.
Hospitalizations and ICU beds have now tripled. They’re as full as they have ever been since the Pandemic started.
Most still have the same thing in common.
Seattle Times article ran that bs headline yesterday. Five paragraphs in to the article the cause of beds filling up was described to be seasonal due to people being active and getting injured. COVID accounted for only 11% of beds occupied.
Portland news was all COVID is making the Hospitals full capacity ......
Actual Numbers as of 8/3:
Covid Adult Non-ICU Beds=379 out of 4428 = 8.55% Covid Adult ICU Beds = 119 out of 669 = 17.78%
What is misinformation again?
The misinformation is you comparing the number of total beds with those currently occupied with covid patients.
Does every bed need to be filled up by covid patients, for you to see a threat.
No. I don’t think you’re that dumb.
You and your ilk here don’t want to admit that you are not just part of the problem. But the whole problem.
As I said in another thread, y’all have the right not to get vaccinated. Your body, you’re choice.
But with that choice comes responsibility. Meaning if you are one to walk the talk of personal responsibility, then you won’t go to a Hospital when you catch covid.
Because if you do, you would be the biggest hypocrite to walk the earth.
Baaaaaa. Baaaaa. 🐑
You'd think the CDC and NIH would focus on the most vulnerable, but I guess it's hate speech and fat shaming to suggest fat people fare worse in viral respiratory pandemics.
Guess what over 95% of these people have in common?
Most still have the same thing in common.
Actual Numbers as of 8/3:
Covid Adult ICU Beds = 119 out of 669 = 17.78%
What is misinformation again?
Oregon hospitals are bleeding money
When y’all fall, you do it right.
Good luck the rest of the way y’all.
The misinformation is you comparing the number of total beds with those currently occupied with covid patients.
Does every bed need to be filled up by covid patients, for you to see a threat.
No. I don’t think you’re that dumb.
You and your ilk here don’t want to admit that you are not just part of the problem. But the whole problem.
As I said in another thread, y’all have the right not to get vaccinated. Your body, you’re choice.
But with that choice comes responsibility. Meaning if you are one to walk the talk of personal responsibility, then you won’t go to a Hospital when you catch covid.
Because if you do, you would be the biggest hypocrite to walk the earth.