MAGA, sooner or later you are going to have to accept the fact that Trump is a piece of shit, he was in on it from the beginning. He was the Great Deceiver, and is the equal to the Biden Clone, minus some aspects. 5g was rushed into America under him. It was Trump who declared a Covid 1984 emergency and who empowered the NWO governors to mask you, destroy your businesses, and kill you with 'vaccines.'
Nope. 5g is safe, no difference from all the other wavelengths we are inundated with. Trump had nothing to do with state shutdowns and Trump was clearly anti-mask. And I'm vaccinated and not dead.
MAGA, sooner or later you are going to have to accept the fact that Trump is a piece of shit, he was in on it from the beginning. He was the Great Deceiver, and is the equal to the Biden Clone, minus some aspects. 5g was rushed into America under him. It was Trump who declared a Covid 1984 emergency and who empowered the NWO governors to mask you, destroy your businesses, and kill you with 'vaccines.'
Nope. Aushwitz is safe, no difference from all the other concentration camps. Hitler had nothing to do with Juden business shutdowns and Hitler was clearly anti-Nazi. And I'm tattooed and not dead. Yet.