A scientist that signed onto a letter recently backing a probe in the possibility that the coronavirus pandemic originated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology admitted in an interview this week that she and other scientists did not come forward sooner to back the possibility that the pandemic originated in a lab because they did not want “to be associated with Trump.”
The only surprise here is that they admit it, not that it happened.
A scientist that signed onto a letter recently backing a probe in the possibility that the coronavirus pandemic originated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology admitted in an interview this week that she and other scientists did not come forward sooner to back the possibility that the pandemic originated in a lab because they did not want “to be associated with Trump.”
The only surprise here is that they admit it, not that it happened.
Should read: Shill Backing Fake Probe Into Rockefeller Wuhan Fake Virology Lab {because viruses dont exist}: We Waited Because We Thought the Public Would Buy the Wet Market Bat Shit and We Don't Want Convid 1984 ‘To Be Associated W/ 5g'
MAGA, sooner or later you are going to have to accept the fact that Trump is a piece of shit, he was in on it from the beginning. He was the Great Deceiver, and is the equal to the Biden Clone, minus some aspects. 5g was rushed into America under him. It was Trump who declared a Covid 1984 emergency and who empowered the NWO governors to mask you, destroy your businesses, and kill you with 'vaccines.'
MAGA, sooner or later you are going to have to accept the fact that Trump is a piece of shit, he was in on it from the beginning. He was the Great Deceiver, and is the equal to the Biden Clone, minus some aspects. 5g was rushed into America under him. It was Trump who declared a Covid 1984 emergency and who empowered the NWO governors to mask you, destroy your businesses, and kill you with 'vaccines.'
Trump stood alone against the satanic forces of the end times
MAGA, sooner or later you are going to have to accept the fact that Trump is a piece of shit, he was in on it from the beginning. He was the Great Deceiver, and is the equal to the Biden Clone, minus some aspects. 5g was rushed into America under him. It was Trump who declared a Covid 1984 emergency and who empowered the NWO governors to mask you, destroy your businesses, and kill you with 'vaccines.'
Trump stood alone against the satanic forces of the end times
The book is written. So shall it be done.
He did some good things and fought the NWO for awhile, but in the end, he chose himself and his family over you and the USA. He was effectively blackmailed because his family has ties to Jeffrey Epstein. And his wife may in fact be a man. Instead of being Batman, he chose to become Donald Two Face. He sacrificed hundreds of thousands, soon to be millions, that will be dead from his Warped Speed vaccines, which he still despicably promotes as safe, in order to save himself and his family. He is compromised. A leader who sacrifices his people to save himself, is no leader at all, and has no legitimate right to rule.
MAGA, sooner or later you are going to have to accept the fact that Trump is a piece of shit, he was in on it from the beginning. He was the Great Deceiver, and is the equal to the Biden Clone, minus some aspects. 5g was rushed into America under him. It was Trump who declared a Covid 1984 emergency and who empowered the NWO governors to mask you, destroy your businesses, and kill you with 'vaccines.'
Trump stood alone against the satanic forces of the end times
The book is written. So shall it be done.
He did some good things and fought the NWO for awhile, but in the end, he chose himself and his family over you and the USA. He was effectively blackmailed because his family has ties to Jeffrey Epstein. And his wife may in fact be a man. Instead of being Batman, he chose to become Donald Two Face. He sacrificed hundreds of thousands, soon to be millions, that will be dead from his Warped Speed vaccines, which he still despicably promotes as safe, in order to save himself and his family. He is compromised. A leader who sacrifices his people to save himself, is no leader at all, and has no legitimate right to rule.
If you stop and think of all the corruption in our? and in the world government, just imagine the NWO picking a guy like Trump to be placed in the White House.
Disrupt the normal political process
Piss off everyone
Then put someone in that can pretend to win an election by pretending to middle of the road kind of guy. And start the great reset for a New World Order.
If you stop and think of all the corruption in our? and in the world government, just imagine the NWO picking a guy like Trump to be placed in the White House.
Disrupt the normal political process
Piss off everyone
3. Work with the CCP and the Western Cabal to fasttrack 5g
4. Promote the existence of the fake virus
5. Beat the war drums and talk shit about China, accuse them of doing what the US government is doing
6. Talk a big game about free speech but do nothing about Big Tech
7. Promote alternative treatments to the fake virus to seem like the good guy, while fastracking the death vaccine
8. Threaten to use military force to ensure vaccine compliance
9. Kick off the Great Reset through lockdowns and small business destruction
10. Promote Agenda 21 and the "Climate Change" narrative by using weather weapons to burn the Western US, cloud seeding to flood the lower Midwest Eastern US, and restrict the ability to travel
11. Say nothing to expose what really happened on 911, pretend like you didn't say that bombs were used on the towers on 9/11, 2001
12. Surround yourself with deep state actors in order to support the narrative that you are surrounded by enemies and everyone is out to get you
13. Set up your supporters to take the fall on the January 6th Freemason US Capitol Psyop
14. Free yourself up to take some legitimate action against the Cabal in order to throw the dogs off your scent
Then put someone in that can pretend to win an election by pretending to middle of the road kind of guy. And start the great reset for a New World Order.
MAGA, sooner or later you are going to have to accept the fact that Trump is a piece of shit, he was in on it from the beginning. He was the Great Deceiver, and is the equal to the Biden Clone, minus some aspects. 5g was rushed into America under him. It was Trump who declared a Covid 1984 emergency and who empowered the NWO governors to mask you, destroy your businesses, and kill you with 'vaccines.'
What a bunch of slime balls.
The book is written. So shall it be done.
- Disrupt the normal political process
- Piss off everyone
Then put someone in that can pretend to win an election by pretending to middle of the road kind of guy.And start the great reset for a New World Order.
My inner @obk is strong with me - I need a drink
Seems bad.