That’s a good message to teach kids but pretending there aren’t systemic problems makes it a fairy tale.
You guys seem more concerned with the positive thinking aspect and not at all concerned with whether or not it’s true.
It’s true for some and isn’t true for others. Race is much less the problem today, as it’s more socio economics being the issue. Rich black people have similar economic opportunities as rich white people, and poor black people have similar economic challenges as poor white people. Poor people more often live a cycle of blaming others and complaining about their situation, than grabbing life by the horns and fucking it mercilessly.
-Black college graduates have 33% less wealth than white high school dropouts.
That’s a good message to teach kids but pretending there aren’t systemic problems makes it a fairy tale.
You guys seem more concerned with the positive thinking aspect and not at all concerned with whether or not it’s true.
It’s true for some and isn’t true for others. Race is much less the problem today, as it’s more socio economics being the issue. Rich black people have similar economic opportunities as rich white people, and poor black people have similar economic challenges as poor white people. Poor people more often live a cycle of blaming others and complaining about their situation, than grabbing life by the horns and fucking it mercilessly.
-Black college graduates have 33% less wealth than white high school dropouts.
You guys have staked out a position that is 100% feelings over facts.
All great reasons to drum into black kids heads they are victims who will never amount to anything and the white kid sitting next them will make sure they don’t. But there is hope. Some benevolent white government leaders who will save them if they vote properly.
If it is systemic look no further then dementia Joesus and his merry band of racists and the teachers union. They seem to be in charge of most of the system these days.
That’s a good message to teach kids but pretending there aren’t systemic problems makes it a fairy tale.
You guys seem more concerned with the positive thinking aspect and not at all concerned with whether or not it’s true.
It’s true for some and isn’t true for others. Race is much less the problem today, as it’s more socio economics being the issue. Rich black people have similar economic opportunities as rich white people, and poor black people have similar economic challenges as poor white people. Poor people more often live a cycle of blaming others and complaining about their situation, than grabbing life by the horns and fucking it mercilessly.
-Black college graduates have 33% less wealth than white high school dropouts.
You guys have staked out a position that is 100% feelings over facts.
Irony much, fucktard? CRT isn't the answer to those problems, even though you have the feelz. All we need to fix those things is just a little diversity training, maybe get rid of grades. Oh and racist maff too. You just keep digging.
That’s a good message to teach kids but pretending there aren’t systemic problems makes it a fairy tale.
You guys seem more concerned with the positive thinking aspect and not at all concerned with whether or not it’s true.
It’s true for some and isn’t true for others. Race is much less the problem today, as it’s more socio economics being the issue. Rich black people have similar economic opportunities as rich white people, and poor black people have similar economic challenges as poor white people. Poor people more often live a cycle of blaming others and complaining about their situation, than grabbing life by the horns and fucking it mercilessly.
-Black college graduates have 33% less wealth than white high school dropouts.
That’s a good message to teach kids but pretending there aren’t systemic problems makes it a fairy tale.
You guys seem more concerned with the positive thinking aspect and not at all concerned with whether or not it’s true.
It’s true for some and isn’t true for others. Race is much less the problem today, as it’s more socio economics being the issue. Rich black people have similar economic opportunities as rich white people, and poor black people have similar economic challenges as poor white people. Poor people more often live a cycle of blaming others and complaining about their situation, than grabbing life by the horns and fucking it mercilessly.
-Black college graduates have 33% less wealth than white high school dropouts.
That’s a good message to teach kids but pretending there aren’t systemic problems makes it a fairy tale.
You guys seem more concerned with the positive thinking aspect and not at all concerned with whether or not it’s true.
It’s true for some and isn’t true for others. Race is much less the problem today, as it’s more socio economics being the issue. Rich black people have similar economic opportunities as rich white people, and poor black people have similar economic challenges as poor white people. Poor people more often live a cycle of blaming others and complaining about their situation, than grabbing life by the horns and fucking it mercilessly.
-Black college graduates have 33% less wealth than white high school dropouts.
That’s a good message to teach kids but pretending there aren’t systemic problems makes it a fairy tale.
You guys seem more concerned with the positive thinking aspect and not at all concerned with whether or not it’s true.
Except it’s true.
TKS thinks this girl would be better served by telling her she has a target on her back, she’s opposed and will never amount to anything unless some self appointed white hers throw her a line.
You’re disgusting.
Feed your kids the lie that white racism is everywhere and will hold you back from achieving what you want. Tell them that every set back and ever negative life experience they encounter is due to systemic white racism. Kobe is fully invested in the lie that black crime and black out of wedlock birth rates are somehow the fault of white people, of course he believes the lie.
@TheKobeStopper obviously despises the idea that black folks have any power or autonomy over their lives, or that they should ever seek for that to be the case.
-Poor white kids less likely to go to prison than rich black kids.
What's the level of criminal activity for "rich" black kids when compared to "poor" white kids? What if the "rich" black kids got rich by selling drugs?
The parental wealth and homeownership rates of college-educated, young Black households is significantly lower than that of college-educated, young white households, and parental support significantly increases the likelihood of owning a home.
Hey Kobe, when 70% plus of all black kids are born out of wedlock and being raised by a single parent, usual a single mother, do you think that increases or decreases the likelihood that they'll receive parental support in purchasing a home?
Must be one happy fuck to be around.
Good one on this thread at least he didn't say the girl needs trans training.
-Black college graduates have a lower home ownership rate than white high school dropouts.
-Poor white kids less likely to go to prison than rich black kids.
You guys have staked out a position that is 100% feelings over facts.
If it is systemic look no further then dementia Joesus and his merry band of racists and the teachers union. They seem to be in charge of most of the system these days.
@TheKobeStopper is afraid of black people, period.
And all that we see and witness from @TheKobeStopper is over-the-top over-compensation for that fact.
-Poor white kids less likely to go to prison than rich black kids.
What's the level of criminal activity for "rich" black kids when compared to "poor" white kids? What if the "rich" black kids got rich by selling drugs?
Hey Kobe, when 70% plus of all black kids are born out of wedlock and being raised by a single parent, usual a single mother, do you think that increases or decreases the likelihood that they'll receive parental support in purchasing a home?