You don't have a point. At some point you need to accept that we no longer give a shit abut your rabbit holes of bullshit and instead are focused like a laser on the destruction of the left and all it stands for., attributing the information to a Flynn post on the social media platform Telegram, said he wrote: "Let me be VERY CLEAR – There is NO reason whatsoever for any coup in America, and I do not and have not at any time called for any action of that sort.
"Any reporting of any other belief by me is a boldface fabrication based on twisted reporting at a lively panel of a conference of patriotic Americans who love this county, just as I do.
"I am no stranger to media manipulating my words and therefore le me repeat my response to a question asked at the conference: There is no reason it (a coup) should happened here (in America)."
CNN had reported that Flynn
appeared to suggest a military coup while speaking at an event in Dallas on Sunday.
Kind of how a garage pull appeared to be a noose
You people need to fuck off
But I'm believing my lying ears again.
Carry on, girls!
It appears that Newsmax knows they can lie to you and you won’t hold it against them.
Odd that Newsmax didn’t post the video.
"Any reporting of any other belief by me is a boldface fabrication based on twisted reporting at a lively panel of a conference of patriotic Americans who love this county, just as I do.
"I am no stranger to media manipulating my words and therefore le me repeat my response to a question asked at the conference: There is no reason it (a coup) should happened here (in America)."
Christ, Cho Bai Den can mumble gobbledygook and nobody says jack shit. Fuck off, shill.
Oh, and but Hunter!!!
H and shitfist just keep lying
You show the tape fuck head
It's very easy to find.
Convicted liar is lying again.
Yet, you love him because he loves Daddy.
Could be a series of honest errors, easily explained. Anyone think of that?
That all align over multiple states.
But mostly peaceful so that's nice it isn't mean and orange.