Of course closing schools for a year, or more, had an effect. Make little kids go eat lunch outside in 40 degree rainy weather because of science! It's okay for boys to use the girl's restroom though. Don't question it, bigots.
While much of the Kitty Genovese story has been debunked the meme remains that good white men stood by and did nothing. Today, in almost any blue city with a George Soros DA any white men intervening with a criminal, particularly a black criminal is risking years in jail (ask Rittenhouse). Voting for politicians who want to defund the police, release criminals into the general population, fail to prosecute criminals and yet way willing to prosecute a Good Samaritan is going to get a lot more crime victims. You get what you vote for. Even a hung jury accomplishes what Bragg (and Team Dazzler) wants, a disarmed passive population open to being preyed upon by criminals. Once upon a time, "Leave it up to the police" might have meant something.
Nothing says clean energy like using up 10,000 acres of farmland and 4 million solar panels. Nothing says free enterprise like crony capitalism, massive federal and state solar subsidies and state renewable mandates to use dirty massively inefficient solar to produce electricity. Can't wait for our rocket scientist Oregon senator Ron Wyden to bitch some more about why are Oregon electricity prices skyrocketing. Try getting Oregon to permit a 5 acre LNG export facility and the greens will go crazy about using up value irreplaceable land.
You have western people saying they can't afford children living in abundance and the poorest people in the world popping them out every 9 months
I will be honest. I didn't want kids because I'm a selfish fuck. Ended up raising a couple pre owned models. That was enough
Clown world
Of course closing schools for a year, or more, had an effect. Make little kids go eat lunch outside in 40 degree rainy weather because of science! It's okay for boys to use the girl's restroom though. Don't question it, bigots.
While much of the Kitty Genovese story has been debunked the meme remains that good white men stood by and did nothing. Today, in almost any blue city with a George Soros DA any white men intervening with a criminal, particularly a black criminal is risking years in jail (ask Rittenhouse). Voting for politicians who want to defund the police, release criminals into the general population, fail to prosecute criminals and yet way willing to prosecute a Good Samaritan is going to get a lot more crime victims. You get what you vote for. Even a hung jury accomplishes what Bragg (and Team Dazzler) wants, a disarmed passive population open to being preyed upon by criminals. Once upon a time, "Leave it up to the police" might have meant something.
Looks like the DA doesn't want to swing with the rest.
What about the back up charge?
Still leaves open a criminal negligent homicide with four years possible in the clink and a lifetime of being a convicted felon.
This is probably true.
She was hot AF in her younger days with long hair.
Washington has to have the highest number of retards in the country.
There is no other explanation for continuing to elect this hag
She has gold plated benefits and can't bother to get her 1900's UK, witch teeth fixed?
I still remember her role as the dungeon torturer in Princess Bride
Find you someone who looks at you like Jill looks at Donald.
Nothing says clean energy like using up 10,000 acres of farmland and 4 million solar panels. Nothing says free enterprise like crony capitalism, massive federal and state solar subsidies and state renewable mandates to use dirty massively inefficient solar to produce electricity. Can't wait for our rocket scientist Oregon senator Ron Wyden to bitch some more about why are Oregon electricity prices skyrocketing. Try getting Oregon to permit a 5 acre LNG export facility and the greens will go crazy about using up value irreplaceable land.