RFK Jr. is determined to take down the Democratic party. Cho Bai Den should have just given him a Secret Service unit and the @dnc should have just let him have his moment at the convention.
Yeah, this feels like a suicide bombing on the dnc.
Sort of like barry's "shovel ready" infrastructure program. Lots of money to state workers, can't think of any major infrastructure built in Oregon. Who knew mentally ill meth and fentanyl addicts had "unexpected needs and barriers"?
There are several Iranians in high places within the Biden intelligence agencies. Some placed by Obama... We have been infiltrated by foreign spies at the direction of illegal presidents.
Apparently global warming isn't the biggest threat to humanity. It's the safety of a tiny snail that lives in only 13 springs near the Oregon-Nevada border.
They are coming out in the open.
H chimes in
Or was the Americore loan $2 million and the $200k was Cho’s standard cut?
It’s a “consulting” fee in reality.
Joe Biden's impersonatorsmask slips. Who watched the old Mission Impossible series? Here we are!
Obviously that's an alien in a Biden mask. And it's a Ballchinian!
There are several Iranians in high places within the Biden intelligence agencies. Some placed by Obama... We have been infiltrated by foreign spies at the direction of illegal presidents.
Just a coinkydink I'm sure.
Pretty crazy read.
But the last 7 years have been pretty crazy.
Probably before that, too.