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We need a general tweet of the day thread



  • AlexisAlexis Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 3,093 Swaye's Wigwam
    RoadTrip said:

    thechatch said:

    Sledog said:
    One of my wife’s friends just had her son come out as gay.

    He’s 9.

    Not even kidding.
    When I was 9, I knew I was not gay. My problem is that so many suburban women are driving their kids and not letting them truly find themselves. When my son was 9, I couldn't find my annual Sports Illustrated swim suit magazine. Found it under my kid's bed.
    Before the recent insanity I had talked to gays who knew it early on like I knew I wasn't. That's not that big of a deal

    A 9 year old cutting his dick off isn't the same
    I as well but you'll never convince me they were born that way as if there is a magical gay gene. There isn't. Ive seen it too many times where the gayism is more of a result of environment than biological.
    Growing up, I had a buddy who lived next door. This was back in the 70s. He had twin younger brothers. A couple of years younger than me. Both about 5 years old at the time. One of them was alot like my buddy and me. Played with trucks, football, baseball, etc. Normal toxically masculine kids stuff from the 70s. Other brother rarely hung out with us. Was always invited, but usually hung out with other kids or by himself.

    During Christmas, twin #1 would ask for Tonka trucks, bikes, etc. Twin brother #2 would ask for dolls.

    Lo and behold, twin brother #1 is straight now, and twin brother # 2 came out as gay about 20 years ago or so. And no one who knew them back then was or is the least surprised. So, are they born that way? Maybe. I sure don't know. But in this particular case, sure seems like it could be.
  • BleachedAnusDawgBleachedAnusDawg Member Posts: 11,154
    Alexis said:

    RoadTrip said:

    thechatch said:

    Sledog said:
    One of my wife’s friends just had her son come out as gay.

    He’s 9.

    Not even kidding.
    When I was 9, I knew I was not gay. My problem is that so many suburban women are driving their kids and not letting them truly find themselves. When my son was 9, I couldn't find my annual Sports Illustrated swim suit magazine. Found it under my kid's bed.
    Before the recent insanity I had talked to gays who knew it early on like I knew I wasn't. That's not that big of a deal

    A 9 year old cutting his dick off isn't the same
    I as well but you'll never convince me they were born that way as if there is a magical gay gene. There isn't. Ive seen it too many times where the gayism is more of a result of environment than biological.
    Growing up, I had a buddy who lived next door. This was back in the 70s. He had twin younger brothers. A couple of years younger than me. Both about 5 years old at the time. One of them was alot like my buddy and me. Played with trucks, football, baseball, etc. Normal toxically masculine kids stuff from the 70s. Other brother rarely hung out with us. Was always invited, but usually hung out with other kids or by himself.

    During Christmas, twin #1 would ask for Tonka trucks, bikes, etc. Twin brother #2 would ask for dolls.

    Lo and behold, twin brother #1 is straight now, and twin brother # 2 came out as gay about 20 years ago or so. And no one who knew them back then was or is the least surprised. So, are they born that way? Maybe. I sure don't know. But in this particular case, sure seems like it could be.
    Two of my cousins who are brothers - one officially gay, the other is the one I suspected was for sure gay and still think he is and just has not come out. The tell was that they wanted to play Rapunzel with curtains when I babysat them once many years ago.
  • 46XiJCAB46XiJCAB Member Posts: 20,967
    Maybe his staff could put arrows on the floor.

    This Way Joe>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  • RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 104,474 Founders Club
    I'm sure everything is fine

    A confidential memo obtained by NBC News shows Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' presidential campaign trying to reassure donors and laying out strategy ahead of an uphill battle for the 2024 Republican nomination.

    The document, dated July 6, explains how the campaign will narrow in on early-voting states like New Hampshire and withhold investments in Super Tuesday states.

    "Early state voters are only softly committed to the candidates they select on a ballot question this far out," the memo reads, adding that the campaign's focus groups "even say they don't plan on making up their mind until they meet the candidates or watch them debate.

    "While Super Tuesday is critically important, we will not dedicate resources to Super Tuesday that slow our momentum in New Hampshire," it continued. "We expect to revisit this investment in the fall."

    The memo takes shots at one of DeSantis' primary opponents, Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina, who Politico reported earlier in the day had been courting the governor's wealthy donors as his poll numbers drop.

    A FiveThirtyEight average has DeSantis at 21% in the primary, falling from a height of nearly 39% in February. Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump's lead rides steady at just under 50%, with Scott at 3.2%.

    "While Tim Scott has earned a serious look at this stage, his bio is lacking the fight that our electorate is looking for in the next President. We expect Tim Scott to receive appropriate scrutiny in the weeks ahead," the DeSantis memo stated.

    The New York Times reported several months ago that Republican megadonor and hedge fund manager Kenneth C. Griffin, who initially pledged to DeSantis, had been reevaluating the primary field.
  • WestlinnDuckWestlinnDuck Member Posts: 15,008 Standard Supporter
    Big Three US auto makers have signed their own death warrants. If the dems win in 2024, EVs will be the miserable mandated future. Too expensive and not functional for tens of millions of average middle class families. US autos will start to look like Cuba, with older and older models being fixed to keep running. High price of gas will severely limit travel.

  • 46XiJCAB46XiJCAB Member Posts: 20,967

    Sounds serious.

    July 2023.

  • WestlinnDuckWestlinnDuck Member Posts: 15,008 Standard Supporter
    Who do you think gets to keep their air conditioning and the refrigerator in the garage for adult beverages? Just don't call it a war on the American middle class and a boon to the chicoms. Just don't call Team Dazzler unpatriotic.

    Biden Regime Making Americans Sweat, Moves to Make Air Conditioning a Thing of the Past
    BY ROBERT SPENCER 6:26 PM ON JULY 13, 2023

    Biden Regime Making Americans Sweat, Moves to Make Air Conditioning a Thing of the Past
    Peter Haley

    This one’ll really make your blood boil: with either remarkable tone-deafness or a haughty contempt for the people it’s supposed to be serving, the Biden regime chose some of the hottest days of this summer (and if the climate propaganda is to be believed, some of the hottest days in human history) to announce plans to restrict the use of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), which are used in refrigerators and air conditioners. If the regime’s high-handedness and authoritarianism don’t already have you in a sweat, just wait.

    The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced Tuesday that it was “issuing a final rule to implement a 40% reduction below historic levels from 2024 through 2028.” So if you’re keeping cool these days with your air conditioner set at a certain temperature, be prepared for our moral superiors to force you, on pain of who knows what, to turn it up significantly. And you won’t be sweating out just this summer alone: “The rule aligns with the bipartisan American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act’s goals to reduce the production and consumption of these climate-damaging chemicals by 85% by 2036 and help avoid up to 0.5 °C of global warming by 2100.”

    Bipartisan? Well, that’s another indication of how the establishment Republican hacks in Washington have failed the American people. If anyone in 2100 remembers what the EPA did Tuesday, he or she will have abundant evidence at hand to prove that reducing the use of these “climate-damaging chemicals” by 85% didn’t do a thing to avoid up to 0.5 °C of global warming because the whole thing was a hysterical and manipulative myth. All that cutting the use of refrigerators and air conditioners is going to do is make food spoil more quickly (well, you can always enjoy a heaping helping of bugs) and make Americans hot, sweaty, and crabby. The EPA might as well say that reducing the use of hydrofluorocarbons by 85% by 2036 will help us avoid a significant influx of witches.

    And this is only just the beginning. As you no doubt expect, the Biden regime has much more pain for us in store. Joe Goffman, Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator of EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation, announced happily: “This rulemaking is a critical next step in the Biden-Harris Administration’s ambitious plans to phase down climate super-pollutants and ensure the United States leads the way as countries around the world implement the Kigali Amendment.” The Kigali Amendment is an international agreement that obligates the signatory nations to work to reduce the use of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). Goffman adds: “The U.S. HFC phasedown program, bolstered by domestic innovation to develop alternative chemicals and equipment, is paving the way for the United States to tackle climate change and strengthen global competitiveness.”

    Climate change initiatives actually do nothing to “strengthen global competitiveness,” if what Goffman means by that phrase is the competitiveness of the United States worldwide. On the contrary, such pipe-dream efforts weaken and burden our economy and benefit China, which is, of course, not held to the same expectations regarding doing something about global warming.
  • WestlinnDuckWestlinnDuck Member Posts: 15,008 Standard Supporter
    Maybe moving the Tranheuser-Bush marketing department from St. Louis to New York City wasn't as smart as it sounded. Nor dumping on your base consumers.

  • SledogSledog Member Posts: 33,087 Standard Supporter

    Grandpa hairy legs at it again. He can smell her blood.
  • BleachedAnusDawgBleachedAnusDawg Member Posts: 11,154

    Big Three US auto makers have signed their own death warrants. If the dems win in 2024, EVs will be the miserable mandated future. Too expensive and not functional for tens of millions of average middle class families. US autos will start to look like Cuba, with older and older models being fixed to keep running. High price of gas will severely limit travel.

    They've already made the switch. There isn't going to be a reversion back to ICE cars. Maybe they are able to keep both products running. Frankly, that would be the best for consumers. More choices is not a bad thing, but gov't dictating one choice, only, is bullshit.
  • 46XiJCAB46XiJCAB Member Posts: 20,967

    Big Three US auto makers have signed their own death warrants. If the dems win in 2024, EVs will be the miserable mandated future. Too expensive and not functional for tens of millions of average middle class families. US autos will start to look like Cuba, with older and older models being fixed to keep running. High price of gas will severely limit travel.

    They've already made the switch. There isn't going to be a reversion back to ICE cars. Maybe they are able to keep both products running. Frankly, that would be the best for consumers. More choices is not a bad thing, but gov't dictating one choice, only, is bullshit.
    A less mobile society is easier to control.

    See Cuba.

    DIMS have always hated that Americans are free to roam this vast country.
  • WestlinnDuckWestlinnDuck Member Posts: 15,008 Standard Supporter
    Sledog said:

    Grandpa hairy legs at it again. He can smell her blood.
    Once again we have a suburban wine mom facilitating this behavior and voting for more of it. Put this and the others on a commercial tape loop.
  • 46XiJCAB46XiJCAB Member Posts: 20,967

    Sledog said:

    Grandpa hairy legs at it again. He can smell her blood.
    Once again we have a suburban wine mom facilitating this behavior and voting for more of it. Put this and the others on a commercial tape loop.
    Look at the face of that Mom. What did she think would happen when putting a child near our creepy old fuck in Chief!
  • WestlinnDuckWestlinnDuck Member Posts: 15,008 Standard Supporter
    46XiJCAB said:

    Sledog said:

    Grandpa hairy legs at it again. He can smell her blood.
    Once again we have a suburban wine mom facilitating this behavior and voting for more of it. Put this and the others on a commercial tape loop.
    Look at the face of that Mom. What did she think would happen when putting a child near our creepy old fuck in Chief!
    Then she took a picture or a video and then I'm sure it went to social media so she could revel in what a great protective mother she is.
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