Lightfoot shouldn't be allowed to teach pre-schoolers but she's good enough for Harvard. Pretending that Ivy League schools are somehow elite educational institutions is a joke. A sad joke. Nothing screams "public health" like the disgraced mayor of Chicago, a covid hypocrite and lockdown artist and an architect of a program to kill lots of black kids and destroy a formerly great city.
Trump is perfect for the Miami Cuban community. They DGAF about decorum either. I have been corrupted and softened by living out here in this clean country too many years amongst the stoic Lutherans and Presbyterians of the PNW.
THE DAILY CHART: BLACK SHOOTINGS So relentless has been the propaganda from Black Lives Matter and their “allies” about police shootings that opinion polls routinely find Americans think over a thousand—if not many thousands—of unarmed blacks are shot and killed by police each year, when in fact the actual number is usually the low double digits. Meanwhile, it is forbidden to bring up black-on-black crime because doing so is racist or something.
Leave it to Mark Perry to dramatize the absurdity of the public discourse on this issue:
Works great. Just ask the FBI.
Seattle voters to weigh property tax increase for affordable housing
If that's so wrong, I don't want to be right.
So relentless has been the propaganda from Black Lives Matter and their “allies” about police shootings that opinion polls routinely find Americans think over a thousand—if not many thousands—of unarmed blacks are shot and killed by police each year, when in fact the actual number is usually the low double digits. Meanwhile, it is forbidden to bring up black-on-black crime because doing so is racist or something.
Leave it to Mark Perry to dramatize the absurdity of the public discourse on this issue: