I'd love to hear Kobe explain his white racism is what causes black criminals to victimize mainly other black people excuse to your average black person.
Forget ice skating. Breakdancing is the coolest new Olympic sport. The International Olympic Committee has officially announced it will add breakdancing to the Games under the name breaking. Breaking, of course, is a style of hip-hop dance that includes footwork and athletic moves like back or head spins. The dancers, often called b-boys or b-girls, will be able to compete in the 2024 Olympics in Paris.
Jesus Christ what a fucking joke. All the stoner "sports" like snowboarding, surfing, and skateboarding were dumb enough
Queer Eyed Olympics.
Let's face it: Women ruin everything they touch. Olympics are no exception.
It's the feminization of everything. And every commercial has to be woke. Then they scramble and wonder why ratings are down 40%. Morons.
I’m sure the New Dominion machines arriving now at your local Ballots-R-Us Fix It Center that are equipped with the new “Voter Intent” Software, will be able to ensure this reflects true American intent.
Sorry, Mary, but you can't talk your way into or out of this predicament. You got suckered, then trapped by your own ignorance.
God how beautiful this is to witness.
Defund the police=Private security for the ruling class, anarchy for the poors. I guess the private security can run their own prisons too.
But if wimpy progressive faggots like @TheKobeStopper would ask an actual black person how they felt about it, the answer might shock them:
Mary looks pretty doable despite the mask.
Wood hate fuck.
All progressives are fucking stupid, but the progessives in Washington win by a mile.
Next campaign will be for "Best New Porn Star."
Pawel 🇵🇱