We are currently meddling in energy the same way we meddle in healthcare. The competition is artificial in many respects and that leads to artificially elevated costs in both sectors.
Imagine if our FG announced that the moronic Medicare for all philosophy should be extrapolated to the energy sector.
We’d be talking about the nationalisation of all energy production and subsequent rationing of supply.
Where in the fuck has that worked?
Look at the prices for Lasik eye surgery or plastic surgery, neither covered by insurance and therefore not highly regulated. Prices are down, quality up. Amazing what competition can do. Trump wanted hospitals to post prices for surgeries. Dems and RINOs and most importantly, their client group the hospitals hated it.
The AHA lobbies do work in DC. Recent Medicare reimbursement bump of 9% only to hospitals….not physician owned ASCs. HCS have gotten too large and are beginning to function like government run care. ASCs are the competition in elective procedures so now you have mega-systems colluding with the federal government to stomp out what is a superior product and service in most cases.
My orthopedic doctor is in a physician owned practice. He admits that its been hard to stay out of the maw of the hospital practices. My wife worked for a physician owned NICU practice. Then with obamacare, they caved and sold out. The regulatory mess of medical practice, like HIPAA and both private and government billing makes the huge hospital orgs attractive for the government but not for the nurses and doctors.
The overhead associated with running a private practice is triple what it was just ten years ago. Part of the design of Obamacare was to destroy independent physician-owned groups and transfer the care pathway from the doctor to the accountants and attorneys of large healthcare systems and insurers, because those are the two entities that the federal government is most comfortable doing business with. There is no doctor Union/lobby in DC….so there are no kickbacks to be had by the men and women that actually treat us.
Break up the hospital mega systems. They aren’t good for patient care.
In other words, where Michelle spent her entire career before becoming de facto President.
Midwest teachers leaving the classroom over student behavior, left-wing politics While the national teachers’ unions cite Republicans’ and parents’ “politicization” of the classroom as the reason for educators wanting to leave the field, Tony Kinnett with the Chalkboard Review discovered this is not what’s driving Midwestern educators out of their classrooms.
Kinnett asked 615 K-12 teachers in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri and Wisconsin the main reason they were leaving their current position and whether they would return if it was dealt with. Respondents were also asked whether they were union members, of which over half (356) said they were.
Student behavior, left-wing politics An overwhelming majority of respondents (319 out of 615) listed student behavior as their number one reason for resigning, followed by 138 selecting “progressive political activity” (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, CRT, gender identity) and 134 basing their decision on “insufficient” salaries.
When teacher pay is posed as a contributing factor to the other answer choices (“I’m not being paid enough to deal with ________”), 93.35 percent of Midwestern teachers stated student behavior and admin requiring progressive political activity are why they are resigning.
Parent “demands” wasn’t even close. “It’s not even a secondary or tertiary issue — it’s 49 times less important to teachers than the behavioral crisis,” Kinnett writes.
KAROL MARKOWICZ: Democrats declare needless emergencies — on COVID and maybe climate change — to grab power.-
Gov. Kathy Hochul has been extending her “emergency” powers monthly since she declared a state of emergency in November in response to the Omicron variant. (That was after declaring a “statewide disaster emergency due to health-care staffing shortages” in September.)
The governor’s office downplays her extensions by saying they give “the state the flexibility to troubleshoot hospital capacity issues.”
But that’s not all. As Albany’s Times Union reported last week, “The order suspended competitive bidding for certain contracts as well as the normal contract review and approval process conducted by [Comptroller Tom] DiNapoli’s office, which oversees state government spending.”
This is a big deal. The state spends our money recklessly at the best of times — but with this “emergency” in place, it doesn’t have to answer to us or even pretend to give expensive contracts to anyone but friends.
The family of Charlie Tebele, owner of Digital Gadgets LLC, has donated almost $300,000 to Hochul’s gubernatorial campaign. By great coincidence, surely, the state has paid Digital Gadgets $637 million for at-home COVID-19 test kits. No bidding, no problem. It’s an emergency, you see.
We are currently meddling in energy the same way we meddle in healthcare. The competition is artificial in many respects and that leads to artificially elevated costs in both sectors.
Imagine if our FG announced that the moronic Medicare for all philosophy should be extrapolated to the energy sector.
We’d be talking about the nationalisation of all energy production and subsequent rationing of supply.
Where in the fuck has that worked?
People actually love living in China and Venezuella. Just stay quiet and enjoy the mostly peaceful tyranny. Be grateful "they" let you even breath "their" air.
We are currently meddling in energy the same way we meddle in healthcare. The competition is artificial in many respects and that leads to artificially elevated costs in both sectors.
Imagine if our FG announced that the moronic Medicare for all philosophy should be extrapolated to the energy sector.
We’d be talking about the nationalisation of all energy production and subsequent rationing of supply.
Where in the fuck has that worked?
People actually love living in China and Venezuella. Just stay quiet and enjoy the mostly peaceful tyranny. Be grateful "they" let you even breath "their"the people's air.
Bill Maher blasted "the woke world we live in," mocking the fact even James Bond movies are now "p**sified."
Maher, who remains a moderate Democrat, has continued to excoriate woke politics in his comedy, lamenting even Bond has now gone woke, spinning a yarn about a long, lost time.
"This was back in the day when James Bond was allowed to, like, f*ck hot chicks," Maher told Hannah Stocking on last week's "Club Random Podcast," adding woke movie makers have really "p*ssified him.
"On this one – it's so pathetic – he literally takes his girlfriend and her daughter on his mission to save the world. He practically stops off at Target to buy tampons on the way to the underground lair."
Bond was referencing the 1999 Bond film "The World Is Not Enough," comparing Stocking to the attractive Dr. Christmas Jones played by Denise Richards, but lamenting the 2021 "No Time to Die" was made in a woke world.
"It's because that's what this is, the woke world we live in," Maher told Stocking. "But back in that day, Dr. Christmas and Denise Richards was hotter than the sun, still is."
They left used to polish Maher’s knob until he refused to follow them down the path to extreme fucktardary of thing that make no sense. He hasn’t changed, but is now a conservative and a Trumper apparently. This is what @TheKobeStopper told us about…
Bill Maher blasted "the woke world we live in," mocking the fact even James Bond movies are now "p**sified."
Maher, who remains a moderate Democrat, has continued to excoriate woke politics in his comedy, lamenting even Bond has now gone woke, spinning a yarn about a long, lost time.
"This was back in the day when James Bond was allowed to, like, f*ck hot chicks," Maher told Hannah Stocking on last week's "Club Random Podcast," adding woke movie makers have really "p*ssified him.
"On this one – it's so pathetic – he literally takes his girlfriend and her daughter on his mission to save the world. He practically stops off at Target to buy tampons on the way to the underground lair."
Bond was referencing the 1999 Bond film "The World Is Not Enough," comparing Stocking to the attractive Dr. Christmas Jones played by Denise Richards, but lamenting the 2021 "No Time to Die" was made in a woke world.
"It's because that's what this is, the woke world we live in," Maher told Stocking. "But back in that day, Dr. Christmas and Denise Richards was hotter than the sun, still is."
We are currently meddling in energy the same way we meddle in healthcare. The competition is artificial in many respects and that leads to artificially elevated costs in both sectors.
Imagine if our FG announced that the moronic Medicare for all philosophy should be extrapolated to the energy sector.
We’d be talking about the nationalisation of all energy production and subsequent rationing of supply.
Where in the fuck has that worked?
Look at the prices for Lasik eye surgery or plastic surgery, neither covered by insurance and therefore not highly regulated. Prices are down, quality up. Amazing what competition can do. Trump wanted hospitals to post prices for surgeries. Dems and RINOs and most importantly, their client group the hospitals hated it.
The AHA lobbies do work in DC. Recent Medicare reimbursement bump of 9% only to hospitals….not physician owned ASCs. HCS have gotten too large and are beginning to function like government run care. ASCs are the competition in elective procedures so now you have mega-systems colluding with the federal government to stomp out what is a superior product and service in most cases.
My orthopedic doctor is in a physician owned practice. He admits that its been hard to stay out of the maw of the hospital practices. My wife worked for a physician owned NICU practice. Then with obamacare, they caved and sold out. The regulatory mess of medical practice, like HIPAA and both private and government billing makes the huge hospital orgs attractive for the government but not for the nurses and doctors.
The overhead associated with running a private practice is triple what it was just ten years ago. Part of the design of Obamacare was to destroy independent physician-owned groups and transfer the care pathway from the doctor to the accountants and attorneys of large healthcare systems and insurers, because those are the two entities that the federal government is most comfortable doing business with. There is no doctor Union/lobby in DC….so there are no kickbacks to be had by the men and women that actually treat us.
Break up the hospital mega systems. They aren’t good for patient care.
In the early 2000's there were thriving independent practices everywhere in the PDX metro area. Then came Obama.
Outside the Indiana state capitol building, competing pro-life and pro-abortion protesters sparred before a swarm of abortion supporters entered the building, shouting at state senators as the special session ensued.
Outside the Indiana state capitol building, competing pro-life and pro-abortion protesters sparred before a swarm of abortion supporters entered the building, shouting at state senators as the special session ensued.
Midwest teachers leaving the classroom over student behavior, left-wing politics
While the national teachers’ unions cite Republicans’ and parents’ “politicization” of the classroom as the reason for educators wanting to leave the field, Tony Kinnett with the Chalkboard Review discovered this is not what’s driving Midwestern educators out of their classrooms.
Kinnett asked 615 K-12 teachers in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri and Wisconsin the main reason they were leaving their current position and whether they would return if it was dealt with. Respondents were also asked whether they were union members, of which over half (356) said they were.
Student behavior, left-wing politics
An overwhelming majority of respondents (319 out of 615) listed student behavior as their number one reason for resigning, followed by 138 selecting “progressive political activity” (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, CRT, gender identity) and 134 basing their decision on “insufficient” salaries.
When teacher pay is posed as a contributing factor to the other answer choices (“I’m not being paid enough to deal with ________”), 93.35 percent of Midwestern teachers stated student behavior and admin requiring progressive political activity are why they are resigning.
Parent “demands” wasn’t even close. “It’s not even a secondary or tertiary issue — it’s 49 times less important to teachers than the behavioral crisis,” Kinnett writes.
KAROL MARKOWICZ: Democrats declare needless emergencies — on COVID and maybe climate change — to grab power.-
Gov. Kathy Hochul has been extending her “emergency” powers monthly since she declared a state of emergency in November in response to the Omicron variant. (That was after declaring a “statewide disaster emergency due to health-care staffing shortages” in September.)
The governor’s office downplays her extensions by saying they give “the state the flexibility to troubleshoot hospital capacity issues.”
But that’s not all. As Albany’s Times Union reported last week, “The order suspended competitive bidding for certain contracts as well as the normal contract review and approval process conducted by [Comptroller Tom] DiNapoli’s office, which oversees state government spending.”
This is a big deal. The state spends our money recklessly at the best of times — but with this “emergency” in place, it doesn’t have to answer to us or even pretend to give expensive contracts to anyone but friends.
The family of Charlie Tebele, owner of Digital Gadgets LLC, has donated almost $300,000 to Hochul’s gubernatorial campaign. By great coincidence, surely, the state has paid Digital Gadgets $637 million for at-home COVID-19 test kits. No bidding, no problem. It’s an emergency, you see.
Outside the Indiana state capitol building, competing pro-life and pro-abortion protesters sparred before a swarm of abortion supporters entered the building, shouting at state senators as the special session ensued.