So any breaking news about the Cho Bai Den response to the Russian hack?
This is the first big deal the Biden administration needs to deal with. Ransomware attacks are not new, but this one affects national security. I would assume they know who and where these guys are located and most likely not in countries friendly with the US. Something should be done. We'll see.
Did you read the names of the bills and/or the bills themselves?
I’m certain you just read the names of the bills.
You do understand that the titles of the bills sound great but often have little, if any, relationship to the contents of the bill itself.
Need an example, BIRDBRAIN?
What is the name of the Obamacare bill?
The Affordable Care Act . . .
For your consistent ignorant poasting, you should be required to read EACH and EVERY ONE OF THOSE DAMN EXECUTIVE ORDERS YOU LISTED and in your own words, summarize what each one is about and then inform us why each one is great for the country.
You should be banned from the Great State of Idaho and forced to live in a liberal mecca like Portland, Seattle, San Francisco or Los Angeles.
You are the dimmest of dimwits!
Stay down Trolley, you're out of your league.
Hey Owl, you ever going to back up your mouth regarding your claim that it was Trump who got rid of the work requirements for unemployment?
So any breaking news about the Cho Bai Den response to the Russian hack?
This is the first big deal the Biden administration needs to deal with. Ransomware attacks are not new, but this one affects national security. I would assume they know who and where these guys are located and most likely not in countries friendly with the US. Something should be done. We'll see.
Biden like you is cheering them on. You both support shutting down pipelines, the hackers are fucking heros to leftists.
So any breaking news about the Cho Bai Den response to the Russian hack?
This is the first big deal the Biden administration needs to deal with. Ransomware attacks are not new, but this one affects national security. I would assume they know who and where these guys are located and most likely not in countries friendly with the US. Something should be done. We'll see.
Biden already said he isn’t going to do anything.
BTW: Did you miss the news about all the hacking of federal databases during the Obama administration, to wit: the Office of Personnel Management?
So any breaking news about the Cho Bai Den response to the Russian hack?
This is the first big deal the Biden administration needs to deal with. Ransomware attacks are not new, but this one affects national security. I would assume they know who and where these guys are located and most likely not in countries friendly with the US. Something should be done. We'll see.
Biden like you is cheering them on. You both support shutting down pipelines, the hackers are fucking heros to leftists.
One of Coolidge's most famous quotes is "Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence". You can be smart and still not be successful without it.
I believe in your case he would say, being persistently stupid is not a good way to go through life.
So any breaking news about the Cho Bai Den response to the Russian hack?
This is the first big deal the Biden administration needs to deal with. Ransomware attacks are not new, but this one affects national security. I would assume they know who and where these guys are located and most likely not in countries friendly with the US. Something should be done. We'll see.
Biden like you is cheering them on. You both support shutting down pipelines, the hackers are fucking heros to leftists.
One of Coolidge's most famous quotes is "Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence". You can be smart and still not be successful without it.
I believe in your case he would say, being persistently stupid is not a good way to go through life.
That’s your motto, Dodo.
Still waiting for you to tell me what people were willing to work for and what the cost of goods was 50 years ago, you DOLT.
Biden is, ostensibly, in the big chair. He will get credit for the vaccine. He was responsible for none of the development, but that's just the rules. He should also be tagged with 180K dead on his watch. Also the rules.
Good job on Covid. Good job on LGBT rights. The infrastructure bill should be solid. I got a full tank of gas and the economy is booming for me.
There’s been some failures. The border, obviously. But I’m a Sam Hinkie Truther. Process over results.
Yet you caveat the economy. What did he do on COVID? What was his plan? Where a mask a continue a rollout of vaccines he had nothing to do with...other than be part of a group that heaped ridicule when it was suggest last year that vaccines would be widely available by April 2021.
What right do the gays have now that they didn’t have before?
You’re the libertarian, you’re the one that thinks no one should give a shit about anyone else. There’s no caveat, it’s your standard. The economy is great for me right now, nothing else matters.
Again, you guys set the terms on Biden. Everything that happens while he’s president is on him. Throw up the death counter but then he gets credit for vaccinations.
If you guys don’t want to play by your own rules, we can play by mine. Or you can just take the fucking L.
Your first sentence is 100% false. And yes, there is a caveat. Idiot. Don’t lump me in with “you guys” you fucking imbecile. I didn’t mention the death count. Any other logical fallacies or would you like to stay on topic?
This was one of your shittier responses ever.
No, I’m done playing the little game you guys have.
Link me to the thread where you objected to the Biden death counter. I’ve got the only thread it’s ever happened in, it’s this one, when I said it.
You guys run around talking out of both sides of your mouth and you never argue about it until I repeat it back to you. Then you’ve got a problem with it. It’s tired.
When you start acting like a man and actually objecting to the dumb shit the Trumpers say, I’ll treat you like an individual. Until then, you’re just a part of the collective “you guys”.
At least with Trump, there was some fear and respect
Biden already said he isn’t going to do anything.
BTW: Did you miss the news about all the hacking of federal databases during the Obama administration, to wit: the Office of Personnel Management?
This was done by the Chinese.
Try to keep up (informed), dimwit.
Nadler already took care of that one.
I literally LOL’d. Then I ROFL’d. For realz.
I believe in your case he would say, being persistently stupid is not a good way to go through life.
Still waiting for you to tell me what people were willing to work for and what the cost of goods was 50 years ago, you DOLT.
Minimum wage?
Cost of a house?
Cost of a new car?
Use Portland as an example . . .
Hey Owl, how do you explain that a dumb guy like me is constantly exposing your ignorance?
I'm sure you'll wash through several more in your lifetime, softy.