Note that your experts who think you should wear a mask or two outside have no public health issue with thousands of unvaccinated people swarming the border
the same types who marched during the plandemic and made up terms like health racism or whatever the fuck it was
Since a large number of people are emotional dolts like you, they really like this list:
On the plus side he’s not orange nor does he come across as mean or bad Presidential tweets are down 100% He shared his tax returns He’s in bed by 7:30 His wife is a serious person and not a dumb hot model He wants to undo all the criminal justice damage he’s done over the last 50 years. So he’s trying to make amends to the people in the racial jungle
Melania isn't stupid and Jill isn't smart. Melania can speak five languages which is five more than our dementia patient president.
What’s amazing is how fast everything has gone to shit. Biden is a complete imbecile, but this fucktardery runs throughout the current party in charge. Carter’s reign of incompetence was bad, this one’s is flabbergastingly disastrous.