My favorite this week are the righties saying how government needs to not tell them what to do with their bodies in regards to the vaccine. My body my choice
What’s also unbelievable is pro-abortion folks obediently running to turn their bodies over to the new state religion (pro-mask and social distancing) even when not supported by science or common sense and rushing to get non-FDA approved vaccines jammed into their arms. Long-term effects TBD.
Works both ways, Sis.
BTW: What does your post have to do with critical race theory?
If you don’t like the politics or living in Idaho, there are three states on the west coast that would like a piece of your mother’s pension you inherited, except Washington for the time being.
There are plenty of people who would like to take your place.
My favorite this week are the righties saying how government needs to not tell them what to do with their bodies in regards to the vaccine. My body my choice
Unless you’re pregnant. Fucking unbelievable
Just not a bigger bunch of bigoted hypocrites
You do realize, at some point, the pro-abortionist’s are terminating a human being that can survive outside of the womb.
At that point, their “medical care” involves another human being.
My favorite this week are the righties saying how government needs to not tell them what to do with their bodies in regards to the vaccine. My body my choice
Unless you’re pregnant. Fucking unbelievable
Just not a bigger bunch of bigoted hypocrites
You do realize, at some point, the pro-abortionist’s are terminating a human being that can survive outside of the womb.
At that point, their “medical care” involves another human being.
You're asking way too much for a hack like HuskyJW.
My favorite this week are the righties saying how government needs to not tell them what to do with their bodies in regards to the vaccine. My body my choice
My favorite this week are the righties saying how government needs to not tell them what to do with their bodies in regards to the vaccine. My body my choice
Unless you’re pregnant. Fucking unbelievable
Just not a bigger bunch of bigoted hypocrites
You do realize, at some point, the pro-abortionist’s are terminating a human being that can survive outside of the womb.
At that point, their “medical care” involves another human being.
Quite honestly, The Throbber would rather NOT have CRT banned. Let it get floated out there for what it is - a theory. And then destroy it with logic and reason and debate. Nobody is calling it Critical Race Fact.
Perhaps in the process we also get a little educated on some things we may have taken for gospel truth and learn about other's perspective along the way. CRT is a steaming pile of shit but I've actually learned some things about the black experience that I had previously been unaware.
It's history - we learn from it. We debate it and we try to get better. You don't use history to tear down. You use it to improve what's in place. The CRT freaks can't quite grasp that concept.
I'm fine debating the CRT lie here. I'm not fine with public school systems forcing the lie on students who if they "debate" the lie are give poor grades, humiliated in class, and beaten down as white racists. At this point, leftards have no desire of an honest conversation.
Unless you’re pregnant. Fucking unbelievable
Just not a bigger bunch of bigoted hypocrites
Works both ways, Sis.
BTW: What does your post have to do with critical race theory?
If you don’t like the politics or living in Idaho, there are three states on the west coast that would like a piece of your mother’s pension you inherited, except Washington for the time being.
There are plenty of people who would like to take your place.
At that point, their “medical care” involves another human being.