I'm only half joking when I ask what it would cost for a developer to make us a shitcoin. @haie ?
I've seen it at $150K recently.
Probably could do it for way less. This was a developer with chops and verifiable versions they can point to. Their thing was tokens but same concept.
Let's call it ThrobCoin and market to white males who like boobies.
Maybe we can convince @Doog_de_Jour to toss in some tasteful NFTs of her, like we say, perkies.
This is the most roundabout way of securing tit pics
"Do it for the shareholders"
You have no idea how close to home that hits.
I was doing a private placement one time with some potential investors and this dude says he has a check up in his room. Now, understand, we were in Vegas and eating/drinking hard
Like a dumbshit, I’m like sure, let’s get that money and leave the table with him. I’m about halfway up the elevator with him and the lightbulb goes on. Why the fuck did he need me to come up to his room? And then the buttcheeks start puckering as to what dilution these funds are really going to cost.
Thank god, dude writes a check, hands it to me and says ‘ok let’s go drink more with the rest of the group’
Will never do that again. Could have lost my kidney or some prison ass raping shit.
I'm only half joking when I ask what it would cost for a developer to make us a shitcoin. @haie ?
I've seen it at $150K recently.
Probably could do it for way less. This was a developer with chops and verifiable versions they can point to. Their thing was tokens but same concept.
Let's call it ThrobCoin and market to white males who like boobies.
Maybe we can convince @Doog_de_Jour to toss in some tasteful NFTs of her, like we say, perkies.
This is the most roundabout way of securing tit pics
"Do it for the shareholders"
You have no idea how close to home that hits.
I was doing a private placement one time with some potential investors and this dude says he has a check up in his room. Now, understand, we were in Vegas and eating/drinking hard
Like a dumbshit, I’m like sure, let’s get that money and leave the table with him. I’m about halfway up the elevator with him and the lightbulb goes on. Why the fuck did he need me to come up to his room? And then the buttcheeks start puckering as to what dilution these funds are really going to cost.
Thank god, dude writes a check, hands it to me and says ‘ok let’s go drink more with the rest of the group’
Will never do that again. Could have lost my kidney or some prison ass raping shit.
I'm only half joking when I ask what it would cost for a developer to make us a shitcoin. @haie ?
I've seen it at $150K recently.
Probably could do it for way less. This was a developer with chops and verifiable versions they can point to. Their thing was tokens but same concept.
Let's call it ThrobCoin and market to white males who like boobies.
Maybe we can convince @Doog_de_Jour to toss in some tasteful NFTs of her, like we say, perkies.
This is the most roundabout way of securing tit pics
"Do it for the shareholders"
You have no idea how close to home that hits.
I was doing a private placement one time with some potential investors and this dude says he has a check up in his room. Now, understand, we were in Vegas and eating/drinking hard
Like a dumbshit, I’m like sure, let’s get that money and leave the table with him. I’m about halfway up the elevator with him and the lightbulb goes on. Why the fuck did he need me to come up to his room? And then the buttcheeks start puckering as to what dilution these funds are really going to cost.
Thank god, dude writes a check, hands it to me and says ‘ok let’s go drink more with the rest of the group’
Will never do that again. Could have lost my kidney or some prison ass raping shit.
I'm only half joking when I ask what it would cost for a developer to make us a shitcoin. @haie ?
It depends on if you want a legitimate block chain based currency or some bullshit tied to someone's VPC, who can swindle idiots.
With BitCoin the creator was a god tier dev, albeit old school. The devs that were employed by that talked about how the original creator programmed in such a way that was concerned about memory issues that don't exist today. Sounds like an old crusty Halfbrain, which I respect.
Anyone can create some retard encryption scheme and fool idiots into thinking it's a legitimate block chain based currency.
But eventually someone smarter than me will come along and show everyone it's bullshit.
We found our developer
@Baseman fupdate?
Probably could do it for way less. This was a developer with chops and verifiable versions they can point to. Their thing was tokens but same concept.
Let's call it ThrobCoin and market to white males who like boobies.
Maybe we can convince @Doog_de_Jour to toss in some tasteful NFTs of her, like we say, perkies.
"Do it for the shareholders"
I was doing a private placement one time with some potential investors and this dude says he has a check up in his room. Now, understand, we were in Vegas and eating/drinking hard
Like a dumbshit, I’m like sure, let’s get that money and leave the table with him. I’m about halfway up the elevator with him and the lightbulb goes on. Why the fuck did he need me to come up to his room? And then the buttcheeks start puckering as to what dilution these funds are really going to cost.
Thank god, dude writes a check, hands it to me and says ‘ok let’s go drink more with the rest of the group’
Will never do that again. Could have lost my kidney or some prison ass raping shit.
With BitCoin the creator was a god tier dev, albeit old school. The devs that were employed by that talked about how the original creator programmed in such a way that was concerned about memory issues that don't exist today. Sounds like an old crusty Halfbrain, which I respect.
Anyone can create some retard encryption scheme and fool idiots into thinking it's a legitimate block chain based currency.
But eventually someone smarter than me will come along and show everyone it's bullshit.