I'll always support a presence of soldiers for the sole purpose of killing Taliban or ISIS fucks. They're scum of the earth and deserve to die.
We have been in country there for 30 years. Our sole purpose was never the killing of Taliban or ISIS fucks. We were building schools for girls that were then blown up after we moved on. Gave tens of billions to corrupt "moderate" Afghans that accomplished nothing. I'd be happy to stay and kill Taliban. But, we won't. We just act as targets and kill a few here and there. They clearly don't fear or respect us and who would. They read ROE and just laugh at the weak horse. We let them grow their poppies for opium so they could raise money to kill us. How phucked up is that? Just leave.
What's wrong with live subject target practice? Who needs virtual reality goggles when you got real live scumbags to shoot?
Nothing. But that's against the ROE and will continue to be so.
They could be hiding anything under their dresses. Better safe than sorry.