A buddy of mine teaches a couple of classes at Columbus St here in Georgia. This is a die hard liberal who told me up to 25% of the students don't show up for class. They get their loan money and other financial aid and then are gone. So glad to take that debt off their hands.
When minorities are disproportionately lower income, all of a sudden every economic issue is seen through the lens of racism. It's an easy script to follow.
When minorities are disproportionately lower income, all of a sudden every economic issue is seen through the lens of racism. It's an easy script to follow.
Some minorities are disproportionately lower income. Not all. But we don't talk about that because it fucks up the narrative.
When minorities are disproportionately lower income, all of a sudden every economic issue is seen through the lens of racism. It's an easy script to follow.
Actually, it isn't an easy script to follow. It's a lazy ass mind that would follow that false narrative easy script.
When minorities are disproportionately lower income, all of a sudden every economic issue is seen through the lens of racism. It's an easy script to follow.
Actually, it isn't an easy script to follow. It's a lazy ass mind that would follow that false narrative easy script.
We're saying the same thing. This isn't the first time you've been too stupid to realize we agree on something. Probably won't be the last. Such is the life of a tribalist.
When minorities are disproportionately lower income, all of a sudden every economic issue is seen through the lens of racism. It's an easy script to follow.
Actually, it isn't an easy script to follow. It's a lazy ass mind that would follow that false narrative easy script.
We're saying the same thing. This isn't the first time you've been too stupid to realize we agree on something. Probably won't be the last. Such is the life of a tribalist.
When minorities are disproportionately lower income, all of a sudden every economic issue is seen through the lens of racism. It's an easy script to follow.
Actually, it isn't an easy script to follow. It's a lazy ass mind that would follow that false narrative easy script.
We're saying the same thing. This isn't the first time you've been too stupid to realize we agree on something. Probably won't be the last. Such is the life of a tribalist.
What is the easy script?
Christ. The script is liberal politicians pointing to any economic inequity between races and using racism as a rallying cry. Was that not clear from my OP?
When minorities are disproportionately lower income, all of a sudden every economic issue is seen through the lens of racism. It's an easy script to follow.
Actually, it isn't an easy script to follow. It's a lazy ass mind that would follow that false narrative easy script.
We're saying the same thing. This isn't the first time you've been too stupid to realize we agree on something. Probably won't be the last. Such is the life of a tribalist.
What is the easy script?
Christ. The script is liberal politicians pointing to any economic inequity between races and using racism as a rallying cry. Was that not clear from my OP?
Sounds like you're getting aroused when black people don't payback their student loans.
You said it was an easy script and I said it wasn't, it is a lie. I fully agree that is what they are saying and I agree that it isn't true that whites are causing the problem. In fact it is a voting issue for me, but apparently not for you.
Leave it to the media to insert race into everything and divide an already divided country. How about it's not fair that college cost $4,500 20 years ago and it's three times that now, given wages are stagnant and the top 10percent own 90 percent of wealth or stalks or whatever the hell it is?
Leave it to the media to insert race into everything and divide an already divided country. How about it's not fair that college cost $4,500 20 years ago and it's three times that now, given wages are stagnant and the top 10percent own 90 percent of wealth or stalks or whatever the hell it is?
How much of that increase in the cost of college is on account of the Diversity Administers that were highlighted here last week that are pulling down nearly $200K a year in salary alone?
Btw, this was a Rat Congresswoman and the media inserting race into this.
Does anybody else get tired of the blatant exploitation of race by these racial extortionists?
Where does it ever end? Some of this shit is so shamefully racist and opportunistic, it's disgusting.
Well I know if you object to it, or you try and push back on it you'll getting fucking hacks like the Dazzler and GRG calling you a racist for doing so. I blame Conservatives for this, too busy fighting the cultural war to fix things.
Leave it to the media to insert race into everything and divide an already divided country. How about it's not fair that college cost $4,500 20 years ago and it's three times that now, given wages are stagnant and the top 10percent own 90 percent of wealth or stalks or whatever the hell it is?
It’s a racket. There is real truth in learning a trade and skipping college. Back in the day, a college degree meant a lot more. Anyone can take loans and get one now.
When minorities are disproportionately lower income, all of a sudden every economic issue is seen through the lens of racism. It's an easy script to follow.
Actually, it isn't an easy script to follow. It's a lazy ass mind that would follow that false narrative easy script.
We're saying the same thing. This isn't the first time you've been too stupid to realize we agree on something. Probably won't be the last. Such is the life of a tribalist.
What is the easy script?
Christ. The script is liberal politicians pointing to any economic inequity between races and using racism as a rallying cry. Was that not clear from my OP?
Affordable housing, minimum wage, taxes, and education are all socio economic issues. The left has found a way to link minority and poor together, so they become racial issues.
So you can be racist if you are for student debt cancellation?
Btw, this was a Rat Congresswoman and the media inserting race into this.
Where does it ever end? Some of this shit is so shamefully racist and opportunistic, it's disgusting.
Affordable housing, minimum wage, taxes, and education are all socio economic issues. The left has found a way to link minority and poor together, so they become racial issues.