She’s right, by definition. Republicans hate facts.
The Rats are busy bastardizing the language trying to claim that "infrastructure" includes childcare and this Kunt talks about how Republicans hate facts. The party that believes there are 57 genders talks about Republicans hating facts. The Kunt who claimed just the other day that the out of wedlock birth rate in the black community is the fault of white racism talking about how Republicans hate facts. Now that is fucking rich.
She’s right, by definition. Republicans hate facts.
The masses equate infrastructure with physical existence of something. Right or wrong that’s what they believe. If you are playing marketing games against the accepted meaning you are being deliberately dishonest.
She’s right, by definition. Republicans hate facts.
The Rats are busy bastardizing the language trying to claim that "infrastructure" includes childcare and this Kunt talks about how Republicans hate facts. The party that believes there are 57 genders talks about Republicans hating facts. The Kunt who claimed just the other day that the out of wedlock birth rate in the black community is the fault of white racism talking about how Republicans hate facts. Now that is fucking rich.
Remember when Stretch claimed that food stamps were infrastructure. When you give someone free sh*t it isn't free. It comes from someone, either taxes, debt or inflation. Just the facts Ma'am.
Remember how barry funneled a trillion into shovel ready jobs and fixed all the roads. Me neither, most of it funneled into state payments for government employees. Infrastucture.
She’s right, by definition. Republicans hate facts.
The masses equate infrastructure with physical existence of something. Right or wrong that’s what they believe. If you are playing marketing games against the accepted meaning you are being deliberately dishonest.
The masses support Biden’s infrastructure plan. I’m sorry you feel that the definitions of words are a “marketing game” but feel free to run against it since so many people will be upset. I suspect you’ll stick to attacking 0.4% of the population, just like op.
She’s right, by definition. Republicans hate facts.
The masses equate infrastructure with physical existence of something. Right or wrong that’s what they believe. If you are playing marketing games against the accepted meaning you are being deliberately dishonest.
The masses support Biden’s infrastructure plan. I’m sorry you feel that the definitions of words are a “marketing game” but feel free to run against it since so many people will be upset. I suspect you’ll stick to attacking 0.4% of the population, just like op.
Someone once wrote, "When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways." You should take this to heart. Bob C is correct, the MSM is not telling the "masses" what the stimulus package contains. They use the term "infrastructure" because you can see the sh*tty roads and bridges. The assumption is that they will be fixed. The truth is very little is going to roads and bridges because you leftards hate cars and the individuals freedom travel on their own terms.
She’s right, by definition. Republicans hate facts.
The masses equate infrastructure with physical existence of something. Right or wrong that’s what they believe. If you are playing marketing games against the accepted meaning you are being deliberately dishonest.
The masses support Biden’s infrastructure plan. I’m sorry you feel that the definitions of words are a “marketing game” but feel free to run against it since so many people will be upset. I suspect you’ll stick to attacking 0.4% of the population, just like op.
Like you missed Trump's infrastructure plans during the whole Russia! Russia! Russia! bullshit you fell for. Or during the 2 phony impeachment trials.
And before Kobe and his ilk re-define it, take all the screenshots you need:
Infrastructure is the set of fundamental facilities and systems that support the sustainable functionality of households and firms. Serving a country, city, or other area,[1] including the services and facilities necessary for its economy to function.[2] Infrastructure is composed of public and private physical structures such as roads, railways, bridges, tunnels, water supply, sewers, electrical grids, and telecommunications (including Internet connectivity and broadband access). In general, infrastructure has been defined as "the physical components of interrelated systems providing commodities and services essential to enable, sustain, or enhance societal living conditions" and maintain the surrounding environment.[3]
She’s right, by definition. Republicans hate facts.
The masses equate infrastructure with physical existence of something. Right or wrong that’s what they believe. If you are playing marketing games against the accepted meaning you are being deliberately dishonest.
The masses support Biden’s infrastructure plan. I’m sorry you feel that the definitions of words are a “marketing game” but feel free to run against it since so many people will be upset. I suspect you’ll stick to attacking 0.4% of the population, just like op.
Circular logic. The masses support it because they hear infrastructure and think they know what that means. If they knew what infrastructure meant in the bill they might feel differently.
Why not be totally transparent? If the bill was so good on its own there should be no problem with presenting the nuance. We were promised transparency, we are getting marketing.
She’s right, by definition. Republicans hate facts.
No I don't
Fuck off with the "Biden's Plan" bullshit, shill.
One word: Podesta.
10% off the top for the big guy.
Infrastructure is the set of fundamental facilities and systems that support the sustainable functionality of households and firms. Serving a country, city, or other area,[1] including the services and facilities necessary for its economy to function.[2] Infrastructure is composed of public and private physical structures such as roads, railways, bridges, tunnels, water supply, sewers, electrical grids, and telecommunications (including Internet connectivity and broadband access). In general, infrastructure has been defined as "the physical components of interrelated systems providing commodities and services essential to enable, sustain, or enhance societal living conditions" and maintain the surrounding environment.[3]
Why not be totally transparent? If the bill was so good on its own there should be no problem with presenting the nuance. We were promised transparency, we are getting marketing.