It's almost like there's already another bored for crying about cancel culture and identity grievances
Drop the Biden Dem Party into anywhere in Europe or Asia and it's center-right
Ike was a Rep playing under the FDR rulebook, Biden is a Dem still having to play under the Reagan rulebook
The Bearswin househusband rulebook appears to be anything short of full blown Marxist is a "centrist" and Biden was like Ike because they were both old white guys.
I'll allow it. Although I would hasten to add that @BearsWiin hasn't been the same since. Sad, really.
One condition. Somewhere in at least every other post in the brawl someone just needs to mention money, economis, trade policy, kitchens, cars, home repair, stock tips, bitcoin, or entropy. As long as one of those shows up in either corner's tirade, it qualifies the whole thing for the Club. Otherwise, @RaceBannon will call a foul and I won't be able to defend it.
Don’t know him but seems like a good dude...don’t have a problem with that statement.
And if I remember correctly (and I may not) I owe him one because I think it was one of his rants on dawgman or HHB that got me banned at dawgman because they were too dumb to figure out we weren’t the same person.
Don’t know him but seems like a good dude...don’t have a problem with that statement.
And if I remember correctly (and I may not) I owe him one because I think it was one of his rants on dawgman or HHB that got me banned at dawgman because they were too dumb to figure out we weren’t the same person.
I can prove through deductive reasoning that @BennyBeaver is wrong:
@HoustonHusky is a charter member of the Finance Club;
@Houhusky 's membership is being considered by the membership committee;
Therefore, at least for the time being, and for the foreseeable future, @HoustonHusky is >>>>> than @Houhusky .
No offense. But the point is beyond debate. Sorry Benny.
How did this not get moved to the Tug? You are really blurring the lines here mi amigo. I can't handle the ups and downs. Are we? a cuntry club, or beside the dumpster in the alley behind the Thunderdome?
Don’t know him but seems like a good dude...don’t have a problem with that statement.
And if I remember correctly (and I may not) I owe him one because I think it was one of his rants on dawgman or HHB that got me banned at dawgman because they were too dumb to figure out we weren’t the same person.
Don’t know him but seems like a good dude...don’t have a problem with that statement.
And if I remember correctly (and I may not) I owe him one because I think it was one of his rants on dawgman or HHB that got me banned at dawgman because they were too dumb to figure out we weren’t the same person.
Fuck off @EwaDawg. We have a nice thing going here where even the visiting Tug heathens behave, and then you come crashing in like a methed up chimp flinging your runny shit everywhere.
Fuck off @EwaDawg. We have a nice thing going here where even the visiting Tug heathens behave, and then you come crashing in like a methed up chimp flinging your runny shit everywhere.
Drop the Biden Dem Party into anywhere in Europe or Asia and it's center-right
Ike was a Rep playing under the FDR rulebook, Biden is a Dem still having to play under the Reagan rulebook
Damn that Reagan must have been something though
Running the country from the grave
Can't we all just get along?
@HoustonHusky FTW rather easily
One condition. Somewhere in at least every other post in the brawl someone just needs to mention money, economis, trade policy, kitchens, cars, home repair, stock tips, bitcoin, or entropy. As long as one of those shows up in either corner's tirade, it qualifies the whole thing for the Club. Otherwise, @RaceBannon will call a foul and I won't be able to defend it.
So let it be written.
I see @HoustonHusky coming off the turnbuckle like Jimmy Superfly Snuka in that one.
And it’s not even close.
And if I remember correctly (and I may not) I owe him one because I think it was one of his rants on dawgman or HHB that got me banned at dawgman because they were too dumb to figure out we weren’t the same person.
@HoustonHusky is a charter member of the Finance Club;
@Houhusky 's membership is being considered by the membership committee;
Therefore, at least for the time being, and for the foreseeable future, @HoustonHusky is >>>>> than @Houhusky .
No offense. But the point is beyond debate. Sorry Benny.
There are no words for your idiocy.
How did this not get moved to the Tug? You are really blurring the lines here mi amigo. I can't handle the ups and downs. Are we? a cuntry club, or beside the dumpster in the alley behind the Thunderdome?
@dflea v. @TurdBomber
@HoustonHusky v. @BearsWiin
@everybody vs. @TheKobeStopper