If you work hard, you will prosper. If you are a dumb lazy derp... your job and place in america will be taken by somebody smarter and willing to work hard.
It has everything to do with it. The main constituency that is so alarmed about immigration from the south is the class of dumb derps that suck at the modern economy, can only get low skilled jobs, and are pissed that mexicans are competing for their low skilled jobs.
The "issues" about tax payments to cover school costs and health care costs are just red hearings used by the politicians that are competing for the votes of the derps mentioned above, and guys like Beck and Rush that have radio programs that the derps like.
America is a melting pot, always has been, and always will be. In that melting pot, some people never rise to the top, and most of the crying about illegals is just the derp reaction to their personal failure in life.
The subject is illegal immigration not immigration. You clearly don't know the difference. And anyone that uses derp can't call anyone stupid other than themselves.
America is a melting pot and land of immigrants? No shit.
The subject is immigration. Labeling some of it "illegal" is simply the ploy of politicians trying to win the vote of derps like you and your butt buddy blitz.
Too bad @DeepPurple died so quickly. He’d make a good top today for Herr Dazzler, AOG, JW and the rest of the BidenBros
Probably alive, but still in weekly therapy, trying to locate his balls.