At this point I'd just take not promoting being fat as good.
How far can it go? Every year it gets worse. There has to be some kind of tipping point right?
Tee hee.
But agree the outrage on saving peoples lives with this virus is a bunch of bullshit compared to the effort put into saving peoples lives in other areas, primarily eating properly and exercising.
Having asthma, I'm more cautious than others, but as long as you aren't right next to someone you should be fine. Having been in idabo now a week I like it, a third the people wear it, the rest don't. Make your own choice.
Whenever I read stuff like this I flash back to that morbidly obese lady screaming at a child standing 12 feet away that not wearing a mask killed her sick, morbidly obese husband.
Ya positive it wasn't the cigarettes and Twinkies, fatso?
So something I have had from birth that could kill me is my fault?
Having asthma, I'm more cautious than others, but as long as you aren't right next to someone you should be fine. Having been in idabo now a week I like it, a third the people wear it, the rest don't. Make your own choice.
Whenever I read stuff like this I flash back to that morbidly obese lady screaming at a child standing 12 feet away that not wearing a mask killed her sick, morbidly obese husband.
Ya positive it wasn't the cigarettes and Twinkies, fatso?
So something I have had from birth that could kill me is my fault?
Morbid obesity? Nicotine addiction? Or Twinkie Fetish?
Using a single surgical-type mask, made of non-woven material, had 85% effectiveness in blocking particles when worn tightly around the nose and face. Adding a polyurethane mask on top boosted the effectiveness to just 89%.
Masks don’t work though, right?
If only it had the same success rate in California the last 3 months
Masks policies have nowhere near the effect that these tests provide as most dont wear them properly or even have the proper mask.
Maybe they should require Mask 101 in schools.
Minus well keep the masks during future flu seasons cause hey..only one kid died of flu this year.
Minus well lower the speed limit as it will save lives
Minus well make hamburgers illegal as it will save lives.
Minus well make cigarettes illegal while were at it.
Minus well make tobacco illegal
Minus well make pop illegal.
Hell.....why not just make it illegal to be more than 20 pounds overweight. I mean it's all those fat motherfuckers who are dying cause of covid and heart disease.
Shit. Why stop at masks and social distancing. If we really want to save lives we need to make being fat illegal.
But agree the outrage on saving peoples lives with this virus is a bunch of bullshit compared to the effort put into saving peoples lives in other areas, primarily eating properly and exercising.
Not sure which one is congenital.
I’m in the same situation; not asthma but a disease which is not my fault. I got my first shot of Pfizer last week. I manage the risk on my own.