Lol the press is stupid. Q is the person disseminating the info. Anon's are those who read it and decode the meaning.
I believe Q is a fucking fart in the wind made up by Leftists to label dumb people. Never had heard of it before the Left started on it.
Apparently you’ve ignored the polling that shows around 10% of the Repub base believes in Qanon. A huge % of your wacko buddies that attacked the Capital were really into it.
Ignoring the cancer doesn’t make it go away.
You say that like 50% of the Democratic Party doesn’t believe crazier shit than Q.
81 percent thinks that people who can't figure out if they are boys of girls are totally normal and should be celebrated
Lol the press is stupid. Q is the person disseminating the info. Anon's are those who read it and decode the meaning.
I believe Q is a fucking fart in the wind made up by Leftists to label dumb people. Never had heard of it before the Left started on it.
Apparently you’ve ignored the polling that shows around 10% of the Repub base believes in Qanon. A huge % of your wacko buddies that attacked the Capital were really into it.
Ignoring the cancer doesn’t make it go away.
How many of the Rat base believe Russian changed the vote totals in 2016 giving Trump the win? Hell how many Rats believe that CPAC built a stage that looked like a Nazi symbol to send subliminal messages to white supremacists? I have to be careful using that last example because Nazi cocksucking morons like @dnc will see that as a "defense" of Nazis.
Again, who is the Patriot Officer who shot unarmed Ashli Babbitt and saved the government from being overthrown? He should run for office. I’ve seen the video of the shooting the BLM activist took. He’s easily identified. Why is he being hidden?
Again, who is the Patriot Officer who shot unarmed Ashli Babbitt and saved the government from being overthrown? He should run for office. I’ve seen the video of the shooting the BLM activist took. He’s easily identified. Why is he being hidden?
Where's Ashli?
Packed, racked and stacked somewhere.
They must have put her in the cordwood like everyone else, eh?
There are, and always have been loonies on the far right. Survivalist types, like Randy Weaver & his family, and plain old crazy fucks like OBK.
"10% of the Republican base?" Pfffffft. Not even close. You'd be lucky to tally 1%.
You have similar loons on the far left, in a slightly higher percentage.
Here's the difference: The far right wing nuts have almost no power and persuasion within the Republican Party.
On the left, the wing nuts have gone mainstream as the tail wags the dog in that party.
If the two competing wing nut wet dreams are Communism on the Left and Fascism on the Right, which path is the U.S. marching down right now?
It's an easy Answer, and all you CoronaBros know it. There will never be Fascism in this country, even though you Lefties define the tiniest offense or disagreement on policy as "Fascist." Communism? One step past Socialism, which millions on the Left want.
I’m talking about the Black cop who has marched with BLM so they are hiding it. That Sullivan Guy is a paid actor, seeing as he’s failed his jail release twice and is still outside in his home.
It’s all a simulation at this point.
Worse. If you look closely, you can see the fishing line as puppet strings.
Wait wut? Are you guys saying the capital riot was staged and not spontaneous?
I’m talking about the Black cop who has marched with BLM so they are hiding it. That Sullivan Guy is a paid actor, seeing as he’s failed his jail release twice and is still outside in his home.
It’s all a simulation at this point.
Worse. If you look closely, you can see the fishing line as puppet strings.
Wait wut? Are you guys saying the capital riot was staged and not spontaneous?
About as spontaneous as the riots all summer that had pallets of bricks delivered the night before.
I’m talking about the Black cop who has marched with BLM so they are hiding it. That Sullivan Guy is a paid actor, seeing as he’s failed his jail release twice and is still outside in his home.
It’s all a simulation at this point.
Worse. If you look closely, you can see the fishing line as puppet strings.
Wait wut? Are you guys saying the capital riot was staged and not spontaneous?
About as spontaneous as the riots all summer that had pallets of bricks delivered the night before.
That's kind of what I was trying to get at. Is there any evidence that Rats through their proxies like Antifa were behind the fake insurrection?
I’m talking about the Black cop who has marched with BLM so they are hiding it. That Sullivan Guy is a paid actor, seeing as he’s failed his jail release twice and is still outside in his home.
It’s all a simulation at this point.
Worse. If you look closely, you can see the fishing line as puppet strings.
Wait wut? Are you guys saying the capital riot was staged and not spontaneous?
Many Photo-Ops of the riots were absolutely staged to make things look a lot worse and mob-like than they were. Hopefully this and the reasons why will be revealed in the ongoing hearings.
Did you not see the photo of Mr. Horns with about 4 people in tow walking peacefully through the rotunda filled with about 50 cameras, reporters and cops?
They know good copy when they capture it. And fuck yes, they will use it to push a Narrative and Agenda.
Ask yourself this, @RoadTrip: Of the tens of thousands of supposed rioters on 1/6, why have you seen, and continue to see, Mr. Horns, over and over and over and over again.
Because he's THE spectacle nutcase the media wants you to think all Trump voters are. You got a better reason?
I’m talking about the Black cop who has marched with BLM so they are hiding it. That Sullivan Guy is a paid actor, seeing as he’s failed his jail release twice and is still outside in his home.
It’s all a simulation at this point.
Worse. If you look closely, you can see the fishing line as puppet strings.
Wait wut? Are you guys saying the capital riot was staged and not spontaneous?
About as spontaneous as the riots all summer that had pallets of bricks delivered the night before.
That's kind of what I was trying to get at. Is there any evidence that Rats through their proxies like Antifa were behind the fake insurrection?
I would call it a riot, although actual "rioters" were probably 2% to 5% of the crowd, at most. Yes, there are videos of Antifa people showing up and changing into Trump gear to go and raise hell.
How many were there? Anybody's guess. I've seen videos of 15 to 20 people, total, changing clothes, getting into and out of vans, etc. I would speculate there might have been a hundred or two, but I don't think it was a massive number of Antifa incognito that day - probably because most Antifa fags are total pussies and would be afraid of getting their asses kicked.
I’m talking about the Black cop who has marched with BLM so they are hiding it. That Sullivan Guy is a paid actor, seeing as he’s failed his jail release twice and is still outside in his home.
It’s all a simulation at this point.
Worse. If you look closely, you can see the fishing line as puppet strings.
Wait wut? Are you guys saying the capital riot was staged and not spontaneous?
About as spontaneous as the riots all summer that had pallets of bricks delivered the night before.
That's kind of what I was trying to get at. Is there any evidence that Rats through their proxies like Antifa were behind the fake insurrection?
I would call it a riot, although actual "rioters" were probably 2% to 5% of the crowd, at most. Yes, there are videos of Antifa people showing up and changing into Trump gear to go and raise hell.
How many were there? Anybody's guess. I've seen videos of 15 to 20 people, total, changing clothes, getting into and out of vans, etc. I would speculate there might have been a hundred or two, but I don't think it was a massive number of Antifa incognito that day - probably because most Antifa fags are total pussies and would be afraid of getting their asses kicked.
You read that right
"10% of the Republican base?" Pfffffft. Not even close. You'd be lucky to tally 1%.
You have similar loons on the far left, in a slightly higher percentage.
Here's the difference: The far right wing nuts have almost no power and persuasion within the Republican Party.
On the left, the wing nuts have gone mainstream as the tail wags the dog in that party.
If the two competing wing nut wet dreams are Communism on the Left and Fascism on the Right, which path is the U.S. marching down right now?
It's an easy Answer, and all you CoronaBros know it. There will never be Fascism in this country, even though you Lefties define the tiniest offense or disagreement on policy as "Fascist." Communism? One step past Socialism, which millions on the Left want.
Did you not see the photo of Mr. Horns with about 4 people in tow walking peacefully through the rotunda filled with about 50 cameras, reporters and cops?
They know good copy when they capture it. And fuck yes, they will use it to push a Narrative and Agenda.
Because he's THE spectacle nutcase the media wants you to think all Trump voters are. You got a better reason?
How many were there? Anybody's guess. I've seen videos of 15 to 20 people, total, changing clothes, getting into and out of vans, etc. I would speculate there might have been a hundred or two, but I don't think it was a massive number of Antifa incognito that day - probably because most Antifa fags are total pussies and would be afraid of getting their asses kicked.