Also, fun 1984 fact, George Orwell was a socialist.
Which has literally nothing to do about his anti-authoritarian works, but go ahead and defend your fascist president who doesn’t care at all about you.
$2000 checks immediately if the Dems win GA! Kim Jong-Joe promised!
Instead, he cut tens of thousands of jobs his first day in office.
So let’s throw out the “far right” portion of the definition because that’s as much opinion as fact (see your 2nd definition)
Then ask yourself the following from what we’ve seen from Biden so far:
1) Is he operating in a dictatorship manner? In other words, is he getting policy done through the legislative process or relying on executive orders?
2) Forcible suppression of the opposition? Are there paths and processes in place right now that are attempting to silence the opposition, re-educate, etc.
3) Presence of strong regimenting of society? Are we encouraging freedom of thought and opinion or moving in a direction of where there’s only one acceptable way to think, talk, etc?
4) Is there a suppression and regimenting of the economy? In other words, are we creating an environment that looks to fill the void of jobs by increasing reliance on the government for support?
I’ll leave it to you to decide the answer to the above ... but I’d encourage anybody to critically observe and think about what goes on around them and evaluate situations on their own vs taking the talking points of others.
Always good to remember that if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and acts like a duck ... it’s most likely a duck
You support the democrats who believe in censorship. I haven't seen you call out Twitter, Facebook etc for the silencing
I haven’t seen you call out @DerekJohnson for silencing people.
I think it’s important that private businesses be allowed to have a TOS. If you want to break up big tech, I’m here for it, but I suspect you have something more devious in mind.
Also, fun 1984 fact, George Orwell was a socialist.
In 1984 he was very careful to not suggest what form of society the setting was taking place in or what it had evolved from. Which makes the point that it hardly mattered if it was far right or far left that had gotten it to that point.
As usual you make the opposite point that you set out to make.
So let’s throw out the “far right” portion of the definition because that’s as much opinion as fact (see your 2nd definition)
Then ask yourself the following from what we’ve seen from Biden so far:
1) Is he operating in a dictatorship manner? In other words, is he getting policy done through the legislative process or relying on executive orders?
2) Forcible suppression of the opposition? Are there paths and processes in place right now that are attempting to silence the opposition, re-educate, etc.
3) Presence of strong regimenting of society? Are we encouraging freedom of thought and opinion or moving in a direction of where there’s only one acceptable way to think, talk, etc?
4) Is there a suppression and regimenting of the economy? In other words, are we creating an environment that looks to fill the void of jobs by increasing reliance on the government for support?
I’ll leave it to you to decide the answer to the above ... but I’d encourage anybody to critically observe and think about what goes on around them and evaluate situations on their own vs taking the talking points of others.
Always good to remember that if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and acts like a duck ... it’s most likely a duck
UnDoInG tRuMpS eXeCuTiVe OrDeRs ThRoUgH eXeCuTiVe OrDeRs Is FaScIsM
So let’s throw out the “far right” portion of the definition because that’s as much opinion as fact (see your 2nd definition)
Then ask yourself the following from what we’ve seen from Biden so far:
1) Is he operating in a dictatorship manner? In other words, is he getting policy done through the legislative process or relying on executive orders?
2) Forcible suppression of the opposition? Are there paths and processes in place right now that are attempting to silence the opposition, re-educate, etc.
3) Presence of strong regimenting of society? Are we encouraging freedom of thought and opinion or moving in a direction of where there’s only one acceptable way to think, talk, etc?
4) Is there a suppression and regimenting of the economy? In other words, are we creating an environment that looks to fill the void of jobs by increasing reliance on the government for support?
I’ll leave it to you to decide the answer to the above ... but I’d encourage anybody to critically observe and think about what goes on around them and evaluate situations on their own vs taking the talking points of others.
Always good to remember that if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and acts like a duck ... it’s most likely a duck
UnDoInG tRuMpS eXeCuTiVe OrDeRs ThRoUgH eXeCuTiVe OrDeRs Is FaScIsM
You’re a fucking idiot.
Has everything been an undoing of prior executive orders?
You may not want to believe this, but what I’m saying isn’t a Trump vs Biden situation ... it’s about evaluating what you see and reacting accordingly.
Continue to deflect though with fucktarded communication of alternating every other letter ... grow the fuck up
So let’s throw out the “far right” portion of the definition because that’s as much opinion as fact (see your 2nd definition)
Then ask yourself the following from what we’ve seen from Biden so far:
1) Is he operating in a dictatorship manner? In other words, is he getting policy done through the legislative process or relying on executive orders?
2) Forcible suppression of the opposition? Are there paths and processes in place right now that are attempting to silence the opposition, re-educate, etc.
3) Presence of strong regimenting of society? Are we encouraging freedom of thought and opinion or moving in a direction of where there’s only one acceptable way to think, talk, etc?
4) Is there a suppression and regimenting of the economy? In other words, are we creating an environment that looks to fill the void of jobs by increasing reliance on the government for support?
I’ll leave it to you to decide the answer to the above ... but I’d encourage anybody to critically observe and think about what goes on around them and evaluate situations on their own vs taking the talking points of others.
Always good to remember that if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and acts like a duck ... it’s most likely a duck
UnDoInG tRuMpS eXeCuTiVe OrDeRs ThRoUgH eXeCuTiVe OrDeRs Is FaScIsM
You’re a fucking idiot.
Has everything been an undoing of prior executive orders?
You may not want to believe this, but what I’m saying isn’t a Trump vs Biden situation ... it’s about evaluating what you see and reacting accordingly.
Continue to deflect though with fucktarded communication of alternating every other letter ... grow the fuck up
Nearly all of the other stuff is Covid related. Ahhh I have to wear a mask on federal property, I’m a Jew in Nazi Germany.
So let’s throw out the “far right” portion of the definition because that’s as much opinion as fact (see your 2nd definition)
Then ask yourself the following from what we’ve seen from Biden so far:
1) Is he operating in a dictatorship manner? In other words, is he getting policy done through the legislative process or relying on executive orders?
2) Forcible suppression of the opposition? Are there paths and processes in place right now that are attempting to silence the opposition, re-educate, etc.
3) Presence of strong regimenting of society? Are we encouraging freedom of thought and opinion or moving in a direction of where there’s only one acceptable way to think, talk, etc?
4) Is there a suppression and regimenting of the economy? In other words, are we creating an environment that looks to fill the void of jobs by increasing reliance on the government for support?
I’ll leave it to you to decide the answer to the above ... but I’d encourage anybody to critically observe and think about what goes on around them and evaluate situations on their own vs taking the talking points of others.
Always good to remember that if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and acts like a duck ... it’s most likely a duck
UnDoInG tRuMpS eXeCuTiVe OrDeRs ThRoUgH eXeCuTiVe OrDeRs Is FaScIsM
You’re a fucking idiot.
Has everything been an undoing of prior executive orders?
You may not want to believe this, but what I’m saying isn’t a Trump vs Biden situation ... it’s about evaluating what you see and reacting accordingly.
Continue to deflect though with fucktarded communication of alternating every other letter ... grow the fuck up
Nearly all of the other stuff is Covid related. Ahhh I have to wear a mask on federal property, I’m a Jew in Nazi Germany.
Biden’s America
“We are building a fortress.”
Quit trying to disrupt the ongoing attempt to redefine yet another word 1984 style.
$2000 checks immediately if the Dems win GA! Kim Jong-Joe promised!
Instead, he cut tens of thousands of jobs his first day in office.
Then ask yourself the following from what we’ve seen from Biden so far:
1) Is he operating in a dictatorship manner? In other words, is he getting policy done through the legislative process or relying on executive orders?
2) Forcible suppression of the opposition? Are there paths and processes in place right now that are attempting to silence the opposition, re-educate, etc.
3) Presence of strong regimenting of society? Are we encouraging freedom of thought and opinion or moving in a direction of where there’s only one acceptable way to think, talk, etc?
4) Is there a suppression and regimenting of the economy? In other words, are we creating an environment that looks to fill the void of jobs by increasing reliance on the government for support?
I’ll leave it to you to decide the answer to the above ... but I’d encourage anybody to critically observe and think about what goes on around them and evaluate situations on their own vs taking the talking points of others.
Always good to remember that if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and acts like a duck ... it’s most likely a duck
I think it’s important that private businesses be allowed to have a TOS. If you want to break up big tech, I’m here for it, but I suspect you have something more devious in mind.
As usual you make the opposite point that you set out to make.
You’re a fucking idiot.
You may not want to believe this, but what I’m saying isn’t a Trump vs Biden situation ... it’s about evaluating what you see and reacting accordingly.
Continue to deflect though with fucktarded communication of alternating every other letter ... grow the fuck up
Good boy here's a biscuit