Schindler's List is an amazing work of art, but I have no desire to watch it again. Once was enough. Lot's of other movies this year that aren't on the level of '94 or '95 but are really good. Can't really pick a best.
My high school highly encouraged every kid go see it in the theater. They organized field trips with groups of 30. I was glad I saw it that way, but once was enough.
Same, but not optional. Whole school went to see it.
Schindler's List is an amazing work of art, but I have no desire to watch it again. Once was enough. Lot's of other movies this year that aren't on the level of '94 or '95 but are really good. Can't really pick a best.
My high school highly encouraged every kid go see it in the theater. They organized field trips with groups of 30. I was glad I saw it that way, but once was enough.
Same, but not optional. Whole school went to see it.
Just remembered the best/worst part:
When we got back to school from seeing the movie, it happened to be during my chemistry class. So class picks up where we'd left off the previous day, which was learning about hydrocarbon combustion reactions. Teacher asks the class if anything in the movie reminded anybody of anything we'd learned in chemistry class that year. My hand shoots up, and she calls on me.
"Well, when they burned the Jews, that was a hydrocarbon combustion reaction."
Dead. Fucking. Silence. For about 30 whole seconds, while the teacher drills holes into my skull with her eyeballs. Before I even finished the joke, I realized I'd made a huge mistake. Eventually, the tension breaks, and everybody in the class starts laughing at once. Not at my horrible joke, but at me for being a big enough dumbass to think that it would be even remotely acceptable or funny and for how red my cheeks had gotten and how stupid I surely felt. I had to stay after class and apologize to the teacher. And I meant it. With the benefit of a half-hour's hindsight and the whole class laughing at me, it was a pretty tasteless joke, but those kinds of things just never occurred to me back then until it was too late.
I was made fun of for that moment for the rest of my days in high school.
Could have easily voted Tombstone, which I love, but Dazed and Confused is such a great movie I can’t go against fry you freshmen bitchez. Plus, Woodson being my best Halloween costume ever I got congratulated by a Whole Foods cashier the next day on my “sweet” (temporary sharpie drawn) dragon tattoo on the inside of my forearm.
I had not seen Dazed and Confused for years. Watched it with my daughters over Christmas, and was shocked at how much it reminded me of me, at that age, in that time...
I actually think the Academy made the right call. Schindler's List, from the acting, to the cinematography, to the script - it is cinematic art. While I have zero interest in rewatching it because of the difficult subject matter, it deserved to win.
That being said, it’s a film like this that demonstrates why the Golden Globes is superior. They have separate categories for best Drama, best Comedy/Musical. Studios and film makers who don’t make “heavy” films should be awarded for being at the top of their craft too.
I think Schindler's List got my vote because I didn't want to see it again. One time was enough to convince me it was the most important film I ever watched, and maybe that was ever made. It's not my favorite movie by a long ways, but it had the biggest impact on me for sure.
Not even close. Jurassic Park was, quite possibly, the coolest addition of CGI of all-tim. It made things that humans could only conceive of as fossils or drawings in a book look like they really were roaming the Earth again. I haven't seen the OG Jurassic Park in years, so maybe some of this is 12 y.o. me opining, but this is in my all-time top 10.
It's one of the 10 or so movies that I cannot turn off if I run across on Dish. I've seen several times in the last couple years. It holds up. Really good movie.
Jurassic Park had a 25 year anniversary release in theaters and I went to see it.
If it weren't for the outdated computers and tech, you would think it was released that year.
Not even close. Jurassic Park was, quite possibly, the coolest addition of CGI of all-tim. It made things that humans could only conceive of as fossils or drawings in a book look like they really were roaming the Earth again. I haven't seen the OG Jurassic Park in years, so maybe some of this is 12 y.o. me opining, but this is in my all-time top 10.
It's one of the 10 or so movies that I cannot turn off if I run across on Dish. I've seen several times in the last couple years. It holds up. Really good movie.
Jurassic Park had a 25 year anniversary release in theaters and I went to see it.
If it weren't for the outdated computers and tech, you would think it was released that year.
Holds up incredibly well.
Computers and "mobile" phones in movies is a great look at how far and fast we move these days
I slept through it in world history class.
My bad.
I was going to vote Jurassic but if given the choice I'd watch Dazed.
Things to love:
Blatant sexual harassment. (I AM for this)
Hazing. (I AM for this)
Soul Pole and Fah Q. (I AM for this)
Barely legal hotties. (I AM for this)
Soundtrack. (I AM for this)
Memorable lines. (I AM for this)
Too many to list
When we got back to school from seeing the movie, it happened to be during my chemistry class. So class picks up where we'd left off the previous day, which was learning about hydrocarbon combustion reactions. Teacher asks the class if anything in the movie reminded anybody of anything we'd learned in chemistry class that year. My hand shoots up, and she calls on me.
"Well, when they burned the Jews, that was a hydrocarbon combustion reaction."
Dead. Fucking. Silence. For about 30 whole seconds, while the teacher drills holes into my skull with her eyeballs. Before I even finished the joke, I realized I'd made a huge mistake. Eventually, the tension breaks, and everybody in the class starts laughing at once. Not at my horrible joke, but at me for being a big enough dumbass to think that it would be even remotely acceptable or funny and for how red my cheeks had gotten and how stupid I surely felt. I had to stay after class and apologize to the teacher. And I meant it. With the benefit of a half-hour's hindsight and the whole class laughing at me, it was a pretty tasteless joke, but those kinds of things just never occurred to me back then until it was too late.
I was made fun of for that moment for the rest of my days in high school.
Schindler's list is actually my 1993 favorite but I live Jurassic park and tombstone too.
That being said, it’s a film like this that demonstrates why the Golden Globes is superior. They have separate categories for best Drama, best Comedy/Musical. Studios and film makers who don’t make “heavy” films should be awarded for being at the top of their craft too.
Really tempted to vote Tombstone though.
If it weren't for the outdated computers and tech, you would think it was released that year.
Holds up incredibly well.