They could just cut everyone's taxes so you know, we weren't just giving them money that in very little ways provide you or I any tangible benefit.
Cut taxes? Biden is gong to raise taxes on anyone or any corporation making over $400,000, which included LLC’s that employ others and never makes that much profit in a year. Between the shutdown and new taxes, Biden is deliberately destroying the middle-class and small business LLCs. Yet retards here applaud it, as followers do.
That 400K line is not the actual truth. Dig into the details. My best bud is a tax accountant. Most people are going to pay more in taxes...
Well that's just false by any definition of the word "most". Most people don't make over $400k or own a C-corp. Go ahead and read the details yourself. And this isn't fucking medicine, you don't need a tax accountant to explain this shit.
The sound byte is "If you make 400K or less you won't pay more in taxes. He's intending to not change the tax rates for people who make under 400K. He's intending to heap on massive changes to people who make over 400K. There is a lot more to how much tax you pay than your tax rate in the tax table. These high level articles don't tell the whole story.
Also keep an eye on Social Security Tax'able income caps...
So again, "most people" won't pay more in taxes. If you want to argue that people making more than $400k will pay more, well, yeah, that's pretty fucking obvious. Go ahead and argue the merits, just don't lie when doing so.
I thought we were just going to tax the wealthy more? Someone explain to me how a person making 400k a year supporting a family in any major coastal city is rich.
I don't think they are that rich for the exact point you raise about COL. $400k is way too low of a benchmark.
Of course it is. So, it’s bending over the middle class, ONCE AGAIN, to pay for what, exactly?
They could just cut everyone's taxes so you know, we weren't just giving them money that in very little ways provide you or I any tangible benefit.
Cut taxes? Biden is gong to raise taxes on anyone or any corporation making over $400,000, which included LLC’s that employ others and never makes that much profit in a year. Between the shutdown and new taxes, Biden is deliberately destroying the middle-class and small business LLCs. Yet retards here applaud it, as followers do.
That 400K line is not the actual truth. Dig into the details. My best bud is a tax accountant. Most people are going to pay more in taxes...
Well that's just false by any definition of the word "most". Most people don't make over $400k or own a C-corp. Go ahead and read the details yourself. And this isn't fucking medicine, you don't need a tax accountant to explain this shit.
The sound byte is "If you make 400K or less you won't pay more in taxes. He's intending to not change the tax rates for people who make under 400K. He's intending to heap on massive changes to people who make over 400K. There is a lot more to how much tax you pay than your tax rate in the tax table. These high level articles don't tell the whole story.
Also keep an eye on Social Security Tax'able income caps...
Exactly. He’ll keep the basic rate tables the same but pile all all sorts of deduction things, ss caps etc, and still be able to claim he didn’t raise taxes for the under $400k crowd.
The amount of tax illiteracy here is hysterical. Or maybe it's just regular illiteracy, since the articles linked in this thread clearly spell out that any "deduction things or SS caps" won't change for any taxpayer under the $400k threshold.
@thechatch is the only here actually making a coherent economic argument about the downstream impacts of the tax plan. The rest of you shitdicks can't even be bothered to understand what the fucking tax plan is to begin with.
When has a Rat ever told the truth about anything? I guarantee taxes go up.
They could just cut everyone's taxes so you know, we weren't just giving them money that in very little ways provide you or I any tangible benefit.
Cut taxes? Biden is gong to raise taxes on anyone or any corporation making over $400,000, which included LLC’s that employ others and never makes that much profit in a year. Between the shutdown and new taxes, Biden is deliberately destroying the middle-class and small business LLCs. Yet retards here applaud it, as followers do.
That 400K line is not the actual truth. Dig into the details. My best bud is a tax accountant. Most people are going to pay more in taxes...
Well that's just false by any definition of the word "most". Most people don't make over $400k or own a C-corp. Go ahead and read the details yourself. And this isn't fucking medicine, you don't need a tax accountant to explain this shit.
The sound byte is "If you make 400K or less you won't pay more in taxes. He's intending to not change the tax rates for people who make under 400K. He's intending to heap on massive changes to people who make over 400K. There is a lot more to how much tax you pay than your tax rate in the tax table. These high level articles don't tell the whole story.
Also keep an eye on Social Security Tax'able income caps...
So again, "most people" won't pay more in taxes. If you want to argue that people making more than $400k will pay more, well, yeah, that's pretty fucking obvious. Go ahead and argue the merits, just don't lie when doing so.
I thought we were just going to tax the wealthy more? Someone explain to me how a person making 400k a year supporting a family in any major coastal city is rich.
I don't think they are that rich for the exact point you raise about COL. $400k is way too low of a benchmark.
Of course it is. So, it’s bending over the middle class, ONCE AGAIN, to pay for what, exactly?
They could just cut everyone's taxes so you know, we weren't just giving them money that in very little ways provide you or I any tangible benefit.
Cut taxes? Biden is gong to raise taxes on anyone or any corporation making over $400,000, which included LLC’s that employ others and never makes that much profit in a year. Between the shutdown and new taxes, Biden is deliberately destroying the middle-class and small business LLCs. Yet retards here applaud it, as followers do.
That 400K line is not the actual truth. Dig into the details. My best bud is a tax accountant. Most people are going to pay more in taxes...
Holy shit, a chin from @Williams3!¡ Gonna be a good day.
President-elect Joe Biden's $1.9 trillion coronavirus rescue plan will bring total spending on the pandemic to about $5 trillion, destroy about 4 million jobs, and "stimulate Washington" and blue state governments, when eliminating the payroll tax for a year would have a much better and far less expensive effect, economist Stephen Moore warns in an opinion piece.
"We could completely eliminate for an entire year the 7.5% payroll taxes paid by every small business and taken out of every worker's paycheck," Moore, an economist for FreedomWorks, wrote for Fox News. "That would unleash millions of jobs. This would have virtually ZERO administrative and bureaucratic costs. Maybe that's why Washington pols don't want to do it."
The Biden "American Rescue Plan" includes "$350 billion for a blue state bailout, paid parental leave, a $15-an-hour minimum wage, $400 a week bonus unemployment checks, transit aid, paid leave of $1,400 a week, some $100 billion for school aid (for schools that have been shut down for almost a year!), 'health equity' grants, student debt relief and checks for illegal immigrants," writes Moore. "All that is missing is the Green New Deal. Does any of this have anything to do with a health emergency?"
At this point, with our government, I will happily accepting handouts, as it’s better to have that money in my hands then financing Tugboat repairs on the Sinai
They could just cut everyone's taxes so you know, we weren't just giving them money that in very little ways provide you or I any tangible benefit.
Cut taxes? Biden is gong to raise taxes on anyone or any corporation making over $400,000, which included LLC’s that employ others and never makes that much profit in a year. Between the shutdown and new taxes, Biden is deliberately destroying the middle-class and small business LLCs. Yet retards here applaud it, as followers do.
That 400K line is not the actual truth. Dig into the details. My best bud is a tax accountant. Most people are going to pay more in taxes...
Well that's just false by any definition of the word "most". Most people don't make over $400k or own a C-corp. Go ahead and read the details yourself. And this isn't fucking medicine, you don't need a tax accountant to explain this shit.
The sound byte is "If you make 400K or less you won't pay more in taxes. He's intending to not change the tax rates for people who make under 400K. He's intending to heap on massive changes to people who make over 400K. There is a lot more to how much tax you pay than your tax rate in the tax table. These high level articles don't tell the whole story.
Also keep an eye on Social Security Tax'able income caps...
So again, "most people" won't pay more in taxes. If you want to argue that people making more than $400k will pay more, well, yeah, that's pretty fucking obvious. Go ahead and argue the merits, just don't lie when doing so.
It’s not the Feds that will come after your paycheck in 2021 for those earning even over $35,000 per year. It’s the coastal states that will tax them and any small business still alive until they both go broke.
They could just cut everyone's taxes so you know, we weren't just giving them money that in very little ways provide you or I any tangible benefit.
Cut taxes? Biden is gong to raise taxes on anyone or any corporation making over $400,000, which included LLC’s that employ others and never makes that much profit in a year. Between the shutdown and new taxes, Biden is deliberately destroying the middle-class and small business LLCs. Yet retards here applaud it, as followers do.
That 400K line is not the actual truth. Dig into the details. My best bud is a tax accountant. Most people are going to pay more in taxes...
Holy shit, a chin from @Williams3!¡ Gonna be a good day.
Fuck off
Can I keep my doctor?
The Throbber gets a check from the gubmint for $2K - for argument's sake, let's say his household income is above $400K - that's a 1/2% rebate.
But it costs me another 5% in tax increases to get that $2K
That makes no cents - if you catch my drift.
President-elect Joe Biden's $1.9 trillion coronavirus rescue plan will bring total spending on the pandemic to about $5 trillion, destroy about 4 million jobs, and "stimulate Washington" and blue state governments, when eliminating the payroll tax for a year would have a much better and far less expensive effect, economist Stephen Moore warns in an opinion piece.
"We could completely eliminate for an entire year the 7.5% payroll taxes paid by every small business and taken out of every worker's paycheck," Moore, an economist for FreedomWorks, wrote for Fox News. "That would unleash millions of jobs. This would have virtually ZERO administrative and bureaucratic costs. Maybe that's why Washington pols don't want to do it."
The Biden "American Rescue Plan" includes "$350 billion for a blue state bailout, paid parental leave, a $15-an-hour minimum wage, $400 a week bonus unemployment checks, transit aid, paid leave of $1,400 a week, some $100 billion for school aid (for schools that have been shut down for almost a year!), 'health equity' grants, student debt relief and checks for illegal immigrants," writes Moore. "All that is missing is the Green New Deal. Does any of this have anything to do with a health emergency?"
Tax revolt will be a thing.
But but but we? carry the red states...
what a fucking joke. Plus there is@gree Plus he keeps getting his head stuck in the oven because the burner thing is reddish-orange when it warms up and it’s fun for Grampy to see.