Figures. The rat party is filled with great people like you.
I like buying shares at low prices. I thought you were pro-capitalism.
I thought you were a pro-chicom moron. Bingo, nailed that one. Most normal Americans would prefer a healthy economy with record employment. The dazzler prefers economic disaster and millions of out of work Americans just so he can suck on Kamala's dick. Nice.
You are confused, Gasbag. I hope all you girls overreact to losing the Senate, should that happen. I like buying opportunities. I’m a shameless capitalist, I’m afraid.
You got shameless right. But a buying opportunity has to have an upside. Massive tax and regulation regulations don't have an upside. We have already QE'd the shit out of the market. It needs continued economic growth and earnings to support higher stock prices. But then you having your fake MBA you know that fundamentals like cash flow and taxes don't matter.
Please be a panic seller, Gasbag. Remember, we’ll be Venezuela in six months, right?
You don't do fundamentals do you dazzler. Just print money and all is good. It took more than six months for Venezuela, didn't it Counselor? You suck at this. I pity your supposed clients.
We’re on a faster track, Gasbag. Daddy is already adding the “loser of democratic election stays in power” feature.
How’s your gold acquisition going?
It's not as if I actually cashed out of my 401K prior to today.