Portland was trying to get an NBA All-Star game. Not enough hotel space. Now hotels are closed and will never reopen to the former occupancy rates. Kiss an all-star game goodbye. Same with Portland's attempt to get a major league baseball team. No business is coming to Portland with the homelessness and violence. Making up for it is all the new taxes. Not going to be any new major commercial or new residential housing constructed. Wait for summer and Portland will burn again. Antifa and BLM had too much fun last summer. Like crack, breaking and burning sh*t is addictive to losers.
If you're wearing a mask, this is your fault, and a direct result of your compliance. Your compliance with fascism allows it to exist.
Nazi Germany wasn't created overnight. This is how it begins.
I don't like having to wear a fucking mask but if it means we can open up all businesses I'll wearing the fucking mask. You already have to wear a mask to go into any grocery store or Home Depot and it just isn't worth it to me to make any kind scene with these people. I just want my gallon of milk and get the fuck out of there.
If you're wearing a mask, this is your fault, and a direct result of your compliance. Your compliance with fascism allows it to exist.
Nazi Germany wasn't created overnight. This is how it begins.
I don't like having to wear a fucking mask but if it means we can open up all businesses I'll wearing the fucking mask. You already have to wear a mask to go into any grocery store or Home Depot and it just isn't worth it to me to make any kind scene with these people. I just want my gallon of milk and get the fuck out of there.
Wearing a mask doesn't mean jack shit. You will still have to wear one, even when you roll up your sleeve and take the Gates Vaccine like the good sheep that you are. That's what they're telling you. They have no intention of taking the jack boot off your throat.
99% are wearing masks in most of the World, and the Nazis are still killing businesses, because that was their plan all along. The Great Reset involves destroying independent businesses, so that the corporations can impose their Fascism unimpeded.
Fight them now in the Grocery Stores with Civil Disobedience, or fight them later on the beaches of Normandy and Newport. When there is nothing left to lose, after they've killed off your business, your freedom, and your family.
If you're wearing a mask, this is your fault, and a direct result of your compliance. Your compliance with fascism allows it to exist.
Nazi Germany wasn't created overnight. This is how it begins.
I don't like having to wear a fucking mask but if it means we can open up all businesses I'll wearing the fucking mask. You already have to wear a mask to go into any grocery store or Home Depot and it just isn't worth it to me to make any kind scene with these people. I just want my gallon of milk and get the fuck out of there.
Wearing a mask doesn't mean jack shit. You will still have to wear one, even when you roll up your sleeve and take the Gates Vaccine like the good sheep that you are. That's what they're telling you. They have no intention of taking the jack boot off your throat.
99% are wearing masks in most of the World, and the Nazis are still killing businesses, because that was their plan all along. The Great Reset involves destroying independent businesses, so that the corporations can impose their Fascism unimpeded.
Fight them now in the Grocery Stores with Civil Disobedience, or fight them later on the beaches of Normandy and Newport. When there is nothing left to lose, after they've killed off your business, your freedom, and your family.
Sorry, it's just not a hill I'm willing to die on. Start trying to force me to wear a mask when outdoors walking the dog or playing tennis and then we're going to fight.
If you're wearing a mask, this is your fault, and a direct result of your compliance. Your compliance with fascism allows it to exist.
Nazi Germany wasn't created overnight. This is how it begins.
I don't like having to wear a fucking mask but if it means we can open up all businesses I'll wearing the fucking mask. You already have to wear a mask to go into any grocery store or Home Depot and it just isn't worth it to me to make any kind scene with these people. I just want my gallon of milk and get the fuck out of there.
Wearing a mask doesn't mean jack shit. You will still have to wear one, even when you roll up your sleeve and take the Gates Vaccine like the good sheep that you are. That's what they're telling you. They have no intention of taking the jack boot off your throat.
99% are wearing masks in most of the World, and the Nazis are still killing businesses, because that was their plan all along. The Great Reset involves destroying independent businesses, so that the corporations can impose their Fascism unimpeded.
Fight them now in the Grocery Stores with Civil Disobedience, or fight them later on the beaches of Normandy and Newport. When there is nothing left to lose, after they've killed off your business, your freedom, and your family.
Sorry, it's just not a hill I'm willing to die on. Start trying to force me to wear a mask when outdoors walking the dog or playing tennis and then we're going to fight.
You will need a Certificate Of Vaccination ID to play Tennis in the near future, and will only be allowed to play on Courts within 5 miles of your Residence.
If you're wearing a mask, this is your fault, and a direct result of your compliance. Your compliance with fascism allows it to exist.
Nazi Germany wasn't created overnight. This is how it begins.
I don't like having to wear a fucking mask but if it means we can open up all businesses I'll wearing the fucking mask. You already have to wear a mask to go into any grocery store or Home Depot and it just isn't worth it to me to make any kind scene with these people. I just want my gallon of milk and get the fuck out of there.
I agree but will still tell anyone who tells me to wear one to fuck off.
If you're wearing a mask, this is your fault, and a direct result of your compliance. Your compliance with fascism allows it to exist.
Nazi Germany wasn't created overnight. This is how it begins.
I don't like having to wear a fucking mask but if it means we can open up all businesses I'll wearing the fucking mask. You already have to wear a mask to go into any grocery store or Home Depot and it just isn't worth it to me to make any kind scene with these people. I just want my gallon of milk and get the fuck out of there.
I was shopping today and was one of a handful of people without a mask. I got a few looks but no one said anything. I also saw a couple remove theirs when they saw me without (full disclosure, I was putting mine on while entering the store and saw a guy without. My mask went straight back into my pocket). My daughter works retail and asked me if I would wear one of an employee asked me to, and I said “yes”. I’m not going to make an hourly employees life more difficult than it already is. This isn’t their fault.
I was in Fred Myer today. No mask. Most were wearing masks a few other weren't. Not a peep from anyone. Funny there was a guy on the corner at a traffic light with signs telling men to grow a pair and not go a long with all this Bullshit.
Nazi Germany wasn't created overnight. This is how it begins.
99% are wearing masks in most of the World, and the Nazis are still killing businesses, because that was their plan all along. The Great Reset involves destroying independent businesses, so that the corporations can impose their Fascism unimpeded.
Fight them now in the Grocery Stores with Civil Disobedience, or fight them later on the beaches of Normandy and Newport. When there is nothing left to lose, after they've killed off your business, your freedom, and your family.
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Big Tech votes DNC
COVID has been really, really good for Jeff Bezos and Joe Biden.
It’s not complicated