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Welcome to the Hardcore Husky Forums. Folks who are well-known in Cyberland and not that dumb.

DM to @creepycoog



  • GreenRiverGatorzGreenRiverGatorz Member Posts: 10,163

    The word has been really slow to get out. In my historical experience, people in the west have tended to lump hispanics into one big political category of rainbow coalition, liberal, union-loving workers with socialist tendencies. Our friend, @oregonblitzkrieg literally proved this point for us about a year ago now.

    It is only recently that it's becoming common knowledge that the Sowf Florida hispanic is a conservative and militantly anti-communist.

    It's funny because it's been true pretty much since Castro's revolution. It has taken a lot of Americans a while to catch on. We? don't all think alike because we have pretty different background stories. Go figure.

    The misunderstanding of the Hispanic electorate is amusing. The left is finally starting to figure it out, but trotting out loosened immigration as your go-to issue doesn't carry much salience with Hispanics who are already legal and voting. Go figure.
  • Pitchfork51Pitchfork51 Member Posts: 26,852
    edited December 2020

    Kaepsknee said:

    Salem has had a huge Hispanic population for 25 years now. And the majority of Hispanic males I’ve been around are Conservative.

    Lot's of single mom hispanic households. Like most single mom's they are voting dem.
    I imagine single mom is pretty much the primary dem voting demographic.

  • KaepskneeKaepsknee Member Posts: 14,844

    Kaepsknee said:

    Salem has had a huge Hispanic population for 25 years now. And the majority of Hispanic males I’ve been around are Conservative.

    Lot's of single mom hispanic households. Like most single mom's they are voting dem.
    Quite a few. At least on the books. Many Hispanics never marry, at least the first generation ones that have arrived the last 25 years.

    Maybe @TheKobeStopper can tell us why?
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