We should do this every four years. Just have the LOSER declare widespread fraud, drag it through the courts with no evidence, plead with legislatures to twist the rules at the last minute, have the losing president appoint his flunkies to the Pentagon to ready for a coup d'etat. It's so much fun, so very American! Roll on Trumptards!
We should do this every four years. Just have the LOSER declare widespread fraud, drag it through the courts with no evidence, plead with legislatures to twist the rules at the last minute, have the losing president appoint his flunkies to the Pentagon to ready for a coup d'etat. It's so much fun, so very American! Roll on Trumptards!
"What We should do this every four years. Run an honest election. I know that sounds undemocratic to a fascist.
I hate to disappoint you, but there is in fact very little fraud that ever takes place in elections. Historically. The present too. The fraud that takes place is dictators worldwide who don't want to leave and run phony elections. I realize I am wasting keystrokes, because most of you are dumb white guys, Trump supporters usually are, and don't have critical thinking skills.
"What We should do this every four years. Run an honest election. I know that sounds undemocratic to a fascist.
I hate to disappoint you, but there is in fact very little fraud that ever takes place in elections. Historically. The present too. The fraud that takes place is dictators worldwide who don't want to leave and run phony elections. I realize I am wasting keystrokes, because most of you are dumb white guys, Trump supporters usually are, and don't have critical thinking skills.
You're such a moron you don't even realize how stupid your takes are
Whining about results and making shit up for 4 years. Check
"What We should do this every four years. Run an honest election. I know that sounds undemocratic to a fascist.
I hate to disappoint you, but there is in fact very little fraud that ever takes place in elections. Historically. The present too. The fraud that takes place is dictators worldwide who don't want to leave and run phony elections. I realize I am wasting keystrokes, because most of you are dumb white guys, Trump supporters usually are, and don't have critical thinking skills.
He’s back today after his facism thread complete fail.
We should do this every four years. Just have the LOSER declare widespread fraud, drag it through the courts with no evidence, plead with legislatures to twist the rules at the last minute, have the losing president appoint his flunkies to the Pentagon to ready for a coup d'etat. It's so much fun, so very American! Roll on Trumptards!
We should do this every four years. Just have the LOSER declare widespread fraud, drag it through the courts with no evidence, plead with legislatures to twist the rules at the last minute, have the losing president appoint his flunkies to the Pentagon to ready for a coup d'etat. It's so much fun, so very American! Roll on Trumptards!
"What We should do this every four years. Run an honest election. I know that sounds undemocratic to a fascist.
I hate to disappoint you, but there is in fact very little fraud that ever takes place in elections. Historically. The present too. The fraud that takes place is dictators worldwide who don't want to leave and run phony elections. I realize I am wasting keystrokes, because most of you are dumb white guys, Trump supporters usually are, and don't have critical thinking skills.
"What We should do this every four years. Run an honest election. I know that sounds undemocratic to a fascist.
I hate to disappoint you, but there is in fact very little fraud that ever takes place in elections. Historically. The present too. The fraud that takes place is dictators worldwide who don't want to leave and run phony elections. I realize I am wasting keystrokes, because most of you are dumb white guys, Trump supporters usually are, and don't have critical thinking skills.
There's nothing quite like a fucking moron who claims Trump is a fascist because he appointed people loyal to him, calling anyone else dumb and lacking in critical thinking skills.
Most of you have kind of incomplete minds. You are white guys that didn't go or couldn't complete college. You believe things like COVID-19 is like the regular flu, climate change is a hoax, Trump won. All I can do is tell you to look at the facts, but you go by "feel" -- not what the facts of the situation dictate.
Most of you have kind of incomplete minds. You are white guys that didn't go or couldn't complete college. You believe things like COVID-19 is like the regular flu, climate change is a hoax, Trump won. All I can do is tell you to look at the facts, but you go by "feel" -- not what the facts of the situation dictate.
Most of you have kind of incomplete minds. You are white guys that didn't go or couldn't complete college. You believe things like COVID-19 is like the regular flu, climate change is a hoax, Trump won. All I can do is tell you to look at the facts, but you go by "feel" -- not what the facts of the situation dictate.
Most of you have kind of incomplete minds. You are white guys that didn't go or couldn't complete college. You believe things like COVID-19 is like the regular flu, climate change is a hoax, Trump won. All I can do is tell you to look at the facts, but you go by "feel" -- not what the facts of the situation dictate.
Been a rough couple of days for you.
Are you a woke whitey or something else?
I'm going off the stats, assume you idiots fit the profile. Trump is most popular with low educated white guys.
Most of you have kind of incomplete minds. You are white guys that didn't go or couldn't complete college. You believe things like COVID-19 is like the regular flu, climate change is a hoax, Trump won. All I can do is tell you to look at the facts, but you go by "feel" -- not what the facts of the situation dictate.
Been a rough couple of days for you.
Are you a woke whitey or something else?
I'm going off the stats, assume you idiots fit the profile. Trump is most popular with low educated white guys.
Don't know your skin color, I suspect you're white, but you've displayed zero evidence that you're anything other than low educated.
Most of you have kind of incomplete minds. You are white guys that didn't go or couldn't complete college. You believe things like COVID-19 is like the regular flu, climate change is a hoax, Trump won. All I can do is tell you to look at the facts, but you go by "feel" -- not what the facts of the situation dictate.
Been a rough couple of days for you.
Are you a woke whitey or something else?
I'm going off the stats, assume you idiots fit the profile. Trump is most popular with low educated white guys.
Most of you have kind of incomplete minds. You are white guys that didn't go or couldn't complete college. You believe things like COVID-19 is like the regular flu, climate change is a hoax, Trump won. All I can do is tell you to look at the facts, but you go by "feel" -- not what the facts of the situation dictate.
thisevery four years. Run an honest election. I know that sounds undemocratic to a fascist.Whining about results and making shit up for 4 years. Check
Illegitimate presidency!
Drumpf Russian hooker pee tapes!!!!
...for 3.5 years. GTFOH
Are you a woke whitey or something else?