Dylan Morris has 4 full years of high school football and one full year on a college practice squad. That 5 years before he even touched the ball as a starter. Best player on the field. Enough said on that.
As we saw on Saturday, Arizona took the lead at 30-27, however, because they scored in under two minutes, it gave USC enough time to drive the field and win the game. That can’t happen.
I thought Arizona looked pretty good/decent from what I’ve seen. I don’t think the QB is as good as his press...throws a lot of uncatchable balls but WTF do I know
Am just hoping last week killed their will and they quit in the cold Seattle air
1) Take Care of the Football
2) Create turnovers
3) Control the clock
groundbreaking stuff from our friends at zonazealots!
people get paid to write this?
Also funny that they all seem to hate the only coach that won them a division this decade.
The final key to no losing
As we saw on Saturday, Arizona took the lead at 30-27, however, because they scored in under two minutes, it gave USC enough time to drive the field and win the game. That can’t happen.
Makes sense. Dwag sense.
Am just hoping last week killed their will and they quit in the cold Seattle air