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The Atlantic: White suburban women are leaving the Republican party



  • Doog_de_JourDoog_de_Jour Member Posts: 7,958 Standard Supporter

    There are a lot of low info bitch voters who vote on emotion rather than reason. Biden is a "nice guy." Trump is brash and called a beauty pageant girl fat and he's mean! You might laugh, but this stuff plays a roll. Plus he didn't lock the whole country down over a virus so he's therefore a killer!

    I’m not downvoting this because I necessarily disagree with you, because many of my gender do vote that way, but because these types of things are very *human*. Some people prefer politicians who are good looking (*cough* Noem *cough*), are “a guy I could see myself having a beer with”, or (as many men have confided to me) the guy is “tough”, “has charisma”, or is “not a pussy”.

    Emotional/irrational decision making is not the sole providence of women.
    Yeah, but it's way over half

    The pretty 41 year old Republican who has had it with men or at least her ex doesn't like Trump and half a dozen of her middle aged hen friends chime in and say he's the worst and internet fights ensue.

    No doubt we all have a level of visceral decision making but at least the guns. Gawd, and gay crowd have actual issues. People are voting over his crude comments about Rosie or leaked locker room talk 15 years ago.
    Over half? 81%? You have some hard data to back that up FMB? 😁

    I get it. There are A LOT of women like that, but many I’ve spoken with - once you get them past Trump the person - do have some actual policy disagreements. They might only be one or two issues, but they are there.
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