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The Atlantic: White suburban women are leaving the Republican party



  • GoduckiesGoduckies Member Posts: 6,213
    Only Trump, not down ballot
  • BendintheriverBendintheriver Member Posts: 5,837 Standard Supporter
    Yep, you are correct Goduckies. It is another bullshit rat written article. Another paper thin depth look at the election that makes rats look good. If you look at all the other races, the female Republican vote was strong. Some women just didn't like Trump the man. Kind of like the secret service women who have to watch Biden swim naked in front of them, they don't like biden.
  • doogiedoogie Member Posts: 15,072
    Down ballot arguments are hollow
  • BendintheriverBendintheriver Member Posts: 5,837 Standard Supporter
    doogie said:

    Down ballot arguments are hollow

    Bullshit. Down ballot data is more helpful in election planning than the votes for President are. Been there done that.

    Trump the man was a polarizing figure for many on both sides of the aisle. The media was all in, the social media platforms were biased and cheating with information, he was up against very difficult odds. If you can imagine, almost 37% of the voters had no idea Biden had taken influence peddling money through his bag man son. What that means is that the data from the Presidential election will be worthless to future Presidential campaigns. It was never a fair fight due to exceptional biased efforts by the media and social media.

    The only data that is worth anything are the down ballot totals.
  • thechatchthechatch Member Posts: 5,985
    doogie said:

    Down ballot arguments are hollow

    Lol no.
  • BleachedAnusDawgBleachedAnusDawg Member Posts: 11,156
    doogie said:

    Down ballot arguments are hollow

    Uh, no. Just spent some time working with a political data guru who knows this shit in and out and he completely disagrees with you.
  • doogiedoogie Member Posts: 15,072
    I’ve been wrong before.

    I’ve also looked in the weeds for a downed duck for Hours on end and not found it.

  • thechatchthechatch Member Posts: 5,985
    I actually think the down ballot gives a much clearer view as to a particular individuals political ideology.

    All politics are local, as they say...
  • UW_Doog_BotUW_Doog_Bot Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 15,395 Swaye's Wigwam
    doogie said:

    Down ballot arguments are hollow

    The entire premise of Biden winning is that there are a lot of suburban whites that voted against Trump while still voting GOP(see house and senate).

    It's either that or fraud since record numbers of minorities voted for Trump. Take your pick.
  • NorthwestFreshNorthwestFresh Member Posts: 7,972
    doogie said:

    Down ballot arguments are hollow

  • Fire_Marshall_BillFire_Marshall_Bill Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 23,520 Founders Club
    edited November 2020
    There are a lot of low info bitch voters who vote on emotion rather than reason. Biden is a "nice guy." Trump is brash and called a beauty pageant girl fat and he's mean! You might laugh, but this stuff plays a roll. Plus he didn't lock the whole country down over a virus so he's therefore a killer!
  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,943

    There are a lot of low info bitch voters who vote on emotion rather than reason. Biden is a "nice guy." Trump is brash and called a beauty pageant girl fat and he's mean! You might laugh, but this stuff plays a roll. Plus he didn't lock the whole country down over a virus so he's therefore a killer!

    Sad but true.
  • dncdnc Member Posts: 56,614

    There are a lot of low info bitch voters who vote on emotion rather than reason. Biden is a "nice guy." Trump is brash and called a beauty pageant girl fat and he's mean! You might laugh, but this stuff plays a roll. Plus he didn't lock the whole country down over a virus so he's therefore a killer!

    It's absolutely true
  • doogiedoogie Member Posts: 15,072

    doogie said:

    Down ballot arguments are hollow

    Uh, no. Just spent some time working with a political data guru who knows this shit in and out and he completely disagrees with you.
    Ten Million plus first time voters in an emotionally charged election voting for the only name they know.

    Your “Expert” should try Polling.
  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,943
    doogie said:

    doogie said:

    Down ballot arguments are hollow

    Uh, no. Just spent some time working with a political data guru who knows this shit in and out and he completely disagrees with you.
    Ten Million plus first time voters in an emotionally charged election voting for the only name they know.

    Your “Expert” should try Polling.
    True, but then why aren't you seeing a similar percentage of the single candidate voting ballots in other states?

  • RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 104,479 Founders Club
    White women are well documented racists
  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,943

    White women are well documented racists

    Yeah, I thought getting more white votes was a bad thing.
  • BendintheriverBendintheriver Member Posts: 5,837 Standard Supporter
    dnc said:

    There are a lot of low info bitch voters who vote on emotion rather than reason. Biden is a "nice guy." Trump is brash and called a beauty pageant girl fat and he's mean! You might laugh, but this stuff plays a roll. Plus he didn't lock the whole country down over a virus so he's therefore a killer!

    It's absolutely true
    Yes it is very true but for those that look at data and supply it to the think tanks who decipher it and use it for directional purposes , this Presidential election shows only the power of the media and technology bias. Trump did some amazing things and corrected many wrongs. He treated it as a business which is exactly the way it should be run. If your sources for news were only the NYT, WAPO, CNN and Facebook, you literally had zero knowledge of the good things Trump did for all Americans. I talk to rats who still think that Trump set up the cages and separated kids from parents at the border. They have no idea that it was BO's doing. Their news sources lied to them. They were also told that the economy was BO and Biden's. We spent 8 years in the worst recovery since the Depression, the economy was horribly fucked up by biden and bo but if all you listened to was liberal media, you didn't know anything other than what they were telling you. Again, about 37% of the voters had zero idea that biden was taking money under the table and forcing his drug addicted piece of shit son to be his bag man. The liberal press didn't report it so how would they know? This election was all about the strength of the media and silicon valley to control the outcome of an election. Who would have ever thought that a 47 year congressman who isn't bright and is corrupt as hell would not have to campaign and answer one question from the media that wasn't planted there by his own staff? It really is remarkable and should be a lesson to everyone that Conservatives need to get their shit together because education, media and hi tech will only be too happy to do the same thing again in 4 years.
  • Doog_de_JourDoog_de_Jour Member Posts: 7,958 Standard Supporter

    There are a lot of low info bitch voters who vote on emotion rather than reason. Biden is a "nice guy." Trump is brash and called a beauty pageant girl fat and he's mean! You might laugh, but this stuff plays a roll. Plus he didn't lock the whole country down over a virus so he's therefore a killer!

    I’m not downvoting this because I necessarily disagree with you, because many of my gender do vote that way, but because these types of things are very *human*. Some people prefer politicians who are good looking (*cough* Noem *cough*), are “a guy I could see myself having a beer with”, or (as many men have confided to me) the guy is “tough”, “has charisma”, or is “not a pussy”.

    Emotional/irrational decision making is not the sole providence of women.
  • Fire_Marshall_BillFire_Marshall_Bill Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 23,520 Founders Club

    There are a lot of low info bitch voters who vote on emotion rather than reason. Biden is a "nice guy." Trump is brash and called a beauty pageant girl fat and he's mean! You might laugh, but this stuff plays a roll. Plus he didn't lock the whole country down over a virus so he's therefore a killer!

    I’m not downvoting this because I necessarily disagree with you, because many of my gender do vote that way, but because these types of things are very *human*. Some people prefer politicians who are good looking (*cough* Noem *cough*), are “a guy I could see myself having a beer with”, or (as many men have confided to me) the guy is “tough”, “has charisma”, or is “not a pussy”.

    Emotional/irrational decision making is not the sole providence of women.
    Yeah, but it's way over half

    The pretty 41 year old Republican who has had it with men or at least her ex doesn't like Trump and half a dozen of her middle aged hen friends chime in and say he's the worst and internet fights ensue.

    No doubt we all have a level of visceral decision making but at least the guns. Gawd, and gay crowd have actual issues. People are voting over his crude comments about Rosie or leaked locker room talk 15 years ago.
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