Fuck Cal, but I'm with them on this one. I think the "Cal should forfeit!" stuff is bullshit too. There but for the grace of Jay, go we.
Oakland Coliseum is 8-10 miles away. get a little creative before asking to cancel the game. Found a high school stadium just outside the city limits 2 miles away. No one is going to be in the stands anyway.
There is definitely blame here to assign to the conference/university. They should have squared this stuff with the health authorities controlling locales for all the schools.
Fuck Cal, but I'm with them on this one. I think the "Cal should forfeit!" stuff is bullshit too. There but for the grace of Jay, go we.
Oakland Coliseum is 8-10 miles away. get a little creative before asking to cancel the game. Found a high school stadium just outside the city limits 2 miles away. No one is going to be in the stands anyway.
Pass. Gotta cancel
Or the Counting Crows guy!!!