Three weeks until Signing Day. I predict things will escalate quickly and get out of hand fast...
— Brandon Huffman (@BrandonHuffman) January 15, 2014
@BrandonHuffman I predict a lot of flips and surprises and when it happens, thats who I was talking about all along
— Greg Biggins (@GregBiggins) January 15, 2014
@GregBiggins @BrandonHuffman Hearing crazy stuff. Game changing. Have sources, can't say yet. Just remember, 17 yo's change their minds
— Jake Worthen (@JakeWorthen) January 15, 2014
Are they talking about us? Sounds like a fortune teller who predicts "things will happen." shit. What things?
A good example of a shitkicker is the @ who throws a flaming sack of fresh BS onto a site just to see how many will try to stomp it out. Yes, I tried and got nothing but the smell of gullibility.