don't you live in battle ground? i wouldn't be throwing stones from that location
Your kind is ready to move down to BG and get actual land and give up Seattle bums shitting on their property.
I've worked in Seattle and Portland dude. Shit's for toolbags.
meh, i like living in portland. but then again, i'm also someone who enjoys good food and good beer. and there's the added bonus that the mcmansion trash sequesters itself out to places like lake oswego and west linn
there's plenty of room out in clackamas county for you. i even heard applebee's is bringing their riblets back!
Most successful people in PDX either go up to Vancouver or go down to Lake O/Happy Valley
Btw Vancouver beer has surpassed pdx
So you're saying they stick to the downtown boarded up hellhole with drug addicts and almost zero places opened up?
Yeah, you really know what you're taking about here..
downtown can eat my ass in general but i do think it's hilarious how triggered a few broken windows makes the chicken littles. enjoy the cultural and culinary mecca that is vancouver, washington lol
Downtown needs more Pizzacato’s to deliver to your parents’ house on the West Slope.