My first was Beechnut, in a boat with my grandpa at Potholes, when I was about 12. He had to hold me by the ankles when I started was the same with my first beer, whiskey, cigar...hell of a summer right there. Moved on to Apple Jack, Levi, Red Man. Started on Cope after that, the curse of playing / coaching baseball. Doing it 'Puppy Style" right now, with a Knob Creek 100 and a pinch...
My dad and his buddy did the same to me out in a boat fishing when I was around 5. I ended up throwing up all over and sitting my drawers in the boat.
Chewed Kodiak and Coppenhagen in my teenage years. They both give a 13 year old a huge buzz. We were fucked up the first few times we did it. My friends and I would all dip regularly in the back rows at school or at lunch.
Never cared about Redman or Beachnut because they didn’t give me a good buzz.
I took a dip of Grizzly about 6 months ago and almost threw up. It’s gross.
Chewed Kodiak and Coppenhagen in my teenage years. They both give a 13 year old a huge buzz. We were fucked up the first few times we did it. My friends and I would all dip regularly in the back rows at school or at lunch.
Never cared about Redman or Beachnut because they didn’t give me a good buzz.
I took a dip of Grizzly about 6 months ago and almost threw up. It’s gross.
We used to call Kodiak the “ minty bear”. My frens were big into it. That shit got me high as a kite.
Chewed Kodiak and Coppenhagen in my teenage years. They both give a 13 year old a huge buzz. We were fucked up the first few times we did it. My friends and I would all dip regularly in the back rows at school or at lunch.
Never cared about Redman or Beachnut because they didn’t give me a good buzz.
I took a dip of Grizzly about 6 months ago and almost threw up. It’s gross.
Copenhagen still makes me sick once per day. When the Cope/coffee combo makes me feel like puking I know it's time for breakfast. Then I can have another dip and one more cup without being sick.
Chewed Kodiak and Coppenhagen in my teenage years. They both give a 13 year old a huge buzz. We were fucked up the first few times we did it. My friends and I would all dip regularly in the back rows at school or at lunch.
Never cared about Redman or Beachnut because they didn’t give me a good buzz.
I took a dip of Grizzly about 6 months ago and almost threw up. It’s gross.
We used to call Kodiak the “ minty bear”. My frens were big into it. That shit got me high as a kite.
It really did. Shit was strong. I had a friend that was basically high off of it and we didn’t believe him until we did it ourselves. Those first couple times were pretty crazy.
Never cared about Redman or Beachnut because they didn’t give me a good buzz.
I took a dip of Grizzly about 6 months ago and almost threw up. It’s gross.
It really isn't a very good habit.