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Bidens Tax Plan

SwayeSwaye Moderator, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 41,357 Founders Club
Corporate tax from 21% to 28%. I'm sure that will help unemployment after a fake pandemic. Are these liberals born stupid? He will have erased all the job gains from Trump in the first half of his Presidency. What a moron.


  • doogiedoogie Member Posts: 15,072
    My understanding of Universal Basic Income is that everyone gets paid without a job.

    So, what’s the problem?
  • thechatchthechatch Member Posts: 5,988
    🇨🇳 likes this
  • WestlinnDuckWestlinnDuck Member Posts: 15,017 Standard Supporter
    Next up, massive increase in capital gains tax and taxing IRAs and 401(k)s. Toss in a massive increase in energy prices. All very pro private sector business expansion.
  • PurpleThrobberPurpleThrobber Member Posts: 43,552 Standard Supporter
    Swaye said:

    Corporate tax from 21% to 28%. I'm sure that will help unemployment after a fake pandemic. Are these liberals born stupid? He will have erased all the job gains from Trump in the first half of his Presidency. What a moron.

    Yes. The have a recessive gene. There is no other logical explanation.
  • SwayeSwaye Moderator, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 41,357 Founders Club
    edited October 2020

    Next up, massive increase in capital gains tax and taxing IRAs and 401(k)s. Toss in a massive increase in energy prices. All very pro private sector business expansion.

    The corporate tax is quite honestly nothing but a transfer of payments from business to Government (taxpayers). Raise taxes, the number of jobs goes down (it has to), the newly unemployed need assistance, so they taxpayers now pay their wage. This isn't profound thought. I'm a dummy and I know it. So how can Democrats not?

    Answer? They do know it, of course. They just do not care. By "punishing" business they make their chief constituents (lazy worthless no accounts) happy, AND have the added bonus of increasing the size, scope, and dependence on the State. This is pure win for people who hate free markets, love communism and control, and enjoy using useful idiots. Half the morons at their rallies (so like 10 people) don't even realize that if taxes go up jobs go down. But the SJW politicians do, and that's just the way they want it. Dependent sheeple make the best subjects.

  • Pitchfork51Pitchfork51 Member Posts: 26,852
    Swaye said:

    Next up, massive increase in capital gains tax and taxing IRAs and 401(k)s. Toss in a massive increase in energy prices. All very pro private sector business expansion.

    The corporate tax is quite honestly nothing but a transfer of payments from business to Government (taxpayers). Raise taxes, the number of jobs goes down (it has to), the newly unemployed need assistance, so they taxpayers now pay their wage. This isn't profound thought. I'm a dummy and I know it. So how can Democrats not?

    Answer? They do know it, of course. They just do not care. By "punishing" business they make their chief constituents (lazy worthless no accounts) happy, AND have the added bonus of increasing the size, scope, and dependence on the State. This is pure win for people who hate free markets, love communism and control, and enjoy using useful idiots. Half the morons at their rallies (so like 10 people) don't even realize that if taxes go up jobs go down. But the SJW politicians do, and that's just the way they want it. Dependent sheeple make the best subjects.

    The only good thing about our inevitable descent to communism is that the useful idiots will be first against the wall.
  • RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 104,485 Founders Club

    Next up, massive increase in capital gains tax and taxing IRAs and 401(k)s. Toss in a massive increase in energy prices. All very pro private sector business expansion.

    Don't forget taxing anticipated gains as well
  • doogiedoogie Member Posts: 15,072

    Swaye said:

    It's just funny to me that the average Joe thinks that the GOP is a tool of big business, while the Dems are always for "the little guy." Except Wall Street is backing Biden and Biden's policies will directly cost the "little guys" jobs. General viewpoints are so skewed from reality.

    This tax policy is simply terrible for the health of our nation and economy. So of course, liberals enthusiastically support it. Guess they like no jobs and the welfare state picking up the slack. Who knew?

    When you are a loser with no prospects all you have in life is trying to tear other people down.
    In America, you could be a loser And retain most all of your prospects at any tim you decided to get out of bed and go pursue them.
  • WestlinnDuckWestlinnDuck Member Posts: 15,017 Standard Supporter
    In February, if you didn't have a job you didn't want one. You wanted to sleep late and drink and take drugs. Just pointing that out makes you a racist.
  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,944

    Next up, massive increase in capital gains tax and taxing IRAs and 401(k)s. Toss in a massive increase in energy prices. All very pro private sector business expansion.

    Look for some kind of investment equity program to be enacted. Blacks on average have lower rates of retirement savings and investments than whites. Using disparate impact that is obviously on account of systemic racism. Look for the government to create a program to address this inequality.
  • WestlinnDuckWestlinnDuck Member Posts: 15,017 Standard Supporter
    It was called Fannie Mae and the Community Reinvestment Act. Worked swell.
  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,944

    It was called Fannie Mae and the Community Reinvestment Act. Worked swell.

    Credit ratings are racist.

    I mentioned this before but I do find it interesting how neatly nearly all social pathologies track along the same racial and ethnic lines. Asians perform the best, then whites, then Hispanics and then blacks. Be it credit ratings, school graduation rates, out of wedlock births, violent crime, incarceration rates, death rates, income, home ownership, you name it, nearly all of them track these same lines.
  • HouhuskyHouhusky Member Posts: 5,537
    SFGbob said:

    It was called Fannie Mae and the Community Reinvestment Act. Worked swell.

    Credit ratings are racist.

    I mentioned this before but I do find it interesting how neatly nearly all social pathologies track along the same racial and ethnic lines. Asians perform the best, then whites, then Hispanics and then blacks. Be it credit ratings, school graduation rates, out of wedlock births, violent crime, incarceration rates, death rates, income, home ownership, you name it, nearly all of them track these same lines.
    How education is viewed.
  • PurpleThrobberPurpleThrobber Member Posts: 43,552 Standard Supporter

    In February, if you didn't have a job you didn't want one. You wanted to sleep late and drink and take drugs. Just pointing that out makes you a racist.

    The Throbber still wants to do that.

    But with a bladder almost as old as Uncle Race, sleeping late is a pipe dream.
  • WestlinnDuckWestlinnDuck Member Posts: 15,017 Standard Supporter
    SFGbob said:

    It was called Fannie Mae and the Community Reinvestment Act. Worked swell.

    Credit ratings are racist.

    I mentioned this before but I do find it interesting how neatly nearly all social pathologies track along the same racial and ethnic lines. Asians perform the best, then whites, then Hispanics and then blacks. Be it credit ratings, school graduation rates, out of wedlock births, violent crime, incarceration rates, death rates, income, home ownership, you name it, nearly all of them track these same lines.
    Correlation is not causation. A leftard (including both Bush presidents) looked at homeownership and noticed that there was far less crime and pathology in areas with a high percentage of homeownership versus rentals. So, owning a home must be a mechanism to solve crime and human pathologies. A conservative would say that someone interested in education and hard work had the initiative to become a homeowner. Give someone something they didn't have to work for and you doesn't get you anywhere. Most likely, it increases pathologies.
  • RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 104,485 Founders Club
    We moved to upper Rainier Beach in 87 when it was a "transitional" neighborhood. That actually has nothing to do with race. It was transitioning from rental to ownership as money of all colors moved in. The corner house on the next block was still a rental with some bangers living there. I talked to them when I'd walk by with the dog. Good kids in general. You could still buy crack at the local elementary school field.

    That made it a bargain and why we could buy in town ten minutes from work. Soon the tear downs and new builds started and the drug trade went back down the hill. The prices went up. The way up

    The circle of life. If downtown SF and the rest do crash someone will come along and scoop up the bargains and it will begin again
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