More like a bad flu but yes, What we’ve* been saying all along. Did you arrive at this conclusion on your own or did the recent WHO disclosure @Swaye you?
More like a bad flu but yes, What we’ve* been saying all along. Did you arrive at this conclusion on your own or did the recent WHO disclosure @Swaye you?
More like a bad flu but yes, What we’ve* been saying all along. Did you arrive at this conclusion on your own or did the recent WHO disclosure @Swaye you?
I don’t always get the flu, but when I do I have massive drug cocktails and I weekend at Walter Reed.
We all appreciate and accept the fact you don't get the same medical help as POTUS. Maybe you're arguing that you should? I've witnessed your arguments, you won't win that one either.
Winners win. When it was announced that Trump was going to Walter Reed for a few days, I told my buddy he’d be out in two and come back guns blazing. Looks like I was right.
More like a bad flu but yes, What we’ve* been saying all along. Did you arrive at this conclusion on your own or did the recent WHO disclosure @Swaye you?
More like a bad flu but yes, What we’ve* been saying all along. Did you arrive at this conclusion on your own or did the recent WHO disclosure @Swaye you?
So, back in March even Tug conservatives who actually used some science, math and common sense figured out that the WHO and CDC and Dr. Fowchee were incompetent fascists. All the info was there - especially looking at the Diamond Princess cruise ship. The chicom crud hates old people with pre-existing medical conditions. Young people are basically bullet proof. So which is it? Trump saved 2 million Americans or Fowchee is an incompetent fascist? And yet, Cali is still not allowing in house dining. Geezus.
The WHO did not compare ‘apples to apples’. We reviewed the WHO’s data and statements and determined that the fatality rate for the China coronavirus does not include those who had the coronavirus but were not sick enough to seek medical attention or be tested. This is why the flu fatality rate is 0.1% and the coronavirus fatality rate was reported at 3.4%!
The two rates are like comparing apples to oranges. By doing so, the coronavirus fatality rate was overstated when compared to the flu.
The WHO and liberal media created a worldwide crisis and panic by falsely comparing the two numbers!
Then the WHO, US medical elites including Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx used ridiculous and fraudulent models to lock down the record Trump economy.
More like a bad flu but yes, What we’ve* been saying all along. Did you arrive at this conclusion on your own or did the recent WHO disclosure @Swaye you?
More like a bad flu but yes, What we’ve* been saying all along. Did you arrive at this conclusion on your own or did the recent WHO disclosure @Swaye you?
I don’t always get the flu, but when I do I have massive drug cocktails and I weekend at Walter Reed.
We all appreciate and accept the fact you don't get the same medical help as POTUS. Maybe you're arguing that you should? I've witnessed your arguments, you won't win that one either.
More like a bad flu but yes, What we’ve* been saying all along. Did you arrive at this conclusion on your own or did the recent WHO disclosure @Swaye you?
Apparently HCQ isn’t needed
We reviewed the WHO’s data and statements and determined that the fatality rate for the China coronavirus does not include those who had the coronavirus but were not sick enough to seek medical attention or be tested. This is why the flu fatality rate is 0.1% and the coronavirus fatality rate was reported at 3.4%!
The two rates are like comparing apples to oranges. By doing so, the coronavirus fatality rate was overstated when compared to the flu.
The WHO and liberal media created a worldwide crisis and panic by falsely comparing the two numbers!
Then the WHO, US medical elites including Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx used ridiculous and fraudulent models to lock down the record Trump economy.