I'm serious, where is this horrible race based discrimination that black people are being subjected to in this country? What are we supposed to be uniting against? Because I don't see any systemic racism directed at black people. I see employment and educational opportunities given to blacks in both public and private that discriminate against Asians and whites.
What are NFL players uniting against?
They’ve been given power and their extreme level of narcissism is craving more power. No one wants to be labeled a racist so nothing will ever be said about it. None of this is going to unite anyone. Karen Herbstriet can cry like a little cunt all he wants.
What's so fucked is how we can't even really talk about the real problems in the black community and they don't have shit to do with the cops.
I disagree in saying blacks and cops have no problems, because they do. But 95% of the problems in the black community have to do with fatherless homes and things of that nature. And you're right that our American culture is too immature or neurotic to talk about real problems.
It's a bit circular, but the argument goes that the reason for the problem with the cops is a direct function of the problems in the black community which you cite.
We are all going to profile. And the more exposure we have at a given moment to physical harm, we are goign to profile like a motherfucker. That's just the way it is.
I was stuck in Atlanta doing M&A work for a few weeks way back when, and during a break I looked out the window of the high rise I was in and decided I was going for a walk to see the CNN building center. I started walking over there and realized that (at least at that time) downtown Atlanta changes quickly depending on which route you take to get from point A to point B. The dudes who started to appear everywhere I went looked a certain way. I profiled them, picked up my pace and got my ass out of there. I did this based entirely on their appearance and observable behavior, and where I found myself. Had they been dressed like Mormon missionaries, I would have made a different decision.
If you're a cop, you're going to do this.
I had a very similar experience in Atlanta. Took a wrong turn out of the MARTA stop from the airport. I don't think I ever got more than a couple blocks off central Peachtree, but it most definitely not Peachtree. I tapped out & called cab very quickly.
Was your reaction a race thing or environment and way the people held themselves thing?
Because I’ve stumbled my way into similar neighborhoods in Czechia, Romania, and South Africa (Pretoria) and it didn’t have anything to do with their race (they were all white), but how they very clearly held themselves and knew I was an outsider that didn’t belong and they didn’t want me there.
San Pedro Sula and Johannesburg make American inner cities look soft AF.
I'm serious, where is this horrible race based discrimination that black people are being subjected to in this country? What are we supposed to be uniting against? Because I don't see any systemic racism directed at black people. I see employment and educational opportunities given to blacks in both public and private that discriminate against Asians and whites.
What are NFL players uniting against?
They’ve been given power and their extreme level of narcissism is craving more power. No one wants to be labeled a racist so nothing will ever be said about it. None of this is going to unite anyone. Karen Herbstriet can cry like a little cunt all he wants.
What's so fucked is how we can't even really talk about the real problems in the black community and they don't have shit to do with the cops.
I disagree in saying blacks and cops have no problems, because they do. But 95% of the problems in the black community have to do with fatherless homes and things of that nature. And you're right that our American culture is too immature or neurotic to talk about real problems.
It's a bit circular, but the argument goes that the reason for the problem with the cops is a direct function of the problems in the black community which you cite.
We are all going to profile. And the more exposure we have at a given moment to physical harm, we are goign to profile like a motherfucker. That's just the way it is.
I was stuck in Atlanta doing M&A work for a few weeks way back when, and during a break I looked out the window of the high rise I was in and decided I was going for a walk to see the CNN building center. I started walking over there and realized that (at least at that time) downtown Atlanta changes quickly depending on which route you take to get from point A to point B. The dudes who started to appear everywhere I went looked a certain way. I profiled them, picked up my pace and got my ass out of there. I did this based entirely on their appearance and observable behavior, and where I found myself. Had they been dressed like Mormon missionaries, I would have made a different decision.
If you're a cop, you're going to do this.
I had a very similar experience in Atlanta. Took a wrong turn out of the MARTA stop from the airport. I don't think I ever got more than a couple blocks off central Peachtree, but it most definitely not Peachtree. I tapped out & called cab very quickly.
Was your reaction a race thing or environment and way the people held themselves thing?
Because I’ve stumbled my way into similar neighborhoods in Czechia, Romania, and South Africa (Pretoria) and it didn’t have anything to do with their race (they were all white), but how they very clearly held themselves and knew I was an outsider that didn’t belong and they didn’t want me there.
San Pedro Sula and Johannesburg make American inner cities look soft AF.
I'm serious, where is this horrible race based discrimination that black people are being subjected to in this country? What are we supposed to be uniting against? Because I don't see any systemic racism directed at black people. I see employment and educational opportunities given to blacks in both public and private that discriminate against Asians and whites.
What are NFL players uniting against?
They’ve been given power and their extreme level of narcissism is craving more power. No one wants to be labeled a racist so nothing will ever be said about it. None of this is going to unite anyone. Karen Herbstriet can cry like a little cunt all he wants.
What's so fucked is how we can't even really talk about the real problems in the black community and they don't have shit to do with the cops.
I disagree in saying blacks and cops have no problems, because they do. But 95% of the problems in the black community have to do with fatherless homes and things of that nature. And you're right that our American culture is too immature or neurotic to talk about real problems.
Good, because I didn’t say that. I said pretty much what you said. If we’re talking about the biggest problem facing the black community are the cops even in the top ten?
I'm serious, where is this horrible race based discrimination that black people are being subjected to in this country? What are we supposed to be uniting against? Because I don't see any systemic racism directed at black people. I see employment and educational opportunities given to blacks in both public and private that discriminate against Asians and whites.
What are NFL players uniting against?
They’ve been given power and their extreme level of narcissism is craving more power. No one wants to be labeled a racist so nothing will ever be said about it. None of this is going to unite anyone. Karen Herbstriet can cry like a little cunt all he wants.
What's so fucked is how we can't even really talk about the real problems in the black community and they don't have shit to do with the cops.
I agree with this and managed to get my two college-aged kids, and a boyfriend, to think a little more clearly about this.
I argued that, of course the cops are going to profile people who have a propensity to do certain things over and over again. It's not fair or ideal, of course, when that happens to affect an innocent person, but it's hardly shocking. We all profile people everyday.
The critical question is, of course, what is driving the overwhelming % of black male crime in this country? I challenged them and we got into some good and heated debates, which is healthy. I didn't raise no wallflowers. I said, "if you REALLY care about the black community, you will put your sociology hats on and try to figure out what is driving that number. Honestly try and and get in there and figure it out." I cited fatherless homes, etc. To their credit, they listened and tried to come up with answers. Some of the slavery stuff came in, and while I indicated I disagreed with that, it was at least an attempt by kids in their 20s to acknowledge the problem and take a stab at looking for a cause other than rhetoric about "the white man" and "priviledge" and all that other useless sloganeering.
But you're right. You really can't talk about it critically w/o running the risk of being labeled a racist, which is just fs.
What if I don't?
Then you can just sit tight or fill your tim doing something else. How bow da Ese?
I'm serious, where is this horrible race based discrimination that black people are being subjected to in this country? What are we supposed to be uniting against? Because I don't see any systemic racism directed at black people. I see employment and educational opportunities given to blacks in both public and private that discriminate against Asians and whites.
What are NFL players uniting against?
They’ve been given power and their extreme level of narcissism is craving more power. No one wants to be labeled a racist so nothing will ever be said about it. None of this is going to unite anyone. Karen Herbstriet can cry like a little cunt all he wants.
What's so fucked is how we can't even really talk about the real problems in the black community and they don't have shit to do with the cops.
I agree with this and managed to get my two college-aged kids, and a boyfriend, to think a little more clearly about this.
I argued that, of course the cops are going to profile people who have a propensity to do certain things over and over again. It's not fair or ideal, of course, when that happens to affect an innocent person, but it's hardly shocking. We all profile people everyday.
The critical question is, of course, what is driving the overwhelming % of black male crime in this country? I challenged them and we got into some good and heated debates, which is healthy. I didn't raise no wallflowers. I said, "if you REALLY care about the black community, you will put your sociology hats on and try to figure out what is driving that number. Honestly try and and get in there and figure it out." I cited fatherless homes, etc. To their credit, they listened and tried to come up with answers. Some of the slavery stuff came in, and while I indicated I disagreed with that, it was at least an attempt by kids in their 20s to acknowledge the problem and take a stab at looking for a cause other than rhetoric about "the white man" and "priviledge" and all that other useless sloganeering.
But you're right. You really can't talk about it critically w/o running the risk of being labeled a racist, which is just fs.
I'm serious, where is this horrible race based discrimination that black people are being subjected to in this country? What are we supposed to be uniting against? Because I don't see any systemic racism directed at black people. I see employment and educational opportunities given to blacks in both public and private that discriminate against Asians and whites.
What are NFL players uniting against?
They’ve been given power and their extreme level of narcissism is craving more power. No one wants to be labeled a racist so nothing will ever be said about it. None of this is going to unite anyone. Karen Herbstriet can cry like a little cunt all he wants.
What's so fucked is how we can't even really talk about the real problems in the black community and they don't have shit to do with the cops.
I disagree in saying blacks and cops have no problems, because they do. But 95% of the problems in the black community have to do with fatherless homes and things of that nature. And you're right that our American culture is too immature or neurotic to talk about real problems.
It's a bit circular, but the argument goes that the reason for the problem with the cops is a direct function of the problems in the black community which you cite.
We are all going to profile. And the more exposure we have at a given moment to physical harm, we are goign to profile like a motherfucker. That's just the way it is.
I was stuck in Atlanta doing M&A work for a few weeks way back when, and during a break I looked out the window of the high rise I was in and decided I was going for a walk to see the CNN building center. I started walking over there and realized that (at least at that time) downtown Atlanta changes quickly depending on which route you take to get from point A to point B. The dudes who started to appear everywhere I went looked a certain way. I profiled them, picked up my pace and got my ass out of there. I did this based entirely on their appearance and observable behavior, and where I found myself. Had they been dressed like Mormon missionaries, I would have made a different decision.
If you're a cop, you're going to do this.
I had a very similar experience in Atlanta. Took a wrong turn out of the MARTA stop from the airport. I don't think I ever got more than a couple blocks off central Peachtree, but it most definitely not Peachtree. I tapped out & called cab very quickly.
Was your reaction a race thing or environment and way the people held themselves thing?
Because I’ve stumbled my way into similar neighborhoods in Czechia, Romania, and South Africa (Pretoria) and it didn’t have anything to do with their race (they were all white), but how they very clearly held themselves and knew I was an outsider that didn’t belong and they didn’t want me there.
San Pedro Sula and Johannesburg make American inner cities look soft AF.
Heh, I used to go out drinking in Joburg in the inner city once upon a tim. I even won a dance contest for doing the Twist. Good tims.
I'm serious, where is this horrible race based discrimination that black people are being subjected to in this country? What are we supposed to be uniting against? Because I don't see any systemic racism directed at black people. I see employment and educational opportunities given to blacks in both public and private that discriminate against Asians and whites.
What are NFL players uniting against?
They’ve been given power and their extreme level of narcissism is craving more power. No one wants to be labeled a racist so nothing will ever be said about it. None of this is going to unite anyone. Karen Herbstriet can cry like a little cunt all he wants.
What's so fucked is how we can't even really talk about the real problems in the black community and they don't have shit to do with the cops.
I disagree in saying blacks and cops have no problems, because they do. But 95% of the problems in the black community have to do with fatherless homes and things of that nature. And you're right that our American culture is too immature or neurotic to talk about real problems.
It's a bit circular, but the argument goes that the reason for the problem with the cops is a direct function of the problems in the black community which you cite.
We are all going to profile. And the more exposure we have at a given moment to physical harm, we are goign to profile like a motherfucker. That's just the way it is.
I was stuck in Atlanta doing M&A work for a few weeks way back when, and during a break I looked out the window of the high rise I was in and decided I was going for a walk to see the CNN building center. I started walking over there and realized that (at least at that time) downtown Atlanta changes quickly depending on which route you take to get from point A to point B. The dudes who started to appear everywhere I went looked a certain way. I profiled them, picked up my pace and got my ass out of there. I did this based entirely on their appearance and observable behavior, and where I found myself. Had they been dressed like Mormon missionaries, I would have made a different decision.
If you're a cop, you're going to do this.
I had a very similar experience in Atlanta. Took a wrong turn out of the MARTA stop from the airport. I don't think I ever got more than a couple blocks off central Peachtree, but it most definitely not Peachtree. I tapped out & called cab very quickly.
Was your reaction a race thing or environment and way the people held themselves thing?
Because I’ve stumbled my way into similar neighborhoods in Czechia, Romania, and South Africa (Pretoria) and it didn’t have anything to do with their race (they were all white), but how they very clearly held themselves and knew I was an outsider that didn’t belong and they didn’t want me there.
San Pedro Sula and Johannesburg make American inner cities look soft AF.
Heh, I used to go out drinking in Joburg in the inner city once upon a tim. I even won a dance contest for doing the Twist. Good tims.
CSB but true.
How long ago was this? If you are talking about the 70s-80s makes sense, Joburg was a high end city then (way before I was even born).
The best example if Ponte City Slum, a literal 50 story luxury penthouse tower turned into a slumlord tower with a 14 story tall dump at its base.
I think the city is trying to make a comeback but it still sucks. Its polluted, I watched someone get car jacked at knife point from my hotel balcony, and still has massive shanty towns. I have almost nothing nice to say about Joburg other than the place where you can play/pet baby lions and cheetahs and as a gateway to amazing Southern Africa.
I'm serious, where is this horrible race based discrimination that black people are being subjected to in this country? What are we supposed to be uniting against? Because I don't see any systemic racism directed at black people. I see employment and educational opportunities given to blacks in both public and private that discriminate against Asians and whites.
What are NFL players uniting against?
They’ve been given power and their extreme level of narcissism is craving more power. No one wants to be labeled a racist so nothing will ever be said about it. None of this is going to unite anyone. Karen Herbstriet can cry like a little cunt all he wants.
What's so fucked is how we can't even really talk about the real problems in the black community and they don't have shit to do with the cops.
You can talk about them, but you'll be called a racist for doing so.
Which is so tired, lame and overused it's about like being called a jerk.
Who GAF anymore? Call me a racist all you want. I'm still not giving you my house.
I'm serious, where is this horrible race based discrimination that black people are being subjected to in this country? What are we supposed to be uniting against? Because I don't see any systemic racism directed at black people. I see employment and educational opportunities given to blacks in both public and private that discriminate against Asians and whites.
What are NFL players uniting against?
They’ve been given power and their extreme level of narcissism is craving more power. No one wants to be labeled a racist so nothing will ever be said about it. None of this is going to unite anyone. Karen Herbstriet can cry like a little cunt all he wants.
What's so fucked is how we can't even really talk about the real problems in the black community and they don't have shit to do with the cops.
I disagree in saying blacks and cops have no problems, because they do. But 95% of the problems in the black community have to do with fatherless homes and things of that nature. And you're right that our American culture is too immature or neurotic to talk about real problems.
It's a bit circular, but the argument goes that the reason for the problem with the cops is a direct function of the problems in the black community which you cite.
We are all going to profile. And the more exposure we have at a given moment to physical harm, we are goign to profile like a motherfucker. That's just the way it is.
I was stuck in Atlanta doing M&A work for a few weeks way back when, and during a break I looked out the window of the high rise I was in and decided I was going for a walk to see the CNN building center. I started walking over there and realized that (at least at that time) downtown Atlanta changes quickly depending on which route you take to get from point A to point B. The dudes who started to appear everywhere I went looked a certain way. I profiled them, picked up my pace and got my ass out of there. I did this based entirely on their appearance and observable behavior, and where I found myself. Had they been dressed like Mormon missionaries, I would have made a different decision.
If you're a cop, you're going to do this.
I had a very similar experience in Atlanta. Took a wrong turn out of the MARTA stop from the airport. I don't think I ever got more than a couple blocks off central Peachtree, but it most definitely not Peachtree. I tapped out & called cab very quickly.
Was your reaction a race thing or environment and way the people held themselves thing?
Because I’ve stumbled my way into similar neighborhoods in Czechia, Romania, and South Africa (Pretoria) and it didn’t have anything to do with their race (they were all white), but how they very clearly held themselves and knew I was an outsider that didn’t belong and they didn’t want me there.
San Pedro Sula and Johannesburg make American inner cities look soft AF.
Heh, I used to go out drinking in Joburg in the inner city once upon a tim. I even won a dance contest for doing the Twist. Good tims.
CSB but true.
How long ago was this? If you are talking about the 70s-80s makes sense, Joburg was a high end city then (way before I was even born).
The best example if Ponte City Slum, a literal 50 story luxury penthouse tower turned into a slumlord tower with a 14 story tall dump at its base.
I think the city is trying to make a comeback but it still sucks. Its polluted, I watched someone get car jacked at knife point from my hotel balcony, and still has massive shanty towns. I have almost nothing nice to say about Joburg other than the place where you can play/pet baby lions and cheetahs and as a gateway to amazing Southern Africa.
Like 2010 haha, I've lived and hung out in a lot of really fucked up places. I have a nose for hanging out with the locals... My fast strategy game in that department would even make @Swaye blush.
I had good times in Joburg and overall an awesome experience. I wouldn't take my family there these days but that's true of a lot of shitty big cities in the world. Among other nights out I sat in a bar and went shot for shot of mampuru with one of the more notorious gangs in the area. I let them win at pool, bought them a bottle of Jaeger, and the owner had us stay afterwards to open up his personal stash of good booze from pre apartheid.
Not even close to the most fucked up things I did in SA. Maybe I'll sit down and start an owen thred with all my fucked up travel stories one of these days.
Because I’ve stumbled my way into similar neighborhoods in Czechia, Romania, and South Africa (Pretoria) and it didn’t have anything to do with their race (they were all white), but how they very clearly held themselves and knew I was an outsider that didn’t belong and they didn’t want me there.
San Pedro Sula and Johannesburg make American inner cities look soft AF.
That's pretty enlightened of you.
Not judging.
CSB but true.
The best example if Ponte City Slum, a literal 50 story luxury penthouse tower turned into a slumlord tower with a 14 story tall dump at its base.
I think the city is trying to make a comeback but it still sucks. Its polluted, I watched someone get car jacked at knife point from my hotel balcony, and still has massive shanty towns. I have almost nothing nice to say about Joburg other than the place where you can play/pet baby lions and cheetahs and as a gateway to amazing Southern Africa.
Which is so tired, lame and overused it's about like being called a jerk.
Who GAF anymore? Call me a racist all you want. I'm still not giving you my house.
I had good times in Joburg and overall an awesome experience. I wouldn't take my family there these days but that's true of a lot of shitty big cities in the world. Among other nights out I sat in a bar and went shot for shot of mampuru with one of the more notorious gangs in the area. I let them win at pool, bought them a bottle of Jaeger, and the owner had us stay afterwards to open up his personal stash of good booze from pre apartheid.
Not even close to the most fucked up things I did in SA. Maybe I'll sit down and start an owen thred with all my fucked up travel stories one of these days.