Going to do Duke doesn’t Get you drafted any higher. These guys were taking HS kids #1 w/o any college, you think they need exposure to see if a kid can play?
Going to Duke means either you are getting that bag or you are a ball-sniffing ring-chasing bitch.
Isn’t the point to win?
Yeah. Seems like so much fun beating up WF with 5 MacDonald AA kids. Not sure about you but watching that shit is boring AF.
Really hope this whole system collapses and the ruse of college sports is killed.
W.T.F. are you talking about. Do you even watch the fucking tournament?
What is it with people who have trouble reading on this site?
Going to do Duke doesn’t Get you drafted any higher. These guys were taking HS kids #1 w/o any college, you think they need exposure to see if a kid can play?
Going to Duke means either you are getting that bag or you are a ball-sniffing ring-chasing bitch.
Isn’t the point to win?
Yeah. Seems like so much fun beating up WF with 5 MacDonald AA kids. Not sure about you but watching that shit is boring AF.
Really hope this whole system collapses and the ruse of college sports is killed.
Watching might be boring, but playing on the winning team is not. Also, Duke and Kentucky don't win natties every year so let's not act like there's no chance they'll lose in the tournament. I'm pretty sure that this is always how college sports have worked, hence the "blue blood programs."
Going to do Duke doesn’t Get you drafted any higher. These guys were taking HS kids #1 w/o any college, you think they need exposure to see if a kid can play?
Going to Duke means either you are getting that bag or you are a ball-sniffing ring-chasing bitch.
Isn’t the point to win?
Yeah. Seems like so much fun beating up WF with 5 MacDonald AA kids. Not sure about you but watching that shit is boring AF.
Really hope this whole system collapses and the ruse of college sports is killed.
I can’t think of a bb team that has done less with more talent than uw has. All of those 1st round picks and not shit to show for it. Kids don’t go to uw to make a tourney run. They just go their to play in front of family.
I can’t think of a bb team that has done less with more talent than uw has. All of those 1st round picks and not shit to show for it. Kids don’t go to uw to make a tourney run. They just go their to play in front of family.
I can’t think of a bb team that has done less with more talent than uw has. All of those 1st round picks and not shit to show for it. Kids don’t go to uw to make a tourney run. They just go their to play in front of family.
Doogman Part Deux
If you are an elite player ... why would you want to be in the P12?
Until the P12 gives a shit about winning (likely never) ... they won't get elite players.
Loserville. Congrats to CA, WA and OR.
Kill college sports.