Here's a story where a little 5 year old kid really was shot point blank in the head and the Dazzler has nothing to say but pathetic jokes. But let a human piece of garbage like the Gentle Giant get shot after assaulting a store owner and a police officer and the Dazzler will spend years attacking the police officer's character and defending the human piece of garbage.
Here's a story where a little 5 year old kid really was shot point blank in the head and the Dazzler has nothing to say but pathetic jokes. But let a human piece of garbage like the Gentle Giant get shot after assaulting a store owner and a police officer and the Dazzler will spend years attacking the police officer's character and defending the human piece of garbage.
I got even more hateful comments on FB for posting “Remember Cannon Hinnant” than I did when I posted “Do you know who David Dorn was?”
Makes it easy to de-friend all the liberal losers from HS and distant relatives that I haven’t seen in 25 years. Imagine being upset at someone who posts the names of people killed by gun violence who didn’t get attention from The News. What an ignorant, pathetic bubble these morons inhabit.
One white loser said he was glad to see a white family suffer. Sick people.